martes, noviembre 10, 2015

Wake up Call: Nancy, November 10, 2015

After yesterday's WUC, I have been inspired to share more about what the message from Enki inspired in me. There is a video of a message brought forth from Bashar about the Annunaki, of whom Enki was a pivotal being. Enki was a direct part of our evolution into the duality human, with which we have been growing and evolving to the ultimate understanding of what it is that brought us to this expression, which we are not destined to remain in.

Benjamín Fulford - 10-11-15. El régimen nazisionista israelí condenado mientras el führer Bush negocia la rendición

10 nov

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

George Bush padre y su facción nazisionista están negociando la rendición, según fuentes de la CIA. El régimen nazisionista de Benyamin Netanyahu también está condenado, al igual que sus representantes saudíes.

La tormenta de la información vertida por Internet, la nueva imprenta Guttenberg, ha hecho de una masa crítica de personas sean conscientes de los enormes crímenes de George Bush padre y sus cohortes nazisionistas. El resultado es que a los 91 años, Bush, quien dijo que estaba retirado y ya no hablaba con la prensa, se sintió obligado a sacar una nueva autobiografía donde intentó tirar bajo el autobús a sus secuaces como el ex secretario de Defensa Donald Rumsfeld y el ex Vicepresidente Dick Cheney, esencialmente tratando de culparlos por los excesos del régimen de George Bush hijo.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - DELIVERANCE PORTAL - 11/10/2015

These are the words as a HUGE portal opens and energy continues to clear. It's been one whole day since "clearing/cleansing" amped up within the cells from the cosmic upgrades that started moving through our cells for a CELLULAR CONSCIOUSNESS upgrade started.

Intense, energetically, in an understatement... yet we do understand and are consciously moving through realities during it all, moving it all out, sleeping to clear timelines and integrate Light at a "faster pace" and allowing "time away" to ourselves for the unification and POWER UP phase to occur.

lunes, noviembre 09, 2015

Nancy Tate - Special Wake up Call, November 09, 2015

Last night I woke 2 or 3 times from a 'dreamlike' energy with the thought to pay attention to a message from January 2004. I wasn't able to see or 'hear' the message, only that I needed to go there and pay attention to it. The last time I received this vision, just before I awoke to get up, I felt strongly that I needed to share it with the world. It was then that I felt it could be a WUC from January of 2004. After I got up this morning, fed Cassie, etc. I came to my computer and went to my files. When I saw the one from Enki, and then read it, I knew this was what my visions were telling me. Send this out today, for the timing is of no time, and the message is speaking of the energies of the day. So here it is Dear Ones, for you to purvey.

Meredith Murphy - channeled message from the Arcturians - Who You Are Becoming - Nov 09, 2015

It’s a great joy to connect with you. When we are in this kind of conscious communion, we know more of our wholeness, so we thank you for that.

Today we wish to speak with you about the leading edge of your experience. We offer reflections of your emerging experience to help you to identify with who you are becoming. It’s beneficial for you to learn to see the qualities of your life that are taking on form, for the essence of you, in your embodiment, is always ahead of this and leading you into an increasingly elevated state of blended being.

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - The New Moon Update November 11 - Nov 9, 2015

Dear Friends,

The New Moon is Wednesday November 11, at 10:47 AM Mountain Standard Time(MST).

Watch for cranky irritation around any pressure you feel from others, yourself or your environment. Take a moment around this new moon for yourself and focus on something that needs completion. Cranky energy can always be transformed into a fiery inspiration that fuels action. Be physically active today and do something physical that expands your space, clears something out and provides you with an opportunity to take action towards something you desire.



Valerie Donner - Mira from the Palladian High Council - November 9, 2015

 Greetings, I am Mira.

Do we have the ground crew rounded up and paying attention to all that is happening right now on the earth? Perk up your ears and watch your skies because there will be much more coming your way to show you that we are with you. We timed the flight (mentioned above) so that you would be made aware of our efforts to comfort you and excite you with our presence and our participation in the unfolding events.

Benjamin Fulford - November 9, 2015: Israeli Nazionist regime doomed as fuhrer Bush negotiates surrender

George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist faction are negotiating surrender, according to CIA sources. The Nazionist regime of Benyamin Netanyahu is also doomed, as are their Saudi proxies.

The storm of information poured out by the Internet, the new Guttenberg Press, has made a critical mass of people aware of the enormous crimes of George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist cohorts. The result is that, at age 91, Bush, who said he was retired and no longer talking to the press, felt obliged to put out a new auto-biography where he tried to throw henchmen like former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former Vice-President Dick Cheney under the bus, essentially trying to blame them for the excesses of the George Bush Jr. regime.

Jennifer Hoffman - Believing Without Seeing is Seeing - November 9, 2015

If you watched the dozens of videos that popped up after millions of people watched strange blue and green lights over Los Angeles and most of the Western US, you’re not alone. The internet was buzzing over the possible appearance of aliens and spaceships. Maybe that is what this was but we may be disappointed if we hope to ‘see’ aliens and space beings because we can’t see any kind of higher dimensional or multi-dimensional entity in the way we see things in our everyday world, and we will see them when we no longer need to ‘see’ them. This isn’t just a matter of faith and trust, it’s about awareness and acceptance, knowing without needing proof — it’s life without training wheels, another aspect of our ascension. Are we ready to put our 3D past behind us and step into the 5D world of intentional peace, joy, love, and expansion?

Selacia - Eleven 11 Week Energies - 9 November, 2015

A Powerful Time for New Starts & Mega Shifts

This week is a very powerful time for new starts and mega shifts in your life. With the Scorpio new moon on 11/11, stay present to what you are creating and set some bold personal intentions of what you want to experience, be, and do next.

New moons are always an excellent catalyst for beginning a new chapter in your life, or getting a new start with a current person or project. This new moon – in part because it falls on the 11/11 gateway – embodies a magnified energetic push for positive change. This is not just about the one day – 11/11 – the energies will be reverberating like waves for days after that.