domingo, marzo 01, 2015

Ronna Herman – Messages From Archangel Michael – Becoming A Practical Mystic – 1 March 2015

ronna1aBeloved masters, there is a Light Path that will lead you out of the density into the LIGHTNESS OF THE SPIRITUAL REALMS.   The key that allows you to traverse this Sacred Path is within you–it is called your SOUL SONG. You are attuned to what is called your Energetic Signature while you are functioning within the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional environment. You are gradually attuning to your SOUL SONG as you move through the remaining sub-levels of the Higher Fourth Dimension, and into the entry level of the Fifth-Dimensional environment.
Your Energetic Signature has resonance, cadence, tones and vibrancy, and it radiates forth from your seven major Chakra Centers and your auric field. It changes daily, along with your thoughts and deeds, for it is responsive to the ego-desire body personality, and to the constant highs and lows of the emotional nature. Gradually, the ego–desire body personality becomes a servant of the Soul, and your vibrational patterns slowly begin to return to a state of balance and harmony. When your base frequency patterns reach the mid-Fourth Dimensional level and above, your auric field gradually expands, and it becomes more radiant. At that time, your Energetic Signature will begin to align with your higher-frequency Soul Song.  This, in turn, initiates a Clarion Call to the higher Facets of your Soul Self to begin the process of reunification.  Your original Soul Song was in perfect harmony with the Celestial Soul Song of this Sub-Universe; it was how you were, and are, recognized by your Soul Family members and the great Beings of Light.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 1 March 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In every moment there is truth or illusion. In every moment there is love or illusion. You, with the precious gift of free will, get to choose where you will focus, and therefore what you will be able to experience.
We know it is very challenging at times to see the love and feel the love that is all around you, and yet with a single act of willpower you can seek out something beautiful in all things, even in your own pain and anguish at times. Even within that is a desire for love arising within you. Even within that is a wish for better, for a kinder experience of life. Set your sights upon that. When life offers a challenge, by all means give yourself great compassion, but then allow yourself to acknowledge the love that is attempting to arise within you. You want help. You want comfort. You want to know that God’s love is there for you. In all things, in all moments, in all phases of your life, you want to know that God’s love is there for you. This love is as ever-present as the sun that shines behind the clouds, no matter how dark the storm.

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff - March 1, 2015


Beloved Ones,
It is important to connect into one’s heart and follow its counsel and to remember that some people are going through experiences in their present moment that require one’s empathy, compassion, and understanding as they deal with their feelings in their own respective ways.
Remember the love that lies at the core of their being and in yours and just let it be however it wishes to express itself. Some changes that occur in people’s lives are those that create a total revaluation of how one views their own, and that can be a difficult process as it is experienced.
At the core of all changes in one’s life lies a lesson of acceptance, that not everything can stay the same and that events happen that leave a void that nothing can ever replace. In this, it is only the passage of time which heals these realizations.
Love in its many facets of expression is a most potent force and can heal even the most cynical of expectations. When love is held foremost in a person’s heart, the world conspires to bring one experiences that reflect that love.

Anna Merkaba - Aquarius Constellation – Morpheus Apparatus – Personal Experience - March 1, 2015

01_AquariusAquarius constellation plays a major role in the unfolding of your present reality. For through the Aquarius constellation the sacred encodings shall be delivered to earth in divine right timing
Greetings everyone, I would like to share something amazing with all of you which may be interesting for many of you and actually may spark some remembrance within you. I was working on a spectacular being of light a few days ago who has come to me for a healing session. She was very lost and wanted to know why she is here. I have given up doing personal channelings, but if during a healing session something comes up I always include it into my report. Here is the information that started to flood through me for her in regards to her Mission here on earth.
“You are here to utilize the hidden decrees left on earth eons into the past, in order to stabilize the energies of Aquarius. As the Aquarius constellation plays a major role in the unfolding of your present reality. For through the Aquarius constellation the sacred encodings shall be delivered to earth in divine right timing. You represent the hidden treasure, which has been granted to earthlings in order to take their righteous place in the universe.

Eliza - Council of Nine: Divine by Nature Aside - March 1, 2015

"Snowy Summit", acrylic on canvas, 16" x 20", Eliza Ayres, 2015.
“Snowy Summit”, acrylic on canvas, 16″ x 20″, Eliza Ayres, 2015.
Council of Nine: Divine by Nature
We are the Council of Nine, one of many councils involved in the evolution and transition of planet Earth.
Today, you enter another new phase. The subtle energies of stars and planets has moved into another set of signs. These cycles continue often beyond your awareness, influencing your life. It is for this reason astrology was once considered a science, one of many. It will be that when once again science and esoteric knowledge re-discover that their seemingly disparate perceptions of the world are indeed mutually supportive in essence.
There is so much for you to re-learn about your world. Those tribes whom your leaders have called primitive resonate more closely to the rhythms and seasons of the planet than the populations cooped up in the large unnatural cities. Your forefathers were “encouraged” to leave the soil behind and find “jobs” in the urban settings so you could more easily be controlled by the wealthy and powerful few. In truth, many former peasants and people of land and forest were forced out of their former abodes through the process of clearances and through the destruction wrought by war and pestilence.

sábado, febrero 28, 2015

Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – “Maintaining A Calm Center In Expanded Consciousness” – 28 February 2015

LindaRobinsonMarch 2015
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss maintaining a calm center in the higher frequencies of Light and expanded consciousness.
The higher frequencies of Light are continuing to come to the 3rd dimension in waves of energy that can assist you on your ascension path. As this occurs, it affects the existing patterns of energy on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. When you remain aware that this higher frequency energy is around you, you are able to use it for expanded consciousness and highest good.
The higher frequency energy brings opportunities for looking at existing patterns and situations in new ways. Current patterns of activity can be re-examined in this new Light of expanded consciousness. It is as if old energy is being dislodged and brought forth for re-evaluation. Sometimes it may occur gradually, such as an aha moment that gently comes into your awareness, or it may be a more rapid occurrence when it happens all at once.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - La Puerta - Una Parábola de Wo Introducción - Feb 21, 2015

Sacramento, California, 21 de Febrero de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Las energías en el salón son conocidas. Las energías en el salón las establecen los que están en él. Para muchos este proceso resulta extraño; otros están enterados de su realidad. Y antes de empezar hoy con esto, y con el mensaje, el mensaje breve que damos, les pido discernimiento; quiero que salgan de la 3D. En este planeta empieza a tener lugar una energía que está trayendo un nuevo paradigma de realidad.

Eventualmente la humanidad comenzará a volverse multidimensional, y lentamente tomará conciencia de realidades que son diferentes de las que acepta hoy. Las cosas que hoy parecen extrañas, inusuales, incluso mágicas, comenzarán a respaldarse en un razonamiento, y a verse una y otra vez. Procesos, formas de pensar, un factor de benevolencia que no esperaban, empezarán lentamente a aparecer, y lo invisible será menos misterioso, será explicable. La humanidad comenzará a agregar una perspectiva dimensional a lo que siempre pensaron que estaba allí, y eso incluirá un complemento o potencial espiritual.

Steve Rother - La labor de los Trabajadores de Luz -Transmutar el temor en amor - 15 de febrero de 2015

Los Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar de los Faros de Luz son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y enviadas en inglés los días 15 de cada mes. El próximo mensaje de “VirtualLight” de en VIVO será el sábado 28 de febrero de 2015

a las 11:00 a.m. Hora del Pacífico de Los Estados Unidos

~Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar~

Nota: el siguiente mensaje ha sido recanalizado y editado con la supervisión del Grupo para lograr una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos.

La energía de este día es mágica, va más allá de su comprensión. Ustedes han descubierto una visión de su futuro que pocos humanos han logrado ver alguna vez. Están acostumbrados a observar su historia solo después del acontecimiento. Posiblemente, por primera vez en la evolución de la humanidad, pueden ver hacia adelante en esta línea de tiempo. Ahora existen desafíos y ajustes por los que tienen que pasar. Están sucediendo muchas cosas, queridos. Ya lo han podido comprobar desde su perspectiva financiera e incluso desde su perspectiva astrológica y ahora les daremos la visión del espíritu. Básicamente, han pasado por un cambio, un gran cambio. Ya les anunciamos esto y les hablamos al respecto a fines del 12-12-12. Ese portal fue mucho mayor de lo que comprendió la mayoría de las personas y a medida que fueron atravesando esa energía, iniciaron una oleada. Esa oleada tiene su precesión y su recesión. Avanza y retrocede. Muchas veces, cuando va hacia adelante, ustedes consideran que es un avance de la humanidad. Y cuando retrocede, como es natural, tiende a sacar lo peor de la humanidad. Bueno, eso es lo que han estado experimentando constantemente en su planeta desde que cruzaron ese portal.

Selacia - Navegación Prudente de las Energías de Marzo - Feb 26, 2015
26 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Con las energías salvajes de Marzo a la vuelta de la esquina, piensen en prepararse ahora con estas visiones sobre lo que se avecina y cómo pueden cambiar sus resultados personales en forma positiva. La previsión y el planeamiento por adelantado pueden hacer toda la diferencia - ayudarles a aprovechar las oportunidades de un nuevo comienzo y a evitar la reacción a las sorpresas y las crisis.

Cada mes tiene sus momentos intensos. Entonces, ¿qué es lo inusual en marzo?

Brenda Hoffman - Jugar es Tu Lección de Hoy ... y Para Siempre - Feb 14, 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Has soportado, has descansado y ahora es el momento de disfrutar tomando sol - algo que has descuidado durante tanto tiempo. Es como si te hubieras escondido en un pequeño armario para que otros no pudieran adivinar quién eras en realidad. Te vestiste como se vestían ellos. Caminaste y hablaste como ellos lo hacían - pero tu no eres ellos y nunca lo has sido. Simplemente fingiste ser ellos durante millones de años en la tierra.

¿Quiénes son ellos? Cualquiera menos tú.

Pero encajar y seguir las reglas para que nadie sepa tu verdad se va convirtiendo en un problema cuando te das cuenta de que ya no necesitas preocuparte más por los demás o poner a los demás primero - aunque esa sea tu inclinación primera.