viernes, abril 26, 2013

Clarity About the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring Patricia Diane Cota-Robles a message from Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Today, April 25, 2013, is the Full Moon Wesak Festival which is the 2nd Full Moon Festival of Spring. Even though Spring is only occurring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Light that bathes the Planet during these powerful Celestial alignments blesses ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. The Festival of Wesak has been celebrated on the Taurus Full Moon for millennia. This year the influx of Light from the Wesak Full Moon is being greatly enhanced by a Lunar Eclipse. The Full Moon occurs at 12:47 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time and the Lunar Eclipse immediately follows at 1:07 P.M. PDT.
The influx of Light involving the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring begins five days before the actual Full Moons and expand for five days following the Full Moons, so there is plenty of time to assimilate these Gifts of Light from On High.

jueves, abril 25, 2013

Plasma Beings are showing us ascension ( part 2 of 3) Drunvalo Melchizédek

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: An Entire Paradigm of Secrecy is About to be Shattered by Wes Annac - April 24, 2013

Greetings, dearest souls, I am SanJAsKa speaking for our Council of Nine. You continue to make the strides and progress that you are becoming famous for, and as the Earth experience tests your faith and resolve we note the overall enlightenment so many of you are beginning to find not just in yourselves, but in those around you who are beginning to respond quite favorably to the energies and perceptions you’re uncovering.
As you unlock new perceptions and find yourselves able to radiate the resulting energies, every single soul around you benefits from your Light in their own specific and individual ways and for many of them, it will take and has taken quite a long amount of your concept of time for the energies you’re introducing to their perspective to settle in and begin changing such perspective in a way that will display very clearly to you, the effect your Light is having.

Jesus through John Guidance from an elder brother - Spring is in the air, and so is change of a most magnificent kind - April 21, 2013

The Oneness that is God has all of creation enfolded within It; It is the infinite field of divine Love where all Wisdom, all Knowledge, all Consciousness has its eternal existence.  It is a state of utter joy, peace, and contentment, where no one is, or can ever be in any way, bereft.  It is Reality, where all are free to create abundantly with the skills and abilities that God has bestowed upon them, and delight in the results.
It is into this sublime state that humanity is to awaken.  Your present state of sleep, constantly interrupted by dreams and nightmares that you experience as real and substantive, no longer serves you, and so you have chosen to wake up into the refreshing, stimulating, and exhilarating state of wonder from which you chose to briefly hide yourselves but a moment ago.  It seems to you that you have been experiencing this imaginary reality for a very long time – and in “time” you have – but it has been only momentary, as you will discover when you wake up.  And then your joy and amazement will be boundless and unceasing.  Reality is always amazing because it places you in the Presence of the infinite, all-loving Source, which created you solely to experience eternal joy, amazement, and wonder — and so you will.

Awaken to the truth of who and what you are. – channeled by Ron Head April 23, 2013

Our focus today will be on focus.  For a very many reasons this is important for you at this time.  It is a critical tool in your toolbox, both for achieving your objectives of raising your energy and frequency, and for your protection, allowing that to happen in the best and easiest way. 

We ask you to focus, to a much higher degree, upon your path and upon your intent to always, in every moment, be feeling good.  We ask you to focus on finding more and more ways to feel good about yourselves.  We ask you to focus more and more on feeling unconditional love for all around you.

Blossom Goodchild – 4/24/2013 morning to you. Quite a few people write in asking me if I can ask you about how to connect up with you, their guides and angels. I know we have addressed this before and we know the best thing to do is meditate. Yet I wonder if it is possible for you to go into more detail, as I know many find it frustrating and feel that no contact is made.
What a wonderful world you live in. Is it not that you can ‘see’ … actually ‘see’ the depth of the beauty that is there in a way that was not possible before?
I know what you mean … There seems to be a different energy in the air and indeed the stars in the night sky and the peace surrounding it are noticeably different.

Faery Caught on tape in Mexico

The Effects of the 5D Overlay - James Gilliland - April 24, 2013

james_gilliland1Many have prayed that the pain, suffering, lack and tyranny come to an end. They pray that the tyrants in their insatiable soulless lust for power and wealth learn their lessons and come to the realization of unity consciousness. Many pray that they awaken to the immutable law, “What we do to others and nature we do to ourselves.” Many pray that the reaction to their actions, karma comes swiftly and everything comes to the light. 
James Gilliland
How can one best navigate these changes, be in proper alignment with these new energies, make the obvious shift the Earth has chosen, which is to ascend to the next level? The answer is quite simple, it is so simple most miss it. Be kind to each other, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, live in harmony with each other and nature, most important pay attention.

The manuscript of survival – part 303 - Aisha North - April 25, 2013
The tide has turned a long time ago, but still, there are those under the influence of thinking that nothing is happening at all. They kick up the dust, and complain that everything is at a stand still. But is it truly that? We challenge you all to take a good look around you, and we think you will all see traces of this rush of incoming energies on all sides of you. Not only in the heart of those likeminded souls you are gathered together with here in this space, but also further afield. For your world is already starting to move beyond the level of awareness you might have thought was the limit for everyone not as ”open” as you to these new energetic messages. For they are all moving in some way, and even if some of you have a hard time seeing it, still it is happening, each and every day.

miércoles, abril 24, 2013

Jesus through John Guidance from an elder brother - Fear is an illness, and it is healed by Love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance - April 24, 2013

The purpose of an illusion is to capture your full attention in order to distract you so that you do not see something the illusionist wants to keep hidden, unseen, and unrecognized by you.  And you are the illusionist!  You wanted God to remain hidden, unseen, unrecognized.  And the illusion that you built has worked extremely well.  However, the vast majority of humanity has had its fill — the value of novelty wears off — and now wants and intends to see and recognize what has been hidden.  That intent is completely in alignment with the Will of God, and therefore cannot fail to be achieved; consequently, humanity will awaken, and into eternal joy.