jueves, marzo 05, 2015

Wing Makers - The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission NerudaThe Anunnaki, Mankind's Enslavement and the Afterlife Deception - March 4, 2014.

The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission Neruda
By Sarah, Wing Makers

What follows is a session I recorded of Dr. Neruda on January 2, 1998. This interview (number five) has been unpublished until March 4, 2014.

Dr. Neruda gave permission for me to record his answers to my questions. This is the transcript of that session.

This was one of five times I was able to tape record our conversations. I have preserved these transcripts precisely as they occurred.

No editing was performed, and I’ve tried my best to include the exact words, phrasing, and grammar used by Dr. Neruda.

The reason is based on Dr. Neruda’s timing, the specific reasons for this timing have not been communicated.

Sarah: “What we discussed Wednesday night has been swirling around me ever since. I think I’ve become a bit obsessed with all of this… what for me, anyway, is new information. I’m trying my best to process it into my mental framework, and I have to admit, I’m not sure it’s working.

Dr. Neruda: “I understand. I’ve held back some information for this very reason—not only for you, but also for those who will ultimately read this.”

Sarah: “When we ended the last session we agreed to spend more time on The Grand Portal. Is that what you’re referring to, or is it something else?”

Dr. Neruda: “It’s all related. It’s a very, very big picture, and broad timeline.”
Sarah: “Can you share it now?”

Dr. Neruda: “Let’s take it one part at a time. With your questions, I hope it will all come clear, but I have to warn you that it will seem a little unwieldy or odd until the whole of it is out.”

Sarah: “Okay. Where do you want to start?”

MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Volviéndose un Místico Práctico” - RONNA - Mar 1, 2015


Traducción: Odilia Rivera
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

“Volviéndose un Místico Práctico”

Amados maestros, hay un Camino de Luz que los lleva fuera de la densidad hacia la LEVEDAD DEL REINO ESPIRITUAL. La clave que les permite recorrer este Sagrado Camino está en vuestro interior y es llamado su CANCION DEL ALMA. Están sintonizados a lo que es llamado su Firma Energética mientras están funcionado dentro del medio ambiente de la Tercera y parte baja de la Cuarta Dimensión. Gradualmente están sintonizándose a su CANCION DEL ALMA mientras se mueven a través del resto de los sub-niveles Superiores de la Cuarta Dimensión, y en el nivel de entrada del medio ambiente de la Quinta Dimensión.

In5D.com - Do I Have Angels Or Entities Around Me?

Do I Have Angels Or Entities Around Me?
by Max and Lana,
Guest writers for In5D.com
Numerous studies using frequency, hypnotherapy, psychic gifts and the gift of discernment are demonstrating that angels, aliens, or entities are constantly around certain people– and frequently step in to help the rest of us as well, in order to preserve a timeline, energy, or larger picture. Many of us in the metaphysical field believe that each human is capable, important, and an integral piece of our energetic universe. Apparently, the entities agree and are here to help.
With that said, evidence suggests that certain people, regardless of their social status, education, interests, ethnicity, or even “spiritual development,” do have entities around them nonstop. Ironically, it’s often the individuals who suffer terribly in this human life—and the ones who frequently wonder why their lives are so difficult and why they feel so different or lonely in this world. So, if you have been noticing “strange” things and wondering whether you have “someone” or something around you all of the time, here is a list of attributes that are common to people who have been shown to have entities around them at all times:

Selacia – Equinox Gateway Preparation – 5 March 2015

SelaciaThis month’s Equinox may be one of the most potent experienced in recent years. Here’s a snapshot of what you can do now to prepare for beneficial spiritual openings available at this gateway. What you say yes or no to at this juncture could have long-term implications in your life.
As a reminder, we’re sitting in a very powerful energy month. Highlights include a rare culmination Pluto-Uranus planetary lineup happening March 16, sure to catalyze long-lasting waves of changes on both personal and collective levels. Added to that is the total Solar Eclipse with New Moon (a supermoon) at the March 20 Equinox.
Any one of these energy events, but certainly all three, can lead to significant turning points – for humanity as a whole and for you personally. Adding to the intensity, we have a powerful Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon on April 4.

Anna Merkaba - Urgent Message To Ground Crew – Total Solar Eclipse – March 20 – Galactics - Mar 5, 2015

SOLARECLIPSE032015URGENT NOTICE TO ALL OF GROUND CREW. A set of events that were set into motion resulted in a decision that will change the world as we know it. A few days ago I have received a transmission which is highly important for all of you to read. In it our Galactic Star Aliances talk about what has occurred and what is about to happen around March 20th, the “dark moon” as they call it, which is the solar eclipse.
Please be mindful of what you allow into your psyche. The times ahead are incredibly auspicious, everything that you want to happen will, therefore be careful what you wish for, and whatever you put into motion now will manifest very quickly into your reality. This is the time to create a beautiful new world, or rather restore it to the pristine state that it once were. Many in know understand the importance of these magnificent energies entering GAIA and so will try to pull your energy to them. Please focus on your now moment, disregarding whatever the media will try to feed you, in order to move your focus away from what you are truly here to do and are trying to achieve. The times between now and September are incredibly important. The more positive you stay the more light you can anchor, the better everything will be once we move closer and closer to September.

UFOs the Best Evidence HD - THE VISITORS - Cat# U561Y

Benjamin Fulford - March 2, 2015: Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins

There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted. On the flip side, if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:


and then this one to see the extent of world debt slavery:


By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionazi Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.

Christine Meleriessee - Prepare for the Unexpected - Mar 5, 2015

full moonThe Full Moon Within Virgo  ~ The Festival of Pisces
The full moon of March 5th, 2015 occurs at 10:05 AM Pacific, 18:05 GMT which is bringing the energetic push of allowing our Higher Selves to be more fully active within our daily lives.
With this new vortex of light, it can also cause us to look at elements in our world completely different.  As humans, we have a tendency of looking at things through the way it has always been accomplished through our physical and lower self. This month we are taken into a new part of essence to be accepted.
This moon is represented within the Sign of Virgo which reflects our daily activities especially in the “need” for order within the Sun Sign of Pisces giving us the essence of our spiritual selves of vision and wanting to change the order into freedom of the self. This can also cause some kind of crisis within our consciousness as the merging of the sun and moon at this time brings us illumination and enlightenment of what has been and what needs to change.

Selacia - Preparación para la Puerta de Entrada al Equinoccio - 5 de Febrero 2015


5 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El equinoccio de este mes puede ser uno de los más potentes experimentados en los últimos años. He aquí una instantánea de lo que puedes hacer ahora para prepararte para las aperturas espirituales beneficiosas disponibles en este portal. A lo que le digas sí o no en esta coyuntura podría tener implicaciones a largo plazo en tu vida.

Patricia Cota-Robles – 2015 Is Our Year Of Initiation – Into A Higher Order Of Being – 5 March 2015

patriciacotaroblesThe outer World is beginning to reflect Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness. I know some people resist that term because they feel it is based in Christianity. That is not true. Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we were invested with at our inception, when we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation by our Father-Mother God.
As Sons and Daughters of God, Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we must ALL return to if we are going to continue our evolutionary process. Our return to Christ Consciousness will be accomplished by healing the adverse affects of our fall from Grace, so that we can Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution to the next level of our learning experiences.