Greetings everyone, I would like to share something amazing with all of you which may be interesting for many of you and actually may spark some remembrance within you. I was working on a spectacular being of light a few days ago who has come to me for a healing session. She was very lost and wanted to know why she is here. I have given up doing personal channelings, but if during a healing session something comes up I always include it into my report. Here is the information that started to flood through me for her in regards to her Mission here on earth.Aquarius constellation plays a major role in the unfolding of your present reality. For through the Aquarius constellation the sacred encodings shall be delivered to earth in divine right timing
“You are here to utilize the hidden decrees left on earth eons into the past, in order to stabilize the energies of Aquarius. As the Aquarius constellation plays a major role in the unfolding of your present reality. For through the Aquarius constellation the sacred encodings shall be delivered to earth in divine right timing. You represent the hidden treasure, which has been granted to earthlings in order to take their righteous place in the universe.
For through your gateways into the heavenly abodes you shall and are able to tap into the Morpheus Apparatus which shall propel humanity further.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloved child of the gods is that you are here on a mission to evacipate the human consciousness and move it into the direction of their higher octaves of being, into the direction that their higher selves have orchestrated eons past and the now moment of time.
And so, through your vehicle of choice, through your vehicle of creation you shall manifest the hidden jewel energies, that indeed you are. You shall be able to tap into the hidden knowledge which is being presently directed to earth from the Aquarius constellation.
Heed our words child of the gods, heed our words! For you are here on a nurturing mission to earth, to restore the hearts of the fallen ones to their pristine states of consciousness. To restore the hearts of the fallen ones and lead them back home to their benevolent selves. To restore the balance within and to occupy the time and space continuum on the wavelength of radiance. “.
After I received this transmission for this light worker, I went looking for information about what this Morpheus apparatus could be and right away this came up. The Matrix Movie. The name Morpheus is that of the god of dreams in Greek mythology, which is consistent with the character’s involvement with the “dreaming” of the Matrix.
I also looked up what the word “evacipate” means, as many times when
I channel I write down the words that I “hear” which sometimes I have no idea what they mean. I was in awe of the meaning of this word. “To undo the consequences of your actions by changing the original circumstances. To erase your own history.” The reason that I got so excited is that I have just received a transmission which I’ll be posting later in regards to this specifically!
I also went to look up the Aquarius Constellation and what could be there, and came across a very interesting youtube video.. what I am being told is that from this constellation a giant “flare” “bolt” of light if you will, of magnificent energetic proportions and properties is moving towards earth. I have posted a channeling in regards to a “Nebula of magnificent proportions” last year which you can find on my blog. Please note that this is a POSITIVE energy influx, which will reach our shores around the year 2017.
I hope that this was interesting and helpful to many of you. If you are interested in a Healing Session with me please visit to learn more about what I do and how it can benefit YOU.
Please stay tuned for a transmission that I will be posting in the days to come. It is very important and will explain a lot of what has been happening and will continue to unfold in the next few months.