sábado, marzo 30, 2013

Pleiadian Message to the Lightworkers 2013 - New Earth Rising

DNA – Clearing of Karmic Family Residue...Judith Kusel


By Judith Kusel, posted February 25, 2012
Through time and space your soul wished to be here.  It wished to be part and particle of a dramatic series of events, that would change a lot of the old mistakes, which have been made over millennia on this planet.
When this planet was first made habitable, a lot of volunteer souls, ASKED to be part of a huge experiment.  It was an experiment that would see to it, how life and lifeforms from other galaxies and star systems would survive on a planet, within a universe, which was one of the latest being created and birthed within the Milky Way Galaxy.
In the beginning there was harmony and balance… and there was no such thing as strive, hated and war.  However, during the course of this first settlement, the offspring of those who first colonized this planet, started coming into contact, with those who Beings who had conquered and destroyed other star systems.  These Beings first settled on Mars, and the planet which blew itself up, (in a massive war) between Mars and Jupiter.

Magatha from Agartha ~ We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality ~ Channeled by Méline Lafont

Greetings beloved brethren of Earth. The time has come to again provide a short update concerning the current state of affairs pertaining to the Inner Earth as well as to the Earth. I welcome all of you with an open heart full of love and gratitude. At present there is a profound manifestation about to happen. A few shifts are taking place on your Earth and in your reality introducing the fall of the old structures and simultaneously ushering in the actual renewal. What might not be readily known or perhaps only known by certain beloved sources is that even in the inner Earth many changes are occuring.
We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality. Many hearts will be able to welcome us in their world and will truly see us. A lot of work went into that project, which we agreed to honor in cooperation with the star civilizations as well as with all of you.


By Judith Kusel
In the beginning of all time, when the first soul and soul groups were birthed, a lot of these new souls that were born decided to take on Androgynous form… thus the male and female in one body…..
As a soul consists of pure energy, and thus within one soul, there are a million shards or pieces of soul, in the form of particles of energy, the male and female, positively and negatively charged particles thus form, what one would see or visualize as a SPIRALLING FORM OF ENERGY, at its most stretched part, forming a concentric circle…. This, then when in Androgynous form…
At one stage in the evolution of intelligent life, and thus the evolution of what one can term a human-like form, a lot of souls, wanted to experience life, in the more male aspect of form and female aspects of form. Thus a certain number of souls, volunteered to take on a solely male form to experience the more masculine side of life and its other half the more female side of life…..

Soul mates and Sexual Energies….. Judith Kuseñ

By Judith Kusel
Not all who are incarnated here on this planet at this time, have a TWIN FLAME… as most often a Twin does not incarnate at the same time.  Sometimes the TWIN (especially in these vital next few years) simply gets lost and forgets who he/she is, or has forgotten his/her commitment…. then the SOUL MATE will step in.  A soul mate is someone who comes from the same SOUL GROUP.
All souls form part of the GREATER SOUL GROUP of MONAD…. Each such group consists of 144 000 souls and they have different names.  Thus you will find that, when in meditation you ask for the SOUL NAME, it will vibrate on the same FREQUENCY, as your SOUL GROUP NAME.
When you are still unsure of your SOUL GROUP NAME, and have remembered your SOUL NAME, it is best to simply go into meditation and reconnect with your Higher Self, your guardian angels and ASK them to give you the same of your SOUL GROUP.  You will hear a SPIRITUALLY SOUNDING NAME, which will reflect the VIBRATION of the SOUL GROUP and the RAY it is working on.

Dolores Cannon ~ Changes Needed for the New Frequencies

The only thing I would add to Dolores Cannon’s account is that some people, myself included, are actually finding a need to eat a little bit denser foods in order to remain grounded right now. I had been 100% raw vegan and then high raw for many years and vegan for 8.5 years. In early 2011, my body –and I heard this from a lot of longtime raw vegans right around the same time –suddenly started demanding some cooked vegan foods and even the addition of some organic raw dairy. I struggled with the ethics of that and tried every imaginable way around it, but adding that in brought instant relief on a variety of levels. We are all at individual frequencies, which change and make micro-adjustments as our outer world continues to shift. The important thing is to pay attention to how you feel and to notice any patterns.
For example, I consume probably 60% or more of my calories in liquid form, but some days I really feel the need to chew. Chewing releases serotonin, so that could be a factor. The density could also be a factor: more complicated or cooked food combinations can have a grounding effect because they take more physical energy to process. Most people on this planet are trending lighter and lighter; however, the energies are shifting so fast that people who have already been on extremely high vibe, living and raw food diets, people who do a lot of healing work, energy work and/or intuitive/psychic work may temporarily find they need to “dirty up” their diets a bit, just to continue vibrating within the parameters of this illusion for a little while longer until the shared reality shifts. Again, pay attention to how you feel, not just to what people tell you that you should be feeling.
That said, here’s Dolores with some excellent general tips:

The Wayshowers – The First - Judith Kusel

The Wayshowers – The First

By Judith Kusel
The most profound truths have remained hidden to mankind for thousands of years, as the mainframe minds of men and women were hijacked by those who wished to control others because of their own agendas.  It has not been so much as serving the self, as in wanting to have some powers and then using these powers solely for self-service and then in order to, as said CONTROL.
Yet in a strange way this has served some souls…. For these are the souls who came in and truly shone their light, refused to adhere to the status quo and in such, gained immense insight into what the make-up is or was of those who imposed such restrictions and rules.
In a higher sense these were old patterns of behavior repeating itself.  It was that imbalance created when the one half or even a quarter of the population of this planet and other solar systems and galaxies got infected by a certain dark or mass consciousness, which tended to suck in and then destroy.   It was a consciousness which existed even when the Divine Source was birthed out of that darkness and it suddenly appeared, or rather made itself felt as a power.  It was then when the wars of heaven broke out for the first time and since then it has gained in some ways and lost itself in others.

Angelic Guides – “Money is simply the transfer of energy” - Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of money. Some very common beliefs surrounding money are: “money is evil”, “having abundance means you are a greedy person”, “money and spirituality do not mix”, “those who have money received it by cheating others”, “you must work hard for your money”, “there is never enough to go around”. These are just a few of the beliefs we commonly see. There are many misconceptions surrounding the idea of money and it is our intention to share with you our perspective in hopes of “dispelling” some of these limiting beliefs.
Know that we do not view money as either “good” or “bad”, rather it is neutral; just as everything in your reality is neutral. It is only the perceiver who determines the value that is placed on anything in your reality. Many misunderstand what money truly is; an exchange of energy. It is the exchange of one service for another. Money is a valid form of exchange which is equal to any other form of abundance on your world.
Remember that this reality is simply an illusion which allows you to gain a unique perspective which will help your soul to experience a tremendous amount of growth. You all have the ability to choose what you would like to experience by using your own free will. Although your soul will experience growth from every decision you make, you do not have to live a life of lack, much can be gained from a life of abundance as well. The universe which you exist within is infinitely abundant, you can choose to have a lot or a little, it makes no difference.

Your name: your soul vibrations, and what you are anchoring in… soul lessons…- Judith Kusel

http://www.thesoulsjourney.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/AscensionAndRebirth2.jpgBy Judith Kusel
All of us vibrate at a certain soul frequency.  A soul is made up of many particles of pure Light … (think of Light as the purest frequency, for Light embraces all the colours of the Rainbow and in its purest form, is sheer blinding white Light)…
When you think of your soul as a circle or in a concentric form, then know that a quarter of your soul, stays attached to Divine Source… serving in its Highest Form and Capacity there.  (Mine for instance, works in the Halls of Records and Wisdom and reflects the work I am happiest in will always be work dealing with information, writing, teaching, communication and anything that entails sharing of  knowledge, wisdom and insights.)
Another part of your soul, is attached to the GALAXY or STAR SYSTEM that you originate from.  We all are COSMIC BEINGS and thus we all vibrate at a certain frequency, which also expresses the FREQUENCY of the Galaxy we stem from…. I come from Andromeda, and strangely enough, I was shown by an Astrologer friend once, that this reflects on my birth-chart as well….  It is wise to try and find crystal that reflect your Galaxy of origin and to wear it on your person (if possible).
There might be parts of you,  who work elsewhere in the vast Cosmic Whole, as Scientists, etc. ( Often when you are looking for solutions, you will tap into this alter ego of your soul- self and thus you might find that formulas or solutions come to you in the meditative state or when you are asleep.)

The manuscript of survival – part 292 - Aisha North

So here we are dear friends, ready to begin another day in paradise. For that is truly what it is, is it not? We do not say this in order to offend anyone still in the throes of the last birth pangs, we just say it as a little reminder that you are not left out, any one of you. For you are already in paradise, and even if you for some reason have yet to come to the same conclusion yourself, let us just say that deep within yourself, you have, and soon, the rest of your awareness will follow suit.
Let us explain. As we have stated on so many an occasion, if you venture to look for paradise outside the confines of your own self, you might find quite a lot of traces of it, in the beauty of nature, and in the loving look from another soul’s gaze. But if you focus on what is still abundant around you of sorrow, misery and mismanagement, you will come to no other conclusion than that you are still living in something that for many can only be described as a nightmare. But again, it is a nightmare, for it is truly an illusion, and as such, the moment you yourself fully awaken, you will see it for the shimmering haze of make believe it really is. For that is not permanent, not in any way, and all of that will start to dissipate as soon as you start to emerge from this cocoon of transformation. For when you do, you will see that you are permanent, as you are in all ways and manner immortal. And so everything else are just undulations of energies, ebbing and flowing around you, but no more than a chimera.
In other words, once you are truly reborn back into this, the truest version of you, you will begin to look upon what surrounds you with a far more discerning eye. Then you will see that there are no absolutes in this so-called ”reality” that seems to be pressing in on you. For it is but a fiction of the human mind, put up as a sort of play acted out under the pretense of being real. But it is not real, no more real than what play-actors present on stage in theatres. And just like a play, no matter how popular it has become, it will sooner or later have to go out of production. For a play will only continue as long as there are people willing to come and see it. And now, as you awaken one by one, you will leave your seats and exit this ”theater of life”, as we like to call this third density performance of ”reality” that you have been avidly watching for so long.