viernes, julio 24, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Naves Alienígenas: ¿Realidad Global? - 20 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Guadalupe Rodríguez

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Muchos hablan de aterrizajes de seres del espacio exterior prontos a suceder, y que alienígenas espaciales se mueven rápidamente alrededor de la tierra esperando que ustedes terrícolas les permitan volverse visibles.

Mientras es verdad que seres de muchos lugares están observando la tierra y sus organismos, los seres que no son de la tierra no tienen necesidad de naves espaciales. Creer que los alienígenas espaciales van a aterrizar en la tierra es un poco como esperar que un caballero medieval en un caballo blanco encuentre el camino a tu corazón.

SaLuSa - 24 July 2015

As always so much is taking place on Earth of which you are not directly aware. The outer signs are around you and in general people sense the changes that are taking place. They may not know what they are at this time but they feel the subtle difference in the energies around you. With them is a feeling of the changes that are verging on manifestation, and felt as being very positive. Matters will continue like this and continue to grow until eventually there will be an upliftment that can be felt. Some will nevertheless be unaware, but those of you who have been working to raise your vibrations will without doubt do so. It may well be your first positive feeling of the changes, and we know that many will feel uplifted by what takes place. They shall continue and there will be no going back to the old lower vibrations.

Earth-Keeper 2015: Author & Visionary Arielle Faith Michael - 'I am a Walk-In'

Atlantean Crystal Use & Human Androgony - John Van Auken - Edgar Cayce

jueves, julio 23, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Lo Normal Cambia - Seattle, Washington, 12 de julio 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Este día es diferente del de ayer. La energía en el salón es distinta, y la intención de los presentes, ligeramente distinta. Hoy mismo se ha hecho una pregunta sobre el entorno. Cuando entran al salón, ¿qué sienten los sensibles? La respuesta es que no están solos. Siempre hay una sopa de consciencia en este lugar, debido a su intención. ¿La llamaron entorno? Es una mezcla, y muy difícil de definir; lo hemos hecho, lo hemos intentado. He canalizado al respecto. Pero de verdad es una sopa, y tiene sabor a ustedes; es una energía única de su aprendizaje y de su sanación; de las experiencias de "ajá" que están aquí. Es un entorno jubiloso. Si lo miran, está sonriendo (se ríe) y es lo que ustedes sienten; sienten seguridad y comodidad, y saben que no están solos.

Kara Schallock ~ The Magdalen Gateway - 23-Jul-2015

We are in a most powerful shift. As you already know, we have had bigger and bigger shifts, one right after the other, with hardly any time to take a break in-between. The current shift is extremely powerful as it leads right up to the Lion’s Gate on August 8th. (8/8/2015=8/8/8). Eight symbolizes Power and certainly, Power to be all that we are is what we each are guided to be. The Magdalen Gateway, the shift we are currently in, helps us prepare for the Lion’s Gate by empowering the Divine Feminine in each of us. Please know that the Divine Feminine holds both sexes within and the Power is in manifesting our creations, which is a blending of both female (creativity) and male (manifestation).

Sandra Walter – Power of the Unknown – Fear of Transfiguration – 7-23-15

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

As you open to the unknown, the unscripted personal experience, you create bridges to the highest possibilities of the pure and true Ascension. For many, not knowing what is occurring creates discomfort. It is when you feel most vulnerable with these new energies that the external may pull you off-center. Discernment, rather than judgment, and Divine Neutrality is a wise choice as you are exposed to higher vibrational states of consciousness.

Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - July 23, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Let’s see here. Well, most notably Venus and Uranus go retrograde this weekend and I see a lot of fallout from that. So I wanted to give you a little heads-up with that.

The Venus retrograde can kind of provide a perfect magnifying glass to study relationship dynamics and especially for looking at your own level of self-love which is of course first and foremost because you can only love others to the extent that you love yourself.

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration: from Yeshua - July 23, 2015

Note from Fran: This morning I awoke feeling a little down, mostly just feeling emptiness with a little emotion and depression mixed in, desiring inspiration for myself and others who may need it, and I felt Yeshua’s energy, transmitting the following, and I share it with you in hopes that it will inspire you as well:


“All you can be is Love and Light in the Moment.

In that, is all there is. In that, is all-encompassing.

It is fortuitous that you chose life in this world, for all is encompassed in that. So live in this moment. Bring your Love and Light to fruition. Bring it full bloom, at full capacity.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain - July 23, 2015

I am here today to let you know that there is much going on behind the scenes that will lead to a very familiar way of being on this planet. The way of living that I am referring to is from the historical pieces of information and data from the records and books that have been not only in storage and discovered, but in the memories of those who are able to tune in to the past. As we go forward in the revealing of these pieces of the earth history, we will feel very familiar to them, as if they just happened yesterday, or tomorrow. Yes, I say tomorrow, for as many of you have been feeling, the idea of time is irrelevant. It is a concept of time that is no longer what it was even a week ago. It is the placement of the events and experiences in our lives that is the deciding factor for how it is, or will affect us in the moment that we are feeling or living it.