sábado, octubre 25, 2014

Jahn J Kessl - El Día de Días - Los Maestros Ascendidos - Agosto 29, 2014

Será un día que derrame amor y felicidad a un grado desconocido hasta ahora para los Seres humanos. Será un día, en el que aparecerá tierra donde ahora hay agua y saldrá agua, donde ahora hay tierra.

Será un día el cual liberará Luz y vibración, una impensable medida de dignidad, dada desde las fuentes principales del Todo-Lo-Que-Es, por lo que todo el mundo será transformado y cada Vida será cambiada.
Será un día en que el cielo se transforme infinitamente en muchos colores con el fin de armonizar a los Seres humanos su partida hacia la Luz.
Será un día que trae la abundancia de toda Vida, la superabundancia de la Creación a los Seres humanos, al igual que el viento transporta las semillas más bellas, a fin de crear nueva vida.
Será un día en el que los Dioses del Cielo harán una reverencia delante de ustedes, los Dioses de la Tierra, y ustedes comprenderán los motivos por los que se les rinde este homenaje.
Será un día, que iluminará a los Seres humanos ya preparados en un instante; y a los ignorantes y asombrados seres humanos les recuerde de su verdad que han olvidado.
Será un día, cuando la tierra gire, y arriba se haga abajo y abajo se haga arriba. Será un día, cuando el Cristo viviente se manifieste él mismo y en este momento de Gracia ustedes sabrán que se realiza todo lo que les fue anunciado.
Será un día, cuando todos los poderes de la oscuridad capitulen, y se les retirará el derecho a seguir viviendo en este mundo.
Será un día, cuando los Seres de la Intra Tierra les den la bienvenida en el nuevo mundo y les recuerden de sus hermanos de Agartha. Este será el día cuando todos los niveles de la Creación enviarán representantes a la Tierra, y ustedes escucharán lo que han llevado a cabo e influenciado – en toda la Creación.
Será el día, cuando serán llevados y ascenderán a Dios. Será el día, cuando este mundo será devuelto a ustedes, a fin de construir un mundo nuevo en este Planeta Madre de la Creación. Será el día, donde el Cielo y la Tierra se abrirán al mismo tiempo, para ser vistos desde cualquier lugar, escuchado en todas partes, y se experimentará en todas partes.
Será el día, cuando todas las malas acciones de la humanidad serán sanadas y ustedes van a reconocer que se trataba de su propia falta de redención que le dio a este juego de la ilusión los dramas y trajo dolor.
Será un día, cuando un sonido desde el interior de la tierra que todo el mundo percibirá y muchos estarán alterados o se osificarán en un instante, porque en este momento ellos tendrán que enfrentarse a sus propias sombras.
Será un día, cuando el prometido llegue con el fin de sellar el lazo sagrado; pero muchas novias no lo reconocerán y el matrimonio con uno mismo se perderá.
Será el día, cuando los guerreros de la Luz de las primeras y últimas horas entrarán en sus cuerpos de Luz perfeccionado y dejarán este mundo para el período de purificación; y cada uno de los ascendentes sabrán su lugar.
Será un día, que supere todas las expectativas humanas y sobrepase por encima de toda la imaginación humana, y sabrán que lo divino es infinito. Será un día en que todo Ser humano se olvidará de la vida presente en un instante; porque los signos del Cielo y el alumbramiento de la nueva tierra anuncian el 'gran evento'.
Será un día, cuando el mundo dé un tumbo y se desplome – en el abismo; para estabilizarse después de la transformación completa, para un largo tiempo de paz.
Este será el día, que se imprimirá eternamente en la conciencia de todos los Seres humanos y de todos los cuerpos celestes de esta Creación, y las Escrituras de los mundos 4D darán testimonio de esto, y hablará “del gran día de la revelación”.
Este será un día, que se terminará de repente para la gran mayoría de la humanidad, porque van a tomar conciencia de su incapacidad para ascender; y un océano de lágrimas derramará por esta oportunidad perdida.

Este será un día, cuando el gran silencio anuncie la gran explosión, y las aves en el Cielo estarán silenciosas como si no existieran, porque ellas aguardan la ola próxima de la transformación y la Luz como vivos y silenciosos testigos.
Será un día que las familias cósmicas se encontrarán unas a otras y se terminará el tiempo de espera, y el retorno a la unicidad de toda la Vida se habrá cumplido.
Este será un día, en el que se expongan sus pecados a los seres humanos, y un día, en el que se les revele su oculta Luz. 

Instantáneamente los ascendentes obtendrán la transfiguración, y para los otros restantes y demás descendentes, el velo del olvido descenderá nuevamente.
Será un día, en que la victoria de la Luz será evidente en todos los niveles y se llevará a cabo la rica cosecha en base a su siembra. Será un día, cuando la gracia de Dios se derramará, continuamente sin tregua, y muchos confundidos pero aún sin extraviar seres humanos se despertarán en este momento.
Será el día, cuando cada Ser humano reciba la última oportunidad para regresar, porque verdaderamente: la gracia de Dios es ilimitada. Será un día, cuando las trompetas de Dios auguran la nueva era y los lejanos nuevos mundos, y el gran círculo se completa, en este día.
Será el Día de días: Fin, Principio, y Eternidad - en un instante.
Aquellos que entienden, son bendecidos.
Aquellos que saben, están sin temor.
Aquellos que lo esperan, van a recibir.
Aquellos, que lo ven, serán reconocidos.

El Día de días está cerca.

canalizado por Jahn J Kessl en Agosto 29, 2014
traducido del Alemán: Franz
publicado primero en septiembre 6, 2014 en

Traducción al Español: Ángeles de Crystal

viernes, octubre 24, 2014

Arcángel Metatron via James Tyberonn - El Eclipse Solar del 23 de octubre - Una Oportunidad de Co-Creación - 24 de octubre de 2014

Arcángel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Fragmento de actualización del mensaje


Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

www.traduccionesparael camino.blogspot.com.ar

Saludos, Maestros, Soy Metatrón, Arcángel de Luz y los saludo en amor incondicional! Está a su alcance una oportunidad extraordinaria, y los alentamos a aprovecharla. Porque este día alberga un evento que fertiliza la visión. Les instamos a creer en su capacidad para crear.

No puedes poner tu voluntad en la manifestación de tus metas en la vida si crees que tus visiones son meros sueños que nunca se harán realidad. No puedes co-crear conscientemente experiencias en una realidad manifiesta si crees que no tienes poder para hacerlo. Pero te aseguramos que sí creas cada aspecto de tu vida y tu experiencia, ya sea inconscientemente por casualidad o conscientemente con maestría. El eclipse que ocurre el 23 de octubre está codificado en fuerza de vida, ciertamente con Pensamiento Divino, para ayudarte a mover hacia la co-creación. Se abre una ventana que embellece y multiplica la siembra de pensamiento más elevado en la realidad dentro de la 3ªD.

Jahn J Kassl - THE TURNABOUT, SANANDA - Oct 24, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Introduction: The following dream was given to me during the 
night of October 22nd 2014, immediately after I wrote down the 
as an indication of carrying on. 
Dream: I am being tortured! It is an unbelievable torture, 
whereby I feel no pain, even though I am very severely mangled. 
Thereby I remember foremost a very sharp piece of iron, which was 
pierced through my hand and the thumb of my “writing hand”. After 
that, I escape and the game turns entirely around. The torturers are 
arrested and very suddenly not only forfeit their fright but also their 
power. Thereby I see that this “thrust in reverse” occurs worldwide, 
because in all countries the responsible ones are led away. 
(End of dream) 

Eliza: On My Ascension Day… continued - October 24, 2014

Strawberry Creek
The Ceremony
The great auditorium is very quiet although it is filled to capacity. The light is dimmed, with all eyes upon the beautiful altar in the center of the hall. The seats are arrayed in circles around the altar, and go up in graded levels towards the rear of the hall, so all can see what is to take place.
In Hollywood, they speak of star-studded gatherings. Well, at my ascension ceremony, the hall is filled with real luminaries, great Beings of Light who have come to attend the Ascension of the daughter of Lady Master Venus and Archangel Zadkiel, the one whom you know as Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe.
I see the seats are placed in soft spirals and now I weave my way down to the altar, accompanied by two young priestesses, one my own daughter. I am dressed simply now, in a white robe for I am about to be re-born into the higher worlds. My feet are bare and my hair is dressed simply, flowing in a chestnut cloud down my back.
The three of us reached the altar and stop. I stand before the Priestess, who is Lady Nina, the Shekinah from the great Pleiadian Temple in Medina. She is also my Aunt, mate and Twin Flame to my proud Uncle Adrigon, Lord of the Pleiades.
As I stand there, the Priestess blesses the great gathering, singing in a sacred star language, which even if you cannot understand the words, goes straight to the heart.

Jahn J Kassl - Sananda - The U-Turn - October 22, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on October 22, 2014 
first published on October 24, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Introduction: The following dream was given to me during the night of October 22nd 2014, immediately after I wrote down the message “Days of Truth”  :http://www.lichtweltverlag.blogspot.co.at/2014/10/days-of-truth-asana-mahatari.html \ and when I went to bed, as an indication of carrying on. 
Dream: I am being tortured! It is an unbelievable torture, whereby I feel no pain, even though I am very severely trimmed. Thereby I remember foremost a very sharp piece of iron, which was pierced through my hand and the thumb of my “writing hand”. After that, I escape and the game entirely reverses. The torturers are arrested and very suddenly not only forfeit their fright but also their power. Thereby I see that this “thrust in reverse” occurs worldwide, because in all countries the responsible ones are taken away. (End of dream) 


The Day of Days - The Ascended Masters - Jahn J Kassl - August 29, 2014

http://www.lichtweltverlag.com/de/blog/index.html first published on September 6, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
This very powerful and poetic message would not have been given to Jahn at the end of August if the “The day of days is (not) near.” Anything else would have been a complete lack of psychological understanding on the part of the Ascended masters. Most of its information deals with what this A-Day will bring to us and humanity and should be a basic knowledge to all of you.
However, it also announces several notable phenomena that will herald this event and can be perceived with human senses. I would like to make you aware at this place of these phenomena, so that you can observe them and know in advance when the time of your ascension will arrive:

“It will be a day,
1) when Heaven turns into infinitely many colors, in order to attune human Beings to the departure into the Light.:
2) when a sound from the inside of the earth let the world take notice and many remain irritated or ossify in an instant; because in this moment they will be confronted with their own shadows.
3) when the great silence announces the great bang, and the birds in Heaven become silent as if they did not exist, because they expect the approaching wave of transformation and the Light like silent and living witnesses.”
These are the three precursors of our ascension that you should be watching very carefully in order to know when you will be transfigured in the blink of an eye. In addition, I am sure you will hear the clarion call of your soul in your inner Self and will know this beyond any doubt.
It will be a day, which pours out Love and Happiness to a so far unknown extent for human Beings. It will be a day, which let land appear, where there is water now and brings water, where there is land now.
It will be a day, which releases vibration and Light, an unthinkable measure of dignity, given from the prime Sources of All-That-Is, so that the whole world will be transformed and every Life will be changed.
It will be a day, when Heaven turns into infinitely many colors, in order to attune human Beings to the departure into the Light.
It will be a day that brings the abundance of all Life, the super-abundance of Creation to human Beings, like the wind carries on the most beautiful seeds, in order to create new life.
It will be a day, when the Gods of Heaven will take a bow in front of you, the Gods of Earth; and you will understand, why they show this homage to you.
It will be a day, which will enlighten the ready human beings in an instant; and reminds the astonished and ignorant human beings of their truth, which they have forgotten.
It will be a day, when the earth turns, and above becomes below and below becomes above. It will be a day, when the living Christ reveals himself and in this moment of Grace you will know that everything that was proclaimed to you, fulfills itself.
It will be a day, when all powers of darkness capitulate, and the right to continue to live in this world will be withdrawn from them.
It will be a day, when the people of inner Earth greet you in the new world, and you will be reminded of your siblings from Agartha. It will be the day, when all levels of Creation will send representatives to Earth, and you will hear, what you have accomplished and affected – for the whole Creation.
It will be the day, when you will be carried away and will ascend to God. It will be the day, when this world will be returned to you, so that you build a new world on this Mother Planet of Creation. It will be the day, when Heaven and Earth open simultaneously, to be seen everywhere, to be heard everywhere, to be experienced everywhere.
It will be the day, when all bad deeds of mankind will be healed, and you will recognize that it was your own lack of redemption, which gave this game of illusion the dramas and brought pain.
It will be a day, when a sound from the inside of the earth let the world take notice and many remain irritated or ossify in an instant; because in this moment they will be confronted with their own shadows.
It will be the day, when the groom comes in order to close the sacred bond; and many brides do not recognize him and the marriage with oneself stays away.
It will be the day, when the Light warriors of the first and last hours will enter into their perfected Light bodies and will leave this world for the period of purification; and each one of the ascending ones will know his place.
It will be the day, which exceeds every human expectation and towers above every human imagination, and you will know that the divine is boundless. It will be the day, when every human Being will forget the present life in an instant; because the signs of Heaven and the labor pains of the new earth announce the “great event”.
It will be the day, when the world tumbles and falls – into the abyss; in order to stabilize itself after the completed transformation, for a long time of peace.
It will be the day, which will imprint itself eternally into the consciousness of all human Beings and of all heavenly bodies of this Creation, and the scriptures of the 4D worlds will give witness to it and will speak of the “great day of revelation”.
It will be a day, which will end suddenly for the great majority of mankind, because they will become aware of their inability to ascend; and an ocean of tears will pour out on account of this missed opportunity.
It will be a day, when the great silence announces the great bang, and the birds in Heaven become silent as if they did not exist, because they expect the approaching wave of transformation and the Light like silent and living witnesses.
It will be a day, when the cosmic families find each other, and the long waiting ends and your return into the oneness of all Life is fulfilled.
It will be a day, which will evince their sins to human beings and a day, which reveals their hidden Light to human beings. Instantaneously the ascending ones will obtain transfiguration, and over the remaining ones and the descending ones the veil of forgetfulness lowers itself again.
It will be a day, when the victory of the Light will be obvious on all levels and the rich harvest, which is based on your seedlings, will be brought in. It will be a day, when God’s Grace will be poured out, continually without respite, and many confused yet not gone astray human Beings will awaken in this moment.
It will be the day, when every human Being receives the last opportunity for turning around, because truly: God’s Grace is boundless. It will be the day, when God’s trumpets portend the new age and the new worlds far from time, and the great circle completes, on this day.
It will be the Day of days: End, Beginning, and Eternity – in an instant.
Those, who understand, are blessed.
Those, who know, are without fear.
Those, who expect it, will receive.
Those, who see it, will be recognized.
The day of days is near.
We are

The Temple of Archangel Chamuel

jueves, octubre 23, 2014

Eliza: On My Ascension Day - October 23, 2014

View from Beaver Ridge
On My Ascension Day
A new friend asked me how I was feeling today:
I woke up after an intense, very detailed and long dream of being in a bright city with friends.  We were in a restaurant.  Then I walked out into the garden below and saw a paved trail leading away, towards tall steep mountains looming in the bright distance.  I wanted to follow that path right then and now, but I hesitated and returned to the restaurant.  I found my friends and was eating some powdered donuts (!) and then realized that I had lost my purse and could not pay.  I asked for assistance, but everyone was in a rush.  I spoke to the lady at the cash register.  She asked me if I had credit… I did.  She said it was okay and handed over a package for me.  I looked into it, a tablecloth for home.  I walked out of the restaurant and realized that my friends had left me behind.  I stood there for a moment and then felt the mountains calling to me.  I started walking towards the beckoning heights.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - New Moon/Solar Eclipse Report for 10/23/14

Hello friends. How have you been enjoying “Eclipse month” so far? Thrills, chills and turns most likely I would imagine which is right on cue for the season and its energies. Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio has certainly added an interesting twist to things too. I was joking that my report on this subject would either be one paragraph or 1000 words; it has ended up being somewhere in between. Needless to say, there is certainly a lot going on with this New Moon.