lunes, agosto 03, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Why You’re Feeling Lonely - August 3, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Even though connecting with others via the Internet is wonderful, such is not like touching one another physically. So it is you are lonely for physical connections – whether of a romantic nature or not.
Your nerves seem to cry out for physical contact. Yet, you do not feel like making the effort to expand your network of friends.
Almost everything seems as if it is too much effort. You once relished the thought of interacting with others. Now it feels like work to move outside your comfort zone.

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration from Lady Nada and Sananda: On Judgment - August 3, 2015
Fran: This capsule of information came in as I was pondering how much judgment has been a part of our lives, but also how things are changing, and asking for illumination on the subject, I received this and share it with you now:

Lady Nada and Sananda  (Received August 2, 2015):
“Throughout your long existence in duality, judgment has been your stalwart, your guidepost, your guiding light to navigate your many twists and turns within your reality. And it has served you well. It has seemingly kept you safe and kept you moving towards your goals. We say seemingly, because while it has moved you forward and kept you safe in many cases, it has also limited you in your many experiences in your journey of moving into higher consciousness.

Ron Head - Incoming! – The Council - August 3, 2015

councilThe Council
What in the world is going on?
Is that what you are feeling now? We know that many of you are. The more sensitive of you, even some who do not think of yourselves as such, are feeling, either physically, emotionally, or both as if something immense that you just cannot describe is going on. Something is different. Are you going nuts? Even if you have felt this sort of thing for quite some time, this feels new. This feels different.
You are exactly correct. This is new. This is different. And yet this is what we have been talking to you about for three years or more. Three years seems like a long time to you. It is just another infinitely short period for us. In order to understand a lot of what we tell you, the concepts of “now time” and oneness are essential. Even then, a 3D mind just cannot truly know what we mean. But of course you will try. And of course that is what you should do. That is how you are wired.

Review Giant UFOs activity near our Sun - August 3, 2015


Review Giant UFOs activity near our Sun - August 3, 2015

domingo, agosto 02, 2015

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - The Appearance of Disharmony - August 2, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things.

At its deepest essence, Divine Love is inherent within all things. Purposefully coming back into our centers and allowing ourselves to see this as our deepest Truth is a powerful spiritual practice.
Awakening within us all is a connection to the divinity that is the deepest part of our true nature. We are here in this time on Earth to blend our human selves with the most Divine Love that exists in all the Universe.
It is very reassuring when we remember that this Love is always present, guiding us through lives that are changing more quickly than we can comprehend. I know that when I turn away from outward circumstances, come back into my heart and pray for it, there is a Peace that enfolds me in surprising ways.

Sarah Varcas - Informe de Astro Energía de Agosto del 2015 - 29 de Julio 2015


Traducción: Graciela Difeo
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Pequeños actos de gran poder
Sarah Varcas

“Apaciblemente hazlo!” es probablemente el mejor consejo para el mes entrante, no deben confundirse con “bo hacer nada” No es así definitivamente! Hay tanto por hacer durante el mes de Agosto, mientras iniciamos el accionar de nuestros recientes planes, amparados por Mercurio, Júpiter y el Sol entrando en Virgo, han provocado una falta de energía Tierra desde el mes de Mayo. Después de un final de Julio más bien intenso con una luna llena poderosa que nos ha confrontado con algunas verdades no censuradas Agosto puede comenzar con sentir un retroceso a la tierra en un mes de sacudidas.

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual de Agosto del 2015 - 31 de Julio 2014


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Los temas para Agosto son “Consolidación y Prioridades”.

En este mes se trata de estar anclados, ser organizados y prácticos. Se trata de elegir con sabiduría cómo y cuando buscar apoyo y donde y en qué colocar su energía.

Nos deslizamos hacia Agosto partiendo de un poco de caos remanente y quizás demasiadas cosas entre manos. Algunos de ustedes pueden sentirse estancados, irritados, limitados o ansiosos. También pueden sentir algo de inercia que viene del no saber por donde comenzar.

Cuando estamos en este estado es hasta difícil reconocer cuánto hemos crecido y cambiado durante los últimos meses. Es más fácil gemir, protestar, culpar a los demás y sentir pena por nosotros mismos respecto a lo que no se ha manifestado y cuán difícil parece ser la vida en este momento.

Shelly Sullivan - Mensaje Del Espíritu Del León Cecil - Agosto 2, 2015

Cecil el León habla a través del Portal del León

Cecil el León ha hecho que su Espíritu ocupase un lugar protagónico en los medios de comunicación. No es coincidencia que el Espíritu del León esté trabajando a través de la apertura del Portal del León 888. Este Portal de Energía contiene una inmensa y poderosa energía para la humanidad que cambiará al mundo para siempre.

Cecil el León sacrificó su vida para traer la conciencia del Espíritu que mora infinito en cada uno de nosotros. Este poderoso y majestuoso animal fue acechado hasta su muerte por un sonámbulo ignorante e inconsciente. Pero el poder de este animal se mantiene y ha despertado real compasión en las personas. Cecil el León ha traído a la luz costumbres bárbaras que deben terminar. Primero el Oso y ahora el León. Todo durante la energía de Leo y la apertura del Portal del León. El León “Cecil” fue sacrificado por una razón significativa tal como lo fue Jesús.