June, 2014: Superheroes, Mirror Stars and Rabbit Holes
Hello friends, welcome to the month of June and another round of Mercury Retrograde (6/7-7/1) before you recoil in horror, I actually have some encouraging words about this one. :)One prevailing New Age metaphysical view is that you have attracted *every* single person, dis-ease, place or circumstance into your life. Well, yes and no. It's not exactly as cut and dried as that in my opinion. According to the ancient karmic system laid down in ancient Buddhist teachings such as the ones eludicated in "The Diamond Cutter," and in my experience as an akashic record reader, your "samskaras" (imprints) do draw certain experiences to you. Imprints can be both positive and negative, and often the higher the emotional charge the more profound the imprint that is created. Also, actions made in full awareness have more karmic impact than actions that do not. As in, if you willingly seek to harm to someone as opposed to misfortune that simply happens. So when you have a negative experience with someone, say in social media for example; does that mean you have a karmic connection with that person? Not necessarily, but you do have an impression in there somewhere that has drawn that energy in the first place. The interesting thing is, so does the other person. So basically we often are getting into a "clash of the samskaras" with people and from a certain level, it's actually rather funny and absurd.