martes, marzo 31, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Growth-accelerator Eclipses - 31 March, 2015

Growth-accelerator Eclipses

The time in between Eclipses is often uncomfortable. The Solar Eclipse brings in a rush of new energy. We can feel limitless with the dreams, ideas, goals and expansion calling us. The Lunar Eclipse is about shedding and letting go: old habits, behaviours, beliefs, patterns, and sometimes people.

Right now you may feel as if you are between a rock and a hard place, as on one hand you want to surge forward. Yet on the other there is all this unpleasant 'stuff' coming up for your attention, either within you or you are seeing it in others. Maybe you are surging forward regardless, in which case: fabulous!

This 'stuff' can make it seem like everything is going pear-shaped, but in fact it is just like the dust that flies around when you give your room a good clean.

Benjamín Fulford - 31-03-15. La propuesta de federación mundial se ha pasado ahora a los centros de poder clave

31 mar
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
Nota: por respeto al autor y a los suscriptores publicaremos el informe al día siguiente de su aparición. Suscripciones en . Son 8 dólares mensuales.
nuevo-orden        banca-internacional
La Sociedad del Dragón Blanco ha propuesto la creación de una federación mundial (no un “Nuevo Orden Mundial” fascista) con el fin de lograr la paz mundial permanente y comenzar una edad de oro de progreso y prosperidad sin precedentes. La propuesta fue hecha durante las negociaciones secretas en curso al Pentágono, al Vaticano, a los chinos, a la Commonwealth británica y a otros centros de poder.
Según esta propuesta, el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas sería reemplazado por personas que representan el consenso político de los siete principales grupos regionales. Estos serían África, China, Asia oriental excluyendo a China, Europa, incluyendo Rusia, India, el mundo musulmán y América del Norte y del Sur. Las decisiones se tomarán por mayoría y cada región tendría veto sólo para su propia región. Cada región también tendría su propia “Agencia de planificación futura” con personal elegido meritocráticamente y un banco central que pertenezca a la gente.

Selacia - Prepárense para las Energías del Eclipse del 4 de Abril - 29 de Marzo 2015
29 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El equinoccio fue intenso energéticamente y aunque están circulando algunos vientos de calma como alivio estamos por enfrentar un sábado de Eclipse Lunar en Luna Llena. Aquí tenemos sugerencias para algunos preparativos que puede hacer para un viaje suave.

La intuición y el ser conscientes en tiempo real son claves para encontrar su equilibrio en la próxima semana. La intuición incluye tener la percepción de temas de un panorama mayor y de las energías que los impactan a ustedes y a los demás. Ser conscientes en tiempo real se traduce en estar despiertos y presentes consigo mismos, su entorno y otras personas.

Visión general

Recuerdan esa Gran Cruz planetaria desafiante que experimentamos en abril pasado? Una serie de otros eventos desde entonces – incluyendo la alineación reciente Urano-Plutón y el equinoccio durante un eclipse solar total con una luna nueva – son catalizadores aún más potentes de cambios revolucionarios.

Nadie está exento y ustedes no quisieran que fuese de otra forma, porque nuestro mundo necesita la renovación masiva que ahora está en proceso. Estamos vivos ahora para presenciar una transformación milagrosa, el cambio de nuestro planeta basado en el temor a uno de amor.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las Energías de Abril 2015 - 29 de Marzo 2015

Por Jennifer Hoffman
29 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Es un nuevo mes y uno que será un poco más tranquilo que marzo, ya puedo sentir el cambio de energía al escribir esto, restando dos días del presente mes. Podemos tomar un gran respiro ahora porque hemos superado uno de los períodos más poderosos que hayamos tenido en mucho tiempo. Pero no se acomoden mucho porque abril tiene un eclipse y es tiempo de tamizar las cenizas del Fénix para decidir qué vamos a resurgir, qué es lo que está pasado de fecha y qué ha salido de nuestras vidas por sí mismo.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Mar 31, 2015

The current times are indeed a blessing. Our associates are working to use a number of critical assets to push the dark cabal from power. All of this is being done with Love and use of the heart!

from Planetary Activation Organization

12 Oc, 8 Mac, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come with some news regarding the progress being made to set up a schedule for delivery of your prosperity funds. Much is dependent on two major decisions. These are now being examined by a number of the ancient families with regard to how these massive payments are to be handled by the myriad of banks involved in the ever-growing delivery networks. Many governments are as well involved in the transfers of these monies to you. Here, it is important to note, that security of these funds is one of the main reasons for the delays of the last few years. It is very difficult to arrange such a system if the main agencies that are a key to this process are dead set against such a massive exchange of funds. These delays have been addressed and a new system put into place temporarily. This system is to be used to test the viability of a newer one. Swift codes, or “Society for Interbank Financial Telecommunication” codes, are to be replaced by a new system, which is currently in development. That system is related to the new Chinese AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), the new BRICS bank plus a slew of banks in Europe, Asia, Oceania and the Americas.

Waking Times - 18 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence

 Emotional Intelligence

Travis Bradberry, Guest

“Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions to achieve positive results.”
When emotional intelligence (EQ) first appeared to the masses, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70 per cent of the time. This anomaly threw a massive wrench into the broadly held assumption that IQ was the sole source of success.
Decades of research now point to emotional intelligence as being the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack. The connection is so strong that 90 per cent of top performers have high emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions to achieve positive results.
Despite the significance of EQ, its intangible nature makes it very difficult to know how much you have and what you can do to improve if you’re lacking. You can always take a scientifically validated test, such as the one that comes with the Emotional Intelligence 2.0 book.
Unfortunately, quality (scientifically valid) EQ tests aren’t free. So, I’ve analyzed the data from the million-plus people TalentSmart has tested in order to identify the behaviors that are the hallmarks of a high EQ. What follows are sure signs that you have a high EQ.

lunes, marzo 30, 2015

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Our God-Self : While You Think Me You Move Away From Me – 30 March 2015

[BT+10a.jpg]MY BELOVEDS,
it is not possible to live without Me because I Am your very Source That Is the Foundation of your life and the Foundation of everything else.
But what a phenomenon it is that you are not aware of Me, that you easily forget Me, that you feel separate from Me!
And what a phenomenon that even when you think of Me and talk about Me, that you still feel alienated from Me? How could you, as I Am your very Substance?
Is this not a mystery? An error, a fault of creation?
Why are you not aware of Me and One with Me as Divine Consciousness, day and night, As I Am?
And do you know Who I Am?
I say: KNOW Who I Am?
No, you do not know because I am not your knowable object.

Mahala – Planet Alert April 2015 – 30 March 2015

MahalaWe have another full moon lunar eclipse coming up on April 4, 2015 at 5:05 AM PDT. This will be the third red blood moon in the series of four. The last one will be on September 27, 2015. On the second one, which was on October 8, 2014 we started weaving our light bodies because the moon was on 15 degrees Aries, and weaving our light bodies is what that degree means.
What my Sabian Symbol book says about that degree is “The I Ching symbol implied is the profound task of the weaving of our immortal body, the cosmic Robe of Glory. There is a moment in every cycle when, to however small a degree, every individual may be confronted with the potentiality of a fulfilling act of self-realization and may find himself/herself clothed in light”. I believe this past October full moon was the beginning of a major process of Ascension for many of us.
Now we have another full moon eclipse coming up on April 4th, which is on the first day of Passover and Easter Sunday is April 5th. Easter is the celebration of the risen Christ, or the Christ consciousness that is within all of us. At this time the Sun will be on 14 degrees Aries conjunct Uranus on 16 degrees Aries, and the midpoint is 15 degrees Aries. So here we are six months later with the same configuration in the heavens.

Brenda Hoffman – Clear Your 3D Creation Beliefs – 30 March 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
You think you deserve better, that the Universes have forsaken you, that manifestation is a fairy tale. Such is not your truth – merely what you have believed is true for eons.
There may be a fairy godmother for some – those who are wealthy, beautiful, accomplished or whatever designation you determine indicates they are better or luckier than you.
Even though you were comfortable with heartache; its never going to happen; others are better than you, you are now addressing these beliefs.For to truly love yourself – as was true prior to your earth entrance in this lifetime – you must acknowledge beliefs that indicate in so many ways you are less worthy or accomplished than almost everyone.
Take a few moments the next few days to acknowledge how many times you say to yourself, “That person is so lucky because………”
Why do you suppose that each of you has different interests and needs? Do you not note that what is important, enviable or accomplished for one person, is not at all interesting to another? Such is so because each of you has a unique path.

Very important Update: The Presence of the Oneness/ written by Enlightened Master on Monday 3.30.2015

Very important Update: The Presence of the Oneness

News from the inner realm:

Our universe Long time ago was Light , and at a certain point, the Dark started to exist,  and affected the Light ......From that time; the universe was undergo to the duality [Polarity ] of The Light & Dark ....

The Light played his role in preventing and counteracting the dark,, and many Races had gathered to do this mission, until the GFL was formed {The Galactic Federation of Light} 4.5 Million years ago.....and lately at the timing of earth since 2003; the Oneness Conscious began to spread in the universe & to affect all the sectors, and began to grow more and more, began to affect the Light & Dark and began to contribute to solving the main problem dramatically in this universe..