jueves, noviembre 12, 2015

Healing music - 432HZ DNA REPAIR MODE [ 40 mins ]

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - Nov 12, 2015

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as boundless. Divine love is boundless love, it is a love that knows no limits. At the core of each individual is a spark of divinity which is their true essence. Through this divine spark, each individual is connected to everything in the universe. They, as a soul, are a boundless and endless expression of the divine. When an individual listens to the still small voice that guides them from within, it inspires them to envision an expanded version of the life they are truly meant to be living. They are connected through their own spark of divinity to the nature of the divine and its boundless and limitless resources of love, wisdom, strength, peace, joy, and compassion. It is a direct and personal contact that is always available when they need it. The sense of the divine’s boundlessness is a feeling of unconditional love and protection that shelters each individual. It is feeling something beyond one’s normal senses when they experience the wonders of nature and its boundlessness. It is a recognizable and appreciative gift of grace that comes to them in special moments of unexpected synchronicity. It is feeling a sense of joy, awe and wonder, gratitude and humility that comes in a profound and fleeting moment. When they recognize the presence and love of the divine within them, their life and their world takes on a luminosity and spiritual clarity that lights up their life and the lives of those around them with added meaning and purpose.

Jonathan Goldman - Merkaba of Sound - Jonathan Goldman with visuals by Davin Infinity

Wing Makers - I AM WE ARE - YO SOY SOMOS

miércoles, noviembre 11, 2015

Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Nov 11, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Certainly have been a lot of internet challenges and smart phone challenges, satellite, anything controlled by satellite, a lot of interference. And it equates to the same in the astral field or the aura and now we’re going to be having Venus joining Mars in Libra.

Suzanne Lie - Welcome To The NOW ~ 11-11-15

Suzanne Lie

Are you ready to be a leader? We are here to assist you to recognize, recover, and activate the mission for which you took in this incarnation. The first sign that you are ready to be a leader is that you begin to “remember your mission.”

In fact, you realize your mission from deep inside your own self, you begin to surrender to the concept, hope, dedication and knowing that you came into your earth vessel to fulfill the mission that you wrote before you took this incarnation.

Taryn Crimi - Angelic Guides - “The Journey of the Soul Through Life and Death” - Nov 10, 2015

flower essence childrenToday we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of what we have titled “The Journey of the Soul Through Birth and Death”. Many often wonder what it is like for the soul just prior to incarnating into a physical vessel as well as what it’s like for a soul during the departure of the physical body. So we will share with you our perspective in hopes of offering you more clarity.
When a soul has made the decision to re-enter your physical world it must make a few decisions first. Please know that there is no time in the higher realms and therefore we cannot tell you the amount of time it takes before a soul is ready to once again reincarnate into another life after their physical death. It is different for every soul. Now with that being said, the soul must make a few decisions before it can once again incarnate into another physical body. These decisions include what region they would like to be born into, who they would like their parents to be and what lessons or themes they would like to further explore.




Saludos, Nosotros Somos los Arcturianos. Estamos aquí dentro de este Ahora para comunicarnos con ustedes sobre expandir su conciencia de manera de percibir y moverse hacia realidades dimensionales superiores , alternativas y paralelas.

Su conciencia está cambiando entre medio de lo cual una vez percibieron como ayer o mañana. De hecho, están comenzando a liberar los confines del tiempo que estaban unidos a su pensamiento tri o incluso tetradimensional.

Su pensamiento tetradimensional se mueve más rápido que su pensamiento tridimensional. No obstante, al moverse hacia su pensamiento y estados de conciencia pentadimensionales, están comenzando a liberar su concepto del tiempo.

Sin tiempo, aquello que ha estado entre medio de quienes desean ser, de lo que desean hacer, o de adonde quieren ir no está allí. Ese "entre medio" tridimensional fue en realidad una ilusión de la matriz tri y tetradimensional.

Al continuar la acleración de su conciencia, encontrarán que cuando su conciencia hace pico en sus estados más elevados, tales como el de ondas alfa, theta o gama, ustedes perciben algo que parece pestañar adentro y afuera de su realidad. Primero aparece estar allí. Luego se dan cuenta de que parece estar a tu derecha, o incluso dentro de tí.

Crop Circles 2015 - Malabrigo, Santa Fe, Argentina - 7th november 2015 - Agroglifos 2015 UFO




Buen Ahora Queridos Humanos, 

Nosotros los Elementales del Aire, las Sílfides, hemos venido a hablar con ustedes este día. Estamos tan honradas de ser capaces de tener una voz para los oídos de la Humanidad. Siempre, hemos flotado a través de los humanos sin siquiera ustedes saber que estamos con ustedes. Hemos susurrado a menudo en sus oídos, y algunos de ustedes siquiera nos han escuchado. Desafortunadamente, muy pocos pudieron entender lo que escucharon.

Lo que hemos estado diciendo todos estos milenios es que sentimos su respiración dentro de nuestro cielo. Cuando ustedes exhalan su pesar, sentimos su tristeza y preocupación. Cuando están atemorizados o enojados sentimos esas emociones y deseamos consolarlos. Maravillosamente, cuando exhalan felicidad sentimos alegría y deseamos unirnos a ustedes en su juego.