miércoles, febrero 18, 2015

Celia Fenn - Expansión Solar, la Energía de la Divina Madre y Experiencia Multi-Dimensional - Feb 10, 2015

10 de febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Image by Tamera Tavernier at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tamara-Tavernier-Rainbow/265687293463679

Amada Familia de Luz, mientras se preparan para las poderosas energías entrantes del Equinoccio y Eclipse de marzo de 2015, están sintiendo actualmente los efectos de la actividad dinámica y la expansión en el Sol y el Sistema Solar. El Sol/Solaris está experimentando una “actualización” en el Campo de su Cuerpo de Luz, para traerlo a una resonancia armónica con los nuevos Códigos de Luz Galácticos/Cósmicos transmitidos desde el Gran Sol Central en el centro de la Galaxia. Este proceso está siendo guiado por el Concilio Solar de Solaris y el Concilio Galáctico de la Galaxia Rosa de Oro (la Vía Láctea).

martes, febrero 17, 2015

Dana Mrkich - We are all growing together - February 17, 2015

Last week I featured a guest post on my blog, which created a storm of differing opinions. Here's what I know for sure: we cannot force anyone to change or grow, nor should we. Nor can anyone force us to change or grow!
Something I have always been averse to with this whole 'ascension' topic (a word I don't really use a lot), is this notion that a certain group of people at a certain level of growth are all the same, and different in every way to another group of people at another level of growth. Or that a group of people are suddenly all going to be lifted up into paradise and into a new earth that is perfect overnight leaving the rest behind to smoulder. This just isn't true, and I should add, doesn't feel true for me. Look, I might be wrong and if I am I am, but I can only write as I've always seen it and felt it personally.

Sheldan Nidle Update:- February 17, 2015

2 Imix, 19 Yax, 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! We arrive! Much is happening around this globe! Our earthly allies are moving the initial fundings to various key points. You can expect this immediate time to be one when the power structure of the dark cabal finally begins to give way to the new. We have watched this unfold and seen how the dark’s last grand resistance is quickly fading from the scene. For millennia, this cabal has been the vehicle by which the Anunnaki, your former overlords, managed this realm. Heaven dutifully sent forces with specific instructions on how to divinely proceed. This we have done! The various earthly allies spent centuries before our arrival to plan and move silently into the most advantageous positions. Now that we are here, these same allies are ready, after many centuries of waiting! Our liaisons have given the cabal a number of special ultimatums. You are to witness how these scenarios are carried out, and how the dark is to finally fail. Nonetheless, these coming maneuvers are only the start of a much grander vision for Gaia, and especially for you. The key is to return you to your natural free state and ready you to obtain a most vital education about who and what you are!

17-02-15. Armas nucleares en Ucrania, cierre de la CIA, bloqueo en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos y más, mientras sigue el derribo del cabal.

En vísperas del Año Nuevo Lunar, este jueves 19 de febrero, un gran impulso contra el cabal continúa. Este impulso ha incluido un bloqueo de todo el comercio de los puertos de la Costa Oeste, el cierre de la sede de la CIA en Langley, Virginia y grandes movimientos militares en el Medio Oriente. Mientras tanto el cabal zionazi está diseñado en EE.UU., Europa y el Medio Oriente situaciones de turbulencia extrema, incluyendo explosiones nucleares, mientras lucha desesperadamente por mantenerse en el poder y finalizar un golpe de estado fascista.
Los acontecimientos en Ucrania son quizás los más dramáticos. Como se mencionó brevemente en este boletín la semana pasada, se utilizó un arma nuclear de pequeña escala contra las milicias pro-rusas en el este de Ucrania. El gobierno de la milicia lo confirmó en una conferencia de prensa, cuando dijeron que se les disparó un misil con el poder explosivo de 500 toneladas de TNT.

Benjamin Fulford - February 17, 2015: Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues

In the run up to the Lunar New Year this Thursday on February 19th, a major push against the cabal is continuing. This push has included a blockade of all trade from US West Coast ports, a lockdown of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia and major military moves in the Middle East. Meanwhile, extreme turbulence, including nuclear explosions, is being engineered in the US, Europe and the Middle East by the Zionazi cabal as it struggles desperately to keep in power by finalizing a fascist coup d’etat.

The events in the Ukraine were perhaps the most dramatic. As mentioned briefly in this newsletter last week, a small scale nuclear weapon was used against the pro-Russian militias in the Eastern Ukraine. The militia government confirmed this in a press conference when they said a missile with the explosive power of 500 tons of TNT hit them.


That is only possible with nuclear weapons. In further confirmation that a rogue nuke was used, the US National Geological Survey reported a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on the Ukraine/Russian border at the time of the explosion. This report was on their website for about 20 minutes before it was taken off.

Mysterious Giant Clouds Spotted On Mars, 150 mile High Plumes Coming Off The Red Planet

Jennifer Hoffman - San Valentín: Sanación, Esperanzas, Cierre y Totalidad - Feb 14, 2015


Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Es el Día de San Valentín y es un día en que celebramos el amor que tenemos, o lloramos al amor que perdimos, o nos preguntamos qué hay de malo en nosotros para que el amor parezca habernos dejado de lado. Para muchos de nosotros, aunque no hayamos abandonado del todo la idea de tener una relación amorosa satisfactoria y comprometida, no parece probable que aparezca en un futuro próximo. Creo que este año eso cambiará, por dos razones importantes:

1. Hemos hecho todo el trabajo de limpieza, sanación y liberación que requieren vidas de karma, trauma, y conexiones con el grupo álmico y el compañero álmico, y

Brenda Hoffman – Naysayers – 17 February 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Some of you cry foul and deceit when you hear the words New Earth or thoughts about shifting your totality. This transition – for it is indeed a transition – is not about you. Perhaps that statement appears harsh. It is merely a statement of the reality of the times.
You agreed to help create this transition – along with millions of other souls. It is now your choice whether to participate in the aftermath of that transition.
Some of you want all New Earth thoughts and messages to go away. Not because you do not want to live in joy, but that your present role seems to be as a naysayer. It is as if someone has given you a million dollars to do with whatever you wish and you decide that you prefer living in a cardboard box.

The Rockefeller Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world

Vatic Note: This family is to the United States as the Rothschilds are to Europe. They rule this continent through their influence and money in the political system, as well as through their foundations. They used to be called the “ROBBER BARONS” back in the 20’s when they first started raping and pillaging our people’s and the nations wealth.

They finally gave up back then, but continued with planning and designing the NWO fascist take over plan. FDR wrote strongly against them back when he was President, even though he did not understand the basis of their work, which was to introduce communism that would then convert to fascism once the bureaucracy had complete control of the economy. At that point, the corporations could take over as we see today.

We felt, that due to their enormous power and influence, that it was prudent to expose these people for who they really are. Thus we searched and found this very interesting analysis and deeply researched piece on the Rockefeller bloodline and decided to share it with you all. This is one of the best I have ever read on this family and their reach around the globe and into areas one would not have guessed such as religion…… Read and see what you think.
The Rockefeller Bloodline

by Fritz Springmeier

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 2-18-15

New Moon is Wednesday, February 18 at 4:47 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

This New Moon is a time to celebrate any and all improvements no matter how small or large in your life. Acknowledge yourself and all of your support with gratitude. Take some time to be still and allow all the focus and action towards improvement to settle, organize and balance. The New Moon is always a still point and this one being in Aquarius suggests being still and taking a breath in that stillness in order to allow something wonderful, eccentric and unexpected to land in your lap. Intend that whatever it is, it will be an improvement in some way.
This is also a good time to dream bigger and to acknowledge some of the area that you wish to improve instead of working on what needs improvement. Spend some time dreaming your desires and expanding your sense of what is possible. Remember to vote with your heart and not with your mind and to dream outside the box.

Blessings, Lena