Looking Back Into Your Future
Arcturians and Galactic Family
We are here now, within your Portal of Light that is within YOU. We, your higher dimensional expressions of SELF have come into your awareness, into your consciousness and into your daily life.
Therefore, we—the members of your Multidimensional SELF—see what you see, hear what you hear, touch what you touch and smell what you smell. We think what you think, feel what you feel and know what you know.
We, the members of your Multidimensional SELF, have made this decision to join you in this manner so that we can personally escort you into the higher frequency of your consciousness, your perceptions, across the “threshold of illusion” and into your fifth dimensional SELF.
Your fifth dimensional self resonates to a Lightbody, so you cannot wear that form while grounded in the physical world. However, you can feel that body of light stirring within the Kundalini force that is awakening and beginning its journey up your spinal column.