Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Méline Lafont. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Méline Lafont. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, julio 19, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Short update and specials - July 19, 2015

Beloveds and sweet friends,

We are witnessing a deep surge and amplification of the current energy stream. I do not have to tell you of how profound this all goes as we can see it everywhere around us and most definitely are experiencing it within as well.

My heart goes out to all of you whom are experiencing multiple layers of challenges that are 'seemingly' destroying your world as you know it, or at least this is being felt as your experience. Hold on to that knowing that this too shall pass and a beautiful rebirth and re-creation is taking place. All labor seems rough at that time , women know what this type of labor is :) and they know all too well what a beautiful gift is given after this all.

sábado, julio 11, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Saint Germain: Clarity - July 11, 2015

I AM welcoming you all today and my blessings to all of you beautiful Master Beings. I come here once more to speak to you through the heart of unification as this binds us all, being sparks of the One. What I wish to speak about with you all is the meaning of clarity and the need for clarity. As I was speaking to this beloved earlier today, clarity has become an intrinsic need or part of your lives. For who does not seek for clarity, isn't it so?

You have made this to be for real in your lives and thus created it so. Clarity can only exist and be if there is a recognition and acknowledgment of confusion and being blinded, for it is the opposite of its polarity experience. It is therefore not necessarily so that you need to experience both as a separate thing, rather bring those polarities together and experience them as one. That is the all knowing and seeing things as they truly are without having the complexity of needing to seek what you think is lost.

sábado, junio 20, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Solstice portal in Neptune energies ~ June 20, 2015

 Picture credit: Karl M.
Blessings to all, Love tribe.
Well it is most definitely clear that we have taken another major leap towards oneness and the SELF expression in unity. Step by step we are making use of magical momentums where these leaps are granted to us, if not created for and by us as Universal Master Beings. I think you will all agree when I say that we have changed and shifted a lot since the last blood moon, the solar and moon eclipses and the March Equinox.
Many have said that this past equinox would be a significant shift of reality perception as well as a leap towards the light body activation. And so it is! We have experienced this, as a matter of fact we still are experiencing this. It goes so deep, even into every fiber of our being in all levels of creation and expression. I, for one, am very aligned and resonating with this message that has been shared through many of us as scribes and beings that the past equinox was all about actualization and activating the Light body. I AM still experiencing this very vivid in my day to day life, as I now increasingly live moment to moment. I know many of you will relate to that as well.

jueves, mayo 07, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ AA Michael ~ The reform of your physical body to crystalline - May 7, 2015

As Conveyed through Méline Portia Lafont

Méline: Archangel Michael can you explain a bit more to us all and elaborate deeper about our conversation we have been enjoying related to the Lightbody and how that will be for us on the physical level and for our relationships with others?

AA Michael: yes of course Love, with all my heart and pleasure I shall elaborate on that which you request of me. I am a messenger of Love and so that I shall be to you all on this day.

Méline: Thank you. So what you have been explaining to me is the process of each cell changing from carbon into Silicon or a state of crystalline. Could you explain this again from the beginning to our fellow sisters and brothers how that is unfolding for us at this time and how this will continue to be from that state on, meaning when we have reached 100% crystalline in our cells? Thank you so much, I appreciate your energy and Presence.

AA Michael: With pleasure dear! Let's start the easy way and from the beginning. As you all are aware of, your physical bodies are changing by assimilating and absorbing the God code within each of its cells. This God code is simply the Christed Light and consciousness that is settling itself into the core of your physical cells and atoms. Once settled, and this is done through the Self acceptance and Love for the Self by Self realization, your cellular structure and body shall instigate a shift on profound levels which will make you aware of this foundation which is one of a more Light structure.

miércoles, abril 22, 2015

The Venusians ~ Love Portal ~ Channeled by Méline Portia Lafont April 22, 2015

Thank you Karl M. for this picture

Blessings, we are the Venusians. We come in Spirit to you onto this world of Matter to provide assistance in this dance of radiance and subliminal perceptions. We are here because we love you all and because we perceive some changes in the attitudes and the thoughtforms of mankind. Mankind is becoming aware of their own natural perceptions and what they hold as a mirror of Truth to themselves. Mankind is therefore becoming stronger in their own beliefs and what they are inclined to see as their Truth and destiny.

viernes, abril 17, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Reminder And Reflection Of The Moment From Goddess Isis – 17 April 2015
This planetary Ascension is on the point of full embodiment of Ascension, meaning that each and everyone on this Earth will and is being instigated with the true energies of the Divine Goddess creation, the Divine Feminine within you all. There is a Cosmic Source within your own awareness and Being as well as in this Universe of your Solar plane.This Cosmic Source is called the Eye of Isis and it has come into your planetary awareness as well as in your own awareness through consciousness. It is shining on your Earth, since the Early year 2006 and has been following a linear time-line path of nearly 1 million of Earthly years before it could come into your awareness again and share its Cosmic Divine pulses and energies.
 My eye functions as a Cosmic Gate and instigator for so many things on your beloved planet and reality. It highlights all events and truth upon this planetary level, it instigates the Divine spark within you and assists in the expansion of your Solar Cosmic Christ as well as your I AM. When its Light shines upon your Earthly planes, a true transformation began to take place within your own realities.
 A lot of Earthly changes have taken place since then, and now as Earth’s plane becomes more enlightened by the Eye of my Presence, the effect becomes even bigger and more tangible. It is this effect from the Goddess Divine energies, which enlighten the truth onto this planet, that instigates so much energies to erupt. It highlights the confusion within oneself more so as to transmute into clarity, knowing and your truth. It is here to show everything that you have forgotten about, that is being denied or feared, it is the Light that brings you everything you have been seeking for.. and that is all within you.

sábado, abril 11, 2015

As Clarity comes in on all perspectives ~ April 11, 2015 ~ by Méline Portia Lafont

The Lunar Eclipse Portal and Blood Moon has been intense so far. A real emotional roller coaster filled with happy, beautiful things as well as with sorrow. It started out for me personally, with some serious and profound tangible shifts in my physical vessel and all my energy fields being upgraded as to their speed of spinning. Which instigated a vibrational expansion in those areas. I wrote this brief explanation and personal sharing to my good friend and soul Brother Bill Ballard a few days ago:
“so much body changes and energy fields are spinning at a much faster pace. I love this shift! the only thing is that I AM SOOOO exhausted over nothing! But body is coping well, emotional body is being triggered for sure and old decisions which have been made previously are being affirmed and clear as to why they were made. There is no way of being in that old place anymore; it is just not possible as your body reacts to this very clearly. I love how I am starting to feel every cell of my body spinning and vibrating at times. Kind of a buzzing experience and having goosebumps all over. The ascension chakra is very open and pulsating big time. On we go!!!!”

domingo, marzo 22, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – My Solar Eclipse Experience – 22 March 2015

The Solar eclipse was a Breathtaking event !! The energies that are accompanied with this beautiful moment is just amazing and profound.  It really enters your heart and it has touched so many souls!  I woke up with a huge headache the same morning, finding myself trying to come back into this body and reality.  I went to see outside and saw nothing but clouds.  The Eclipse would start at 9.30 AM my time (CET) and would be at the fullest around 10.35 AM.  Yet, no sun was there to see because of the clouds!
I got this strong message to not only meditate but too that it is extremely important to go outside and look at it!  I was told that the codes of this massive energetic event would then be integrated through the third eye to enter the pineal gland.  So I was guided to go outside and look at it. Since we could not see anything here due to the clouds, I picked up my friend and we drove until we could see the sun.  I asked Spirit to guide us to the right spot!  So after driving 30 minutes East we finally could see the Sun taking a peek behind that endless cloudy deck.  We drove off the Highway and placed ourselves at a parking space next to the highway between some trees.

viernes, marzo 13, 2015

Méline Portia – Master Merlin – Flow And Abundance: A Different Approach To Work With – 13 March 2015
Merlin speaks:
And how about your flow of abundance? Hmm?! Isn’t this what the entire Human race is concerned about at this time? Yes it is, and do you know why? I will tell you why. It is because money is part of the old fabric, of the old programs that humans have set up and participated in along with its creation. So now that you feel stuck and dependent on it, it gives you an overall feeling of restriction and being imprisoned like a slave, isn’t it so?! Well in truth that is not far from the truth.

The truth is that as Humanity comes to understand its needs and those needs that have been made up for themselves in order to rely on something that is outside of them, there is a crack appearing in this belief system and in these creations. It is showing that this is not the way it should have been. So all outside resources will come to fall away and cease to exist. And as these do, what now? What to rely on now and what to do?

domingo, marzo 08, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Some Shared Revelations Concerning Light Body Activation – Dreams – New world – Current Stream – 8 March 2015

What a time! What a buzzzzzing time it is indeed. My body feels like a vibrating ball of light at times while I AM experiencing all my cells buzzing literally. It is as if my physical vehicle is electrified and ready to step into a whole new form. Light body actualization, beloveds!!! “This is it”, I was thinking! “This is the real deal here what many of us have been talking about for so long”. NOW I can feel it on my cellular level as never before. VERY physical thus.

I have been experiencing so much it feels as if I have been dragging the entire world with me. Sounds familiar?  Well we do in a sense. I have been down at least 1 week every month since October 2014: unable to perform any energy work. My goodness, this is intense and I hear intel coming in saying that we are only at the beginning of it. YAY, hooray! Let’s go! (read: okay lets find some strength  ).
The results of all these intense waves/ alignments/ shifts/ “shake-ups”/ releases / cleansings/ downloads/ and so forth, have been amazing in the sense of being in AWE at times but also feeling upset. Upset in the sense that you have this feeling of: “I don’t want this anymore! Not like this! This has to stop, NOW !” So you decree out loud what it is that you do not partake in anymore and what you stop creating. Nah! so it is, so it has been said! This supports the “decreation” of your old values and realities.

viernes, marzo 06, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Shake Up/ Wake Up/ Move Into This Accelerated Spiral – 6 March 2015

All starts from within you! That is a fact known by many, yet not all realize this as their truth and prefer to continue with the old ways of being through accusing others and blaming outside sources as the cause of everything that happens in their life. Still clinging on to issues pertaining to old values that we have now passed, seen and transcended a long time ago. This behavior and conviction will be your downfall. Truth is, if you want it or not, it will be so because the old world as you have known it, as you have been raised in and programmed for, is not functioning anymore like it used to.
You are invited to now finally embrace the new that is arising in front of you because of its birth through you. As long as you do not embrace this, no new world will come at your shores and you will get stuck in a world that is completely chaotic and turbulent because that world of the old is falling down as we speak. All the violence is reflecting the fact that consciousness is shifting, that there are inner turbulences taking place in every conscious mind of every creation. It brings about that which enables the shift to take place, whether you like it or not.. It must take place, it is an intrinsic part of all creation that stirs Humanity to step forth.

sábado, febrero 28, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Reminder And Reflection Of The Moment From Saint Germain: What Is Freedom? – 28 February 2015

What is freedom?
It is being without a shadow of thought, perceptions, visions, control, ideas, values, time, self image, actions… for these issues all limit the you from all freedom there is. Even in the slightest parts of you; freedom is you without all of that what is mentioned afore.
Truly, when you think about it and are trying to conceive what freedom is, to express freedom, it is already not freedom but limitation through a perception of the mind and what you think it is. Even putting into words of what freedom is, is everything but freedom for it is a limited form. An “inboxed” value you put onto it or try to conceive it as.

domingo, febrero 22, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Master Kuthumi – Stepping Into Your New Roles Being The Creator Of YOUR World – 22 February 2015

MélineConveyed through Méline Portia Lafont
Greetings Master Beings of Light, my fellow travelers and riders of the waves of infinity. I come to you with peace and with guidance to what comes and what IS. I call you all forth to participate in this world and this shift of the ages with perseverance and with effort, for what your plane is about to see is a mirage of changes, events and opportunities to shift the Human consciousness into Light consciousness.

And so you represent, each and everyone of you, this force of God’s Will being the executers of the Divine blueprint that has been seeded upon this Earth. You shall keep in mind that all of you, who are to see the light in another and in the Self, are keepers of the New Earth and are the seeds of this new foundation. So let this be clear that all of you carry the responsibility to hold that light and this vibration within you at all times. I speak of the sophisticated Light frequency and knowledge that is one with the Christed Light.

sábado, febrero 07, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – The Tsolians – Integration Of The Infrared Spectrum Formation – 7 February 2015

MélineConveyed through Méline Portia Lafont
Greetings to you,
Today we wish to speak with you about the integrations of the Infrared Spectrum. We have spoken of this before in one of our first messages and we will elaborate on this matter now a little bit more profoundly. The infrared spectrum is capable of providing you with a certain degree of illumination as it contains fractals and a diaphragmatic composition that such views of other vibrations may become your reality and senses. (“diaphragmatic meaning that it vibrates as a response to certain waves and brings out signals or to produce waves”)

jueves, enero 29, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Reminder And Reflection Of The Moment From The Arcturians – 28 January 2015

The Arcturians:
This NOW period revolves around all what you are : your heart center. This is what it is all boiling down to and where drastic impulses and changes are going to occur. The build up of the elevated collective is in its growth process and nears its full glory; therefore, all focus should be placed on this because it is utterly crucial and important now.
A lot of portals have opened themselves, lots more are about to be opened and energetic vortexes will be activated. What is about to occur in the Now is very crucial and will be responsible for your future Now. As humanity you will be accountable for your own creations and for the global changes, just because this is your process and your reality. The already opened portals and the activated vortexes will provide pleasurable as well as very intense changes. You all carry these energies and portals within you through the connections and the integrations you have with the whole of the Cosmos and with this Universe as your Galactic aspect and your light aspect.

sábado, enero 10, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – The Start Of 2015 – Accelerated Shifts – 10 January 2015

Our new year 2015 has kicked off with a true “kick in the but” scenario for the collective and ourselves as an individual expression of BEing.  Up we go in an accelerated speed, ready or not as things must change and move in this Now.  Whether things are perceived supportive to you or not, you are being showed what is still present and lingering to be letting go of. This is especially so for the collective consciousness, as the first wavers have stepped into multidimensional experiences and Mastery.  For those of us: stay grounded and centered at all times! we lead by example now and need to hold the light and Love anchored and present.  Second Wavers are taking over that which the first wavers have completed as a task or service through growth and expansion. 

miércoles, diciembre 31, 2014

Méline Portia Lafont – Master Saint Germain And Anka (Elohim) – Liquid Gold Blood And The Inner Changes – 31 December 2014

MélineHi sweet friends!!
WOW! to another amazing month and the closure of a very profound and moving year 2014. Have you been feeling the inner changes this year as if they were surreal, mind blowing but nonetheless ever so clear?! Well, too much has been happening with me that I cannot hold track with my writings, inner changes and energy work that I have been doing. I know many of you feel the same and have been through much of the same. As always: we are in this together! So I wanted to share with you a very personal message I received last year December from my Elohim Self which is called Anka. I read it again today and I realized that the message and time frame that has been given to me then, applies more to this NOW in some parts and not so much on the time when it was given to me. Another clear indication to let go of time :)