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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Salud. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, mayo 12, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Medical Pods -Ascension Of Earth And All Life Forms Is Imminent - May 12, 2022

The cradle of humanity is about to come into alignment with the Cosmic Central Sun, and all life as we know it will be forever changed.

We will be able to employ numerous advanced technologies that the Galactic Federation will share after rising into 5D. We're going to talk about one of them today.

The technology is called the Holographic Medical Pod. It is a medical bed that works on the principles of energy medicine.

martes, mayo 25, 2021

Lisa Renee - Protein Engineering


Chemical based methods of genetic engineering use natural or synthetic compounds that form into particles that facilitate the transfer of genetic material or instruction sets directly into cells. Enzymes that catalyze reactions in the bonds of DNA are genetic engineering techniques in which there can be copied, snipped or spliced DNA in order to customize a range of effects in a living organism. What happens when Genetic Engineering previously performed in laboratories to manipulate human DNA are now being uploaded as complex mathematical programs for weaponizing particles in quantum computers and AI machines?

domingo, mayo 24, 2020

Jim Self y Roxane Burnett - ¿De dónde viene la enfermedad?

Conversaciones Matinales de Jim Self y Roxane Burnett
¿De dónde viene la enfermedad?

Roxane: Jim, en el seminario online la semana pasada alguien envió una pregunta pero no llegué a transmitírtela, de modo que lo hago ahora. La persona quería saber qué es la enfermedad física.

Jim: Bueno, no se trata tanto de qué es la enfermedad, sino cómo sucede, cómo es que la enfermedad física se produce. Hay una progresión de la enfermedad, de cómo se produce. Cuando niño pequeño estás sano naturalmente, y luego creces. Y lo que pasa es que no se inicia en el cuerpo físico; se inicia en cómo piensas, en cómo sostienes tus emociones.

viernes, abril 17, 2020

Lisa Renee - Spiritual Immune System - April 2020

Spiritual Immune System

April 2020

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Humanity is in a critical time of choosing the way we will evolve forward on the timelines at a global level. This month is an especially concentrated phase of reclaiming monadic families and embodying the Mother’s staff codes in the Sophianic template. The accretion and absorption of more light and energy into the cellular matrix and tissues of the physical body, is a function of expanding consciousness that occurs through the embodiment of higher spiritual layers. If we are to stay on course in this current crisis of consciousness warfare, we will need to be aware of the existence of our biological and spiritual immune system, and take steps to nourish and keep both of these systems connected and in good health.

viernes, abril 10, 2020

Natalie Glasson - The Arcturians - Boost Your Immune System and General Health - April 10, 2020

Boost Your Immune System and General Health by the Arcturians

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

With respect, honour, and love, we step forward to share our wisdom and insights with you in order to raise your energy vibration and expand your awareness. We are the Arcturians, we hold the Arcturian light from the planet of Arcturus. It is an intense source of light within our beings, which we wish to share with others to aid their illumination. The Arcturian energy is of a high vibration and holds many tools and techniques that can aid the advancement and health of humanity. However, we are helpless unless humanity opens their energies and hearts to us, allowing us to divinely intervene and help their cause. There are many energies that are anchoring onto the Earth now, some are old familiar

sábado, mayo 31, 2014

More healing codes – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 31, 2014

23324_536337373051928_907460147_n(Translated from original language german)
My beloved child, my son Raphael gave you already some codes for healing purpose and for transmutation of harmful substances in your food. From me, you know also the codes for improvement of your drinking water. Today I will give you still more codes which you can all use for healing. They are suitable for adults, children and babies and animals alike. They have a fail-safe safety feature that makes them safe in their application.

jueves, febrero 20, 2014

NaturalNews – Mike Adams – Battle For Humanity Nearly Lost: Global Food Supply Deliberately Engineered To End Life, Not Nourish It – 20 February 2014

Naturalnews-Logo2(NaturalNews) After having now analyzed over 1,000 foods, superfoods, vitamins, junk foods and popular beverages for heavy metals and other substances at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs, I have arrived at a conclusion so alarming and urgent that it can only be stated bluntly.
Based on what I am seeing via atomic spectroscopy analysis of all the dietary substances people are consuming on a daily basis, I must now announce that the battle for humanity is nearly lost. The food supply appears to be intentionally designed to end human life rather than nourish it.
Life-destroying toxins intentionally engineered into the food supply
My lab has uncovered scientific proof that substances are intentionally formulated into dietary products to drive consumers mentally insane while causing widespread infertility, organ damage and a loss of any ability to engage in rational, conscious thinking. These toxic substances are being found across the entire food supply including in conventional foods, organic foods, “natural” products and dietary supplements.

lunes, enero 20, 2014

Naturalsociety - ‘Mushrooms of Immortality’: Reishi Mushrooms an Ancient Medicine for Modern Diseases - Jan 20th 2014

reishi mushroomsIn China, reishi mushrooms have earned the nickname, “The Mushrooms of Immortality,” and if their longstanding reputation is any indication, this nickname could be appropriate for a few different reasons. Some archaeological evidence points to reishi mushrooms having been used as far back as 7,000 years ago, and with good reason. The benefits of these mushrooms aren’t only applicable to diseases and conditions that existed thousands of years ago, but to those that plague mankind today as well.

viernes, enero 10, 2014

Confirmed: DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Can Be Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them - Jan 9, 2014

by Arjun Walia

In a new study published in the peer reviewed Public Library of Science (PLOS), researchers emphasize that there is sufficient evidence that meal-derived DNA fragments carry complete genes that can enter into the human circulation system through an unknown mechanism. (0) I wonder if the scientists at these biotech corporations have already identified this method? In one of the blood samples the relative concentration of plant DNA is higher than the human DNA. The study was based on the analysis of over 1000 human samples from four independent studies. PLOS is an open access, well respected peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers primary research from disciplines within science and medicine. It’s great to see this study published in it, confirming what many have been suspecting for years.

lunes, enero 06, 2014

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) and Radiofrequency (RF): What are the Health Impacts?
by Alex Quinn

Particularly now that wireless communications are so closely integrated into our daily lives, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us.

Our cities, especially the larger ones, are perpetually shrouded in an invisible electrosmog, a ‘sea’ of EMFs through which we swim every day.

But does this momentous development in civilisation come with health effects – and if so, can we do anything to reduce them?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFS) are all around us, and come in two forms: ELF-RMFS and RF-EMFS
ELF-EMFS are produced by power lines and many domestic appliances, while RF-EMFS are produced by mobile phones and other communication devices
Both pose their own set of health problems
We provide some ideas of how to reduce your EMF exposure

miércoles, enero 01, 2014

Soft Killing The American People Using Toxic Food, Toxic Water And Toxic Vaccines – 31 December 2013

Have you noticed that there has been an absolute explosion in the number of people developing chronic illnesses, heart disease, diabetes and cancer? If you are like most Americans, you probably have quite a few family members and friends that are seriously ill right now. Sadly, most Americans have absolutely no idea why this is happening. Most of them just assume that all of this sickness is just “normal”. But that is not the case at all. The truth is that we are slowly killing ourselves by what we eat, by what we drink and by what we allow to be injected into our bodies. The vast majority of people out there have never even heard about the dangers posed by aspartame, fluoride, genetically-modified food, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, pharmaceutical drugs, cell phones and toxic vaccines. Most of them have no idea that our food is toxic, our water is toxic and our vaccines are toxic. Right now, it is estimated that approximately 70,000 chemicals are being used for commercial purposes, and as a result of our “modern lifestyles” we are literally being endlessly bombarded with toxins. This has resulted in a massive tsunami of death, disease and chronic illness in America. But very few people actually understand what is being done to all of us. The following are just a few of the ways that the “soft killing” of the American people is taking place…

jueves, noviembre 28, 2013

Wes Annac – Planetary Healing: Can Hemp Help The Planet? – Part 3 – 28 November 2013

wes-annac-300x229The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.
Continued from our hemp discussion. The recommended audio version of this article can be found here.
Beyond the fact that hemp is clearly a better source of paper and biofuel than most others, how much quicker can it grow than trees? Hemphasis explains.
“One acre of hemp can produce as much paper as 4 to 10 acres of trees over a 20-year cycle, but hemp stalks only take four months to mature, whereas trees take 20 to 80 years. This information was known in 1916, according to a USDA report. Hemp paper can also be recycled more often, though this fact is not of much value, since hemp is a reusable resource.” (4)
Pay attention to these statistics, fellow seekers.

miércoles, noviembre 13, 2013

ActivistPost – Missy Fluegge -Dangerous Contamination In Vaccines Causes Sinking Profits For Big Pharma – 13 November 2013

Sanofi Pasteur, the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines, is currently facing serious troubles, as countries around the world are scrutinizing Sanofi’s products and practices. Recently, they have reported a massive third quarter decline of $1.8 billion in vaccine sales. This news follows a previous second quarter report described by one investment website as “pretty ugly reading,” with decreased sales in all divisions, as well as a 28 percent loss in operating income. [1]
Read the whole article at: link to original article


Once again was working with a light worker who is suffering from Hemorrhoids. If you or someone you know has this condition please have them read this

As always all of our dis-eases come from our emotions, the emotions that start to generate within out being based on the external stimuli and the pressures that we put on ourselves. As always when negative thoughts enter out system and we are unable for a variety of reasons to release them, we begin to create the environment that is oh so very well welcomed by the dark energy thought forms, archons and all energy parasites that dwell in our surroundings. By holding on to this thought
process we generate more and more energy to sustain the dark thought forms to hold onto us and to keep feeding us these ideas in order for us to keep generating more and more energy to sustain their existence. Creating even more and more space for the integration of archon implants within our energy spheres and thereby the creation of a never ending vicious cycle of angst.