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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Tecnología. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, septiembre 10, 2014

Coming Soon: 3D Printable Solar Panels Capable Of Powering… Anything – 10 September 2014

RT logoPrintable solar panels are going to be available to us very soon and could power “entire skyscrapers,” Australian researchers say. The very near future will see personal electronic charging transformed, but the potential is growing quickly.
A team of 50 scientists in various fields worked for years to develop paper-thin, printable solar panels as part of the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium. They hope to see commercial market production for use in low-power applications in the very near future.
The key benefit of such technology is in transforming the way personal electronics are charged. “iPad covers, laptop bags, skins of iPhone [will no longer be] just for casing electronics, but to collect some energy as well and power those electronics,” Fiona Scholes, a senior research scientist at Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, told ABC News.
Read the full story at: / link to original article

viernes, agosto 01, 2014

Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon - August 1, 2014

Secretly forced human brain implants connected to computers for mind control is a reality today, one that has shattered lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims globally. It is today’s most hidden human rights abuse and Russia has taken the lead to expose it in a TV news program that the host called a “profound” interview with a leading Targeted Individual advocate from Sweden.

Recently, a California woman and an expert in the field provided evidence to won the first court case involving today’s mind control cell tower weapon system.

martes, abril 29, 2014

Time travel one step away! Large Hadron Collider Experiments


Two Russian scientists claim a device created to investigate the origins of the universe "The Large Hadron Collider" could become the world's first ever time machine. Scientists say the vast atom-smashing machine at the European Particle Physics Centre near Geneva could create a time tunnel.

Time Machine Successfully put together, Time Displacement Unit - The First Time Machine 25/04/2014

Worlds First Time Machine Constructed...
GE C2O4 Time Displacement Unit
According to John Titor, the ability to time travel is discovered in Geneva, Switzerland at CERN, during (I'm assuming) experiments involving the Large Hadron Collider. I can assume that because he also said:
"The source of power for the C204 that allows it to distort and manipulate gravity comes from two microsingularities that were created, captured and cleaned at a much larger and 'circular' facility...The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online." -- January 31, 2001

After the technology was discovered, General Electric then began producing the displacement units. Titor outlined the basic specifications of the units that allow time travel:
"1. Magnetic housing units for dual microsingularities.
2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsungularities.
3. Cooling and x-ray venting system
4. Gravity sensors (VGL system)
5. Main clocks (4 cesium units)
6. Main computer units (3)"

Before going any further, you might be interested in what John Titor had to say about the development of time travel in general, and how that process evolved.
If so, I've set up a page with one of Titor's lengthier posts, in which he walks us through the basics of how his machine operates and the science behind it. Check it out: John Titor & The Invention Of Time Travel

domingo, marzo 16, 2014

The Keshe Foundation has released their FREE ENERGY files ~ DOWNLOAD FAST!

17 Keshe Free Energy Files can be downloaded here at the moment. These places have been being shut down so please move fast!
Project Camelot has a LIVE radio show tomorrow 3/15/14 with Keshe here
Alfred Weber’s post these past minutes on this situation, copied and pasted below as was uploaded by Alfred to Facebook.
The content of the Keshe Technology USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group
Mr Keshe suspects his life is in danger, and he has now opened up the USB stick data to the peoples of the world, to begin the technological change that is needed.
Here is the full contents of the legendary USB drive that was previously offered to the governments of the world by the Keshe Foundation.
Please distribute this file far and wide, so it cannot be suppressed!
.iso version:
Alternate link with .rar files:,.rar&authkey=!AFAmO1xmRy2YY2Y
“Hello Sir, I want to inform you that KF make disclosure of information from USB .
the content of USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group Today, 04:51 PM We have been informed by the Taiwanese Keshe Foundation group, according to our request, that they have today released the full contents of the USB stick given to governments of the world in 2012, which has been given to them by their government. The content of the USB stick was released to selected people around the world as per our wish today first that it could not be blocked by others. From today the knowledge for production of free food, health systems, materials, energy and motion is fully given and delivered to human race, unconditionally and as gift from us to humanity. We hope now this stops all the wars and conflicts as now you have enough to create enough food, energy, motion, all materials and keep the man healthy through the health patents released anywhere in the universe, which has never been disclosed before. Now we are not the only group or organisation, which through simple systems can save the life of the man from any illness on this planet and beyond. Now you can help yourselves with all your medical, food, materials, motion and energy which you might need through development of these simple systems. Our mission is complete. Through our workshops we will teach you all the methods of the production and use of all systems. Now the health program of the Foundation through the patents which have not been disclosed before, through the release of the USB stick content by Taiwanese government to public they have become the world population intellectual right property. We thank the government of Taiwan and the honesty of the Keshe Foundation team in this country for sharing their gained information with the rest of humanity. This link has been provided by Taiwanese Keshe Foundation group for all the content of the USB stick.…FAmO1xmRy2YY2Y
Or in another format as done by The truth seeker…VQTmNGZmc/edit
We advise you to spread this documents as fast as you can to as many people and groups that the human race starts the new cycle of developments all together on equal opportunity and fair chance. I thank all our supporters around the world and hope you find peace and prosperity with this disclosure. Please do not forget that these documents carries the world peace treaty paper, Sign yourself to it, that you never use this new knowledge to harm no one and use the information and technologies within these patents and blue prints and what to be gained from them, for peace and prosperous society for human-race and those beyond the boundaries of this planet. M T Keshe

domingo, marzo 09, 2014

Brain scans of a self-reported out-of-body experience March 8, 2014 by Janet Fang

Photo credit: activated regions of the brain while the participant claimed to have extra-corporeal experiences / A.M. Smith & C. Messier, Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2014

To be clear, this was a type of hallucination. This was not a bona fide out-of-body experience the likes of paranormal activity or the astral projection powers of Shannen Doherty’s character on Charmed. But it’s still cool because it’s the first attempt to scientifically analyze and document a non-pathological, self-elicited out-of-body experience.

martes, enero 28, 2014

3 D Printing Energy Station Workshop : Pre- Launch : Station # 1 : Sint Maarten, Caribbean : Other Global Network Stations: - Jan 28 2014


3 D Printing Energy Station Workshop : Pre- Launch : Station # 1 : Sint Maarten, Caribbean : Other Global Network Stations:

3D Printer Energy Global  Network Station Workshops :
Station Number 1) Sint Maarten, Caribbean:
See Current 3D Energy Projects List here : TOP RIGHT TAB: