miércoles, marzo 04, 2015

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Marzo del 2015 - Feb 28, 2015

por Lena Stevens
28 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Ma. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En Marzo, el tema principal es el PODER.

El poder es un asunto ENORME con muchas capas a explorar, redefinir, comprender y aceptar. Hemos trabajado antes con el tema del poder, pero éste es un tiempo nuevo con influencias nuevas, de modo que algunas lecciones serán diferentes.

Este mes tendrás la oportunidad de observar todas tus creencias sobre el poder, así como explorar cómo trabajas personalmente con las cuestiones relacionadas con el poder. Serás capaz de identificar en qué formas entregas tu poder, y podrás trabajar para cambiar esa conducta eliminando las fugas y estableciendo mejores límites. Todos tenemos nuestra estructura de creencia con respecto a lo que creemos que tenemos poder para hacer o para no hacer. Este mes es una verdadera oportunidad para moverte más allá de las limitaciones de la "caja" de tu propia capacidad de tener poder personal y en lo que realmente te es posible soñar y manifestar.

Una de las frases de moda de este mes es "¡ponerse en marcha!"

Lena Stevens - Actualización de Luna Llena del 5 de Marzo de 2015 - Mar 3, 2015

por Lena Stevens
3 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el jueves 5 de marzo, a las 11.05 a.m. (horario de las montañas).

La luna llena es excelente para anclar una nueva apuesta por el poder y pedir la ayuda del espíritu. Es buen momento para permitirte recibir el poder de la luna y de otros elementos de la naturaleza. Piensa en algo que desees "poner en marcha" y dedica algún tiempo durante esta luna llena para la oración e intención de que así sea. Este es un tiempo de alta energía, y se utiliza mejor con enfoque directo e intención. Debes saber qué quieres y cuando establezcas tu intención ¡estar listo para recibirlo!



martes, marzo 03, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - El Cambio está Viniendo, ¿Estás Listo para ello? - Feb 23, 2015

23 de febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Tengo que compartir un secreto contigo, a mí no me gusta el cambio. De hecho, soy muy mucho un animal de costumbres. Me encanta el orden y la rutina, así que cuando tengo que hacer cambios, generalmente me tomo mi tiempo y luego los hago cuando ya no tengo ninguna otra opción. Esto significa que el cambio se produce con cierta brusquedad y, a veces de una manera que no puedo manejar, lo que significa que no puedo demorarlo por más tiempo. Nuestra necesidad de cambio surge cuando nos hemos "quedado sin energía" en nuestra realidad actual y si nos vamos a mover en cualquier dirección, vamos a tener que permitir que ocurra el cambio. No podemos estar abiertos a la transformación (lo cual significa "cambiar de forma") si no estamos dispuestos a cambiar nada en nuestra vida, sobre todo cuando avanzar o cumplir una intención requiere de algún tipo de cambio, o que algo en nuestra vida sea diferente.

Human sacrificing going on, underneath the Vatican.Undeniable proof

Aisha North - A short update on the Gathering - Mar 3, 2015

By now, you will all have begun to settle a little bit more into these new tracks that you laid down during that ever so impressive get-together that you staged just a few days ago, and even if the first stages of this new part of your journey may seem to be somewhat shaky for some of you, you will all find yourself steadying into this new rhythm, or rather, vibration. For as you came together and pooled your formidable resources of individual frequencies into this already deep reservoir of light that has been collected here in this space, you also set off some very new frequencies, frequencies that were engendered in the meeting points of your own individual tunes. In other words, your singular currents created some very distinct patterns wherever they intersected with those of the others connected to this Pond through their own individual vibrating string of light, and through this process, a vast new tapestry of light was co-created by you all.

Brenda Hoffman – You is Solving 3D Mysteries – 3 March 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Your life is never going to be as it is today or was yesterday. Some of you are sensing this deep shift. Others are wondering what recent messages of dramatic change are about.
Channels have stated, “What was is no longer” for years. Even though the shift happening now is truly the demarcation between what was and what is. Prior to the energies now raining on earth, you lived a 3D life with 5D, 6D or beyond intent and sensations. Such is no longer.
After this particular shift, you will be of earth, but not of 3D. This is difficult for many to understand for you will likely continue with your job, perhaps a need to care for others older or younger than you and other similar relationships based on 3D you. Yet, those 3D relationships are rapidly fading for you have little interest in continuing 3D roles.
Such may appear to be a dire prediction as you believe your 3D relationships fill much of your being. In truth, they do not.

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 3-5-15

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Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Thursday, March 5 at 11:05 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

This full moon is excellent for anchoring a new bid for power and asking spirit for help. It is a good time for allowing yourself to receive the power from the moon and other elements of nature. Think of something you wish to “power up” and spend some time during this full moon in prayer and intention that it will be so. This is a high energy time and best used with direct focus and intention. Know what you want and when you set your intention be ready to receive it!

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Mar 3, 2015

10 Ik, 0 Ceh, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come forth with news that we have long waited to tell you! The energies for the beginnings of the delivery schedule are finally at hand. This process took some divine time to achieve. Our earthly allies feel confident that a restart to all delivery programs can be put into place. The various systems required for this are now in working order and a new international banking system is ready to see that deliveries happen. Thus, the first necessary step in putting aside the old order is ready. The others connected in this supply line are ready as well to perform their various duties. Your realm is to begin a vast transformation. Your prosperity is therefore to be in your hands shortly. These exchanges of funds are quickly to create the conditions needed to bring forth new governance. This, in turn, is going to eventually permit the formal recognition of our existence. All of these various actions are finally to put you on a much faster track to full consciousness. The dark cabal’s many delaying tactics are done and we are most happy to see the termination of their vile schemes. You are approaching a new watershed in your liberation from millennia of slavery!

Sandra Walter – Clarity On The Current Merge – 3 March 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
I AM on day three of a water fast and I AM feeling superb. Just a note on the latest video: I was wary of sharing the Ascension Path calls since they can be taken out of context.
A Note for clarity, in Love, Light and Service:
Regarding the focus on merging 9D and below for Equinox: Of course we expand to 12D and beyond out to Source Level – that is the Solar Cosmic Christ integration. The merge of dimensional expressions from 9D down is presenting right now as a supported, conscious step supported by the incoming energies. We are about to make another collective timeline Shift.

Sarah Varcas - Past Times, Future Realities - Mar 3, 2015

astrology of March 2015, Solar Eclipse in Pisces March 2015, Full Moon in Virgo, Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, healing the past, divine within and without, Neptune in Pisces, Mercury, inner listening, healthy ego development, freedom and responsibility, conscious relationships, Age of Aquarius
Image: “There To Catch Should I Fall” by Gary Rosenberg

The energy of the cosmos reaches us in waves. It ebbs and flows like the tide, high one moment, low the next, coming in, flowing out, frighteningly stormy then beautifully calm. The same forces which propel the planets in their orbits radiate around us shifting and reordering at every level. At times these energies propel us forward into the new, presenting fresh perspectives and new experiences. At others they arrive as echoes, reawakening the past to bring it to completion. Last month was characterised by the former, this month by the latter. Throughout March the vestiges of the past arise once more for our attention. This is a month of tying up loose ends, the completion of lengthy processes and the review of progress thus far. This is how the universe works. We are initiated into the new even as we then face once more the old. This is the cosmic dance which shapes our lives and the life of this beautiful planet we call home. It is Sacred Source living through and all around us honouring its own cycles of birth and death, creation and destruction, light and dark, the known and the unknowable. We are born of these cycles and throughout this year our apprenticeship in how to live them fully and without restraint continues unabated.