martes, febrero 04, 2014

Sheldan Nidle Update - Feb 4, 2014

8 Oc, 13 Yax, 10 Caban

Dratzo! The reality that you now reside in is shifting. As it does so, the dark cabal leaves behind its horrible histories, and its vast interconnected network of wealth and power is being forced to change. The old ways by which the dark cabal kept its power are starting to slip. Its powers, accrued over the millennia, are being transferred to a new, more conscious and more humane group. These new leaders understand the subtle nature of the transitions required by Heaven. It is a time for celebrating these long overdue changes and for fully supporting what these transformations mean. Surface humanity has been kept in an amnesia surrounded by mysteries, and these anomalies need to be explained. It is for others such as your Ascended Masters and your Inner Earth brethren to explain this to you. Our mission is to give you a brief understanding of what is happening. As you mutate, you become less and less susceptible to the “mind games” long performed on behalf of this cabal by your media and your entertainment industries.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re A New Kind Of Star – 4 February 2014

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s Febraury 1, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Even though all your segments are part of you, your new segments have had different life events that create different experiences for you now. The greater your transition the more unique your path. 
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “No Earth or Non-Earth Teacher is More Wise Than You”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Many of you are familiar with the duality that creates control. If you are a leader, someone or many are not as good as you. Even though that thought is perhaps not that detrimental, the actions involved with maintaining it are.

lunes, febrero 03, 2014

Natalie Glasson – Spiritual Metamorphosis By Akina Of The Pleiades – 3 February 2014
Greetings to you souls presently of the Earth civilisation,
I wish to introduce myself, I am Akina of the Pleiades. I have been
asked to share my wisdom and consciousness with you while connecting you on a deeper level with the Pleiadian energy vibration and truth. It is my purpose to make you aware of an opportunity of transformation dawning for the Earth from the stars and especially the Pleiadian at this time. First allow me to introduce myself.
I, Akina, am a soul who has predominantly existed within the Pleiadian civilisation; I cannot remember any other connections or existences that were not associated with the Pleiadian energy before my current reality. I therefore believe I am a Pleiadian. I am currently acting in a position of communication with other star systems and planets. It is my purpose to scan the universe as if scanning the sky for shifts in energy calculating and accessing how these shifts will influence the universe and all who inhabit the universe.

Emmanuel Dagher – Energy Forecast February – Feeling The Momentum – 3 February 2014

Foto: Hi my beautiful friend,

If you'd like to know what's going on energetically at this time, 
the February Energy Forecast titled "Feeling the Momentum" is now available for you to read at

If you are enjoying the posts I create for you, feel free to click the 'share' button so that we can expand the love. 

I love you,
EmmanuelHi My Friend,
There’s a momentum building now that is feeling quite palpable to many people around the world. Momentum builds when change is about to happen.
If you’ve been feeling more anxious, scattered or emotionally charged than usual, know that it’s part of this wave of momentum.
A New State of Balance
The past 11-year cycle has been quite a roller coaster ride, filled with extremes of both highs and lows.
As we enter the next era of our personal and collective journey, we will have the opportunity to experience a more balanced existence. This kind of balanced existence will no longer need to be achieved through extreme measures, but rather through a more gentle, peaceful and refined way.
Humans have undergone millennia of conditioning, on both conscious and subconscious levels. During that time, we internalized the collective belief that in order to expand, grow, evolve, achieve balance and learn, some kind of extreme feeling or event had to be involved.

Wes Annac – Balance and Divine Justice – 3 February 2014 by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Spirit is calling us to remember it in the face of pain and adversity. We’re asked to remain in a clear and balanced place in the face of the lower-dimensional sludge that’d otherwise make us forget about the place we’ve come from, for in staying balanced, we anchor heaven onto a lost planet.
With our balanced actions and intentions, we help others awaken. As we find it in ourselves to see beyond the pressure of lower-dimensional life, we provide a shining light for those around us to use to navigate their way through the same pain we experience.

Matthew Ward – 3 February 2014

mattlast1_r1_c1With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The outpouring of gratitude for “the apostle Matthew” message was cause for celebration here. Always we honor souls’ divine right to believe as they wish, and we are elated when the choice is to embrace truths put forth. Far more than our repeated assurance that you know at soul-level what is true and what is not, your personal experiences are irrefutable evidence that your soul’s knowledge is reaching your conscious awareness.
Even more so than last year, Earth’s first year of freedom from the shroud of darkness, energy incoming and generated on the planet during this year will produce light in such abundance that souls can vault in conscious and spiritual growth, with exponential effects throughout your world. As light increases, so do the vibratory levels throughout your mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. The consciousness of every form on the planet can expand as Earth’s ascension continues—only her human residents have the choice to flow with that stirring upliftment or resist.

Kryon Channeling "The Next 18 Years" December 02, 2012


domingo, febrero 02, 2014

Karen Doonan - Standing in the LOVE that IS - February 2, 2014

I have blogged about allowing the LOVE that IS to flow around you, through you and within you and many of you may be filtering out the need for FLOW. It can be very triggering indeed to have those around you whom you may have known for some time suddenly begin to act and behave in ways that are out with their “normal” routines. For many the outpouring of emotion seeks to have them in tremendous fear, so much is TAUGHT within the old 3d earth reality in relation to defining what “love” is and how to identify and work with it that many filter out that “love” and the LOVE that IS are two DIFFERENT frequencies and they are not interchangeable. To hold on to someone believing that without them you will be less than you are is to walk in the old 3d earth reality teachings.  LOVE JUST IS, it is a frequency that is available at all moments of all moments but in order to embrace this and to allow this to flow you must first of all ALIGN with this frequency. It is not enough to simply state “ah yes love I know it and I work with it”. If you come from this angle you are already walking blind within an old 3d earth reality teaching.

The Harmonic Portal 2014 - 2038 - 2075 - Anchoring the 3rd Coming Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn - Feb 2, 2014 - El Portal Armónico 2014 – 2038 – 2075 – Anclaje de la Tercera Venida El Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Greeting Masters, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! This day we speak of the co creation, of the Harmonic Trigger occurring in Year Two of the New Earth. It is an especially important and timely message. We speak of the Portal of Harmony and of the Cristos. We speak of 2014, of 2038, of 2075. We speak of the NOW.

The Portal of Harmony

An extraordinary Harmonic Portal is opening in Year Two of the New Paradigm of the Planet Earth. It is the ' Harmony Portal '. As we have told you, it will initiate on the March Equinox of 2014 and flowers into exquisite full potency on the April Solar Eclipse and follows in peak potency thru the June Solstice. It is an utterly astonishing coded energy that will plant the seeds of World Peace.