viernes, agosto 08, 2014

Wes Annac - Source and the Company of Heaven: A Flame of Inspiration and Action - Aug 8, 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Source Speaks:
Open your minds and hearts to me, and you will find me. Let yourselves believe you can connect with me in a real and pure way, and you’ll find that you’re easily able to. Embrace me if the idea of making a connection resonates with you, and if it doesn’t, let yourselves wait to connect.
It will resonate eventually, because in time, you’ll hunger for me as much as your society hungers for material things.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones, alive in God that I am!
The dream has been dreamt; the dispatch of human Beings 
is finished. Now everything herds back to me, now Life in 
God that I am, fulfills itself.

The world, whereupon free human Beings were robbed 
of their freedom, their thoughts stolen and their emotions 
programmed, finds an end, so that Life returns and Love may 
Fallacies, which hold on to today’s days, have led to then 
fact that great light warriors have not awakened and remained
in deep sleep of ignorance.

jueves, agosto 07, 2014

Karen Dover - AA Gabriel message to humanity 7th August 2014 - August 7, 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that are referenced to you as AA Gabriel and I come to guide and to support as the energies now increase and expand.  The old 3D earth created construct now in full disintegration. This will see those who are anchored into the energetic fields of the old 3D earth begin to move into chaos and panic.  I guide for you to understand that connection to SOURCE is vital at all moments and that this is required by your SOUL in order to illuminate the path beneath your feet as this time.
For those who are now fully and physically moving  into position I ask for you to hold the LIGHT of TRUTH and to shine brightly for the illumination of the crumbling old 3D earth created construct is needed in order for clarity of vision at a galactic level. The eggshell is now breaking and you are now free to explore that which was kept hidden from you. I ask for you to understand that ALL in the universe is by DESIGN and the bigger picture that now emerges is one that will show TRUTH TO ALL at ALL levels of their BEing.

Lion's Gate ~ Diamond Light Grid ~ Current energies by Méline Portia Lafont - Aug 7, 2014

Hi sweet friends and family,

Just a note and a short update on the energies that are going on in my life at this time. As you have noticed, I have not been able to bring out as much channelings recently. This is so because I am swamped with service work, readings, sessions, creating the channeling course, summer holidays with my kids being home and the preparation for the upcoming event with Anrita Melchizedek in Glastonbury UK on august 8 -9 and 10. So I will be a little bit less present concerning channelings because of this all until September. To all of you who are coming to Glastonbury to meet up: I AM looking forward to connect with you all, truly <3

Karen Dover - Walking out the rumble of the old 3d earth construct….- August 7, 2014

As many of you are now experiencing the energies of the last linear 24 hours have intensified to incredible levels. The need to find balance and to take guidance from your SOUL now amplifies also.  ( For those of you who require help in doing this I offer this via the RE-ALIGNMENT sessions that can be ordered on the main website).
Symptoms of being out of alignment include dizziness, a sense of feeling “spaced out”, panic, shallow breathing etc.  The human vehicle is reacting to the energetic signature of the death of the old 3d earth created construct.  It is vital to open your heart and to align fully with SOURCE as SOURCE is your energy supply NOT the old 3d earth created construct albeit your are taught from the moment you take your first breath that this is the case.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Energy Vampires of End Time 
Report: I am in a small swimming pool of the fitness club, 
where I regularly go. In order to be able to swim unrestrictedly, 
it is important to always remain exactly in one’s lane. Then
people have plenty of space. I see one Asian man stepping into 
the pool and as he begins, he constantly crosses my lane, in order 
to move to the side at the last moment. After I send him a few 
mental “packets”, he slightly changes his behavior. Next to me 
swims a woman and I guess that she could be a child or teenager, 

Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 7 August 2014

marlene1-1August 7, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as purity. Purity is the light of one’s soul expressing its divinity through the body and the mind. Purity follows the dictates of inner guidance without allowing thoughts of the carnal mind. Purity is the ability to choose between right and wrong actions as one follows the dictates of one’s divine nature of one’s own accord. Purity is the only thing that can sustain one’s divinity. Purity is tremendous power. Each individual can accomplish anything with purity. If there is no purity, there is no certainty, there is no spontaneity and there is  no constant flow of divinity inside one’s being. When an individual is pure, they gain everything. If they can retain their purity, they will never lose anything worth keeping. They allow the Holy Spirit within them by dwelling about things that please the Spirit. The more they foster and develop divine purity within them, the more their inner strength becomes greater. They do not allow themselves to be conformed to the ways of this world, but are transformed by the renewing of their mind when outer world thoughts assail them. They know that the will of God is all that which is good, acceptable and perfect. They have purity in their thoughts, in all that they say and do, all that they feel and all that they are.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 7 August 2014

AishaNorthAs you all know by now, the highway lies before you ready to be taken into full use. And what do we mean by that? Simply that now it is up to each and every one of you to determine the speed you want to go at, for this time, there will be no limits at all as to how fast you can proceed into this brand new territory that lies before you. You see, the gates are open and the signal has been given, and as such, you can take off at any time you want now. And the more you allow the underlying currents to push you in the back, the faster you will find yourself barreling down this highway to the future.

miércoles, agosto 06, 2014

Steve Rother ~The Golden Key ~ The Balance of Power - La llave dorada~ El Grupo - Jul 16, 2014

You can watch the video version of this message here.
Greetings, dear ones.  I am the Keeper of Time.
A Higher Vision
I have moved forward into what you call the group because today I will speak of where you are at this junction of time and space, which is so beautiful. You have been here before to experience very similar energies. Now is a unique time, because many of these challenges on Earth have come from the junctions where realities cross and leave permanent imprints. Let us explain.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Aug 6, 2014

8 Eb, 10 Pop, 11 Ik
Dratzo! We arrive! Your world continues to move toward her goal of a massive transformation of your reality. Our liaisons and diplomatic corps report that a number of key decisions were made and quickly followed by some noticeable action. We are grateful to our Earth allies for what they are currently accomplishing. The foundation is set for a new world, which is to be populated with prosperity and an end to your long period of servitude to your dark masters. This great opening to the Light is to bring you a vast growth in your consciousness, new governance, and finally, full disclosure of our existence. We welcome these ongoing changes and prepare in earnest for our arrival. We understand the full significance of what is to precede our arrival on your most beautiful shores. This requires an end to the haughty indifference of the dark cabal. You next need time to get used to your newfound prosperity and your reacquired freedoms and personal rights. Then you are ready to accept the lessons of your Ascended Masters. Finally, you are indeed ready for us to carry out a special global mass landing. This is to bring your much-needed individual mentors!