Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Las Dimensiones. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Las Dimensiones. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, junio 06, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Living in the NOW - June 5, 2021

What does it mean to Live in the NOW?


Living in the NOW is something that many people have trouble doing. After all, there is always so much to handle from their past that may be needed to be cleared, and/or finding a way to handle the future, which is too often unknown! 

Of course, people can learn, or maybe even remember, how to focus on what is happening right NOW. However, it is more likely that they will be looking ahead to find that important something so that they can feel like they are the one who is leading their life. 

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía de Junio 2021 - Junio 1, 2021

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Unicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe

Comenzamos este mes con mucha energía remanente de Mayo. Tenemos una importante serie de planetas retrógrados, contamos con mucho apoyo espiritual y nos encontramos entre dos poderosos eclipses. Aunque esto pueda parecer un presagio pesimista, no lo es, porque podremos reconstruir a partir del 'caos, la maestría y los milagros' de Mayo. Los temas energéticos de Junio incluyen reinicios, inconvenientes, retrocesos y resurgimiento. Y si recuerdas que uno de los temas principales de 2021 es la soberanía energética, como describí en mis predicciones de 2021, comprenderás mejor el panorama más amplio de lo que está sucediendo este año.

sábado, abril 10, 2021

Jim Self y Roxane Burnett - Puntos de Referencia 3D y 5D

Nuestros Puntos de Referencia 3D y 5D
Conversaciones Matinales de Jim Self y Roxane Burnett

Mastering Alchemy

Roxane: En el próximo jardín quiero cultivar algo nuevo. Pensé en cultivar papas moradas, de modo que compré algunas. Y me di cuenta de que no me gustan las papas. No tienen nada de malo. La única razón por la que como papas es para ponerles mucha manteca y sal. De modo que lo que me gusta es la manteca y la sal, no la papa. O si son papas fritas, es la fritura lo que me gusta, no la parte de la papa.

Jim: Masticar lo crocante de la papa frita, pero la papa en sí no tiene realmente valor.

Roxane oxane: Sí, podría ser papel.

sábado, marzo 20, 2021

Jim Self - Banco del Parque Fase 2 - Crear desde la Cuarta Dimensión - Marzo 14, 2021

Proyecto Banco del Parque Fase II - Mastering Alchemy – 14 de marzo de 2021

Crear desde la Cuarta Dimensión

¡Hola, bienvenidos! Muy lindo estar aquí, como siempre.

Estos son tiempos muy interesantes en que estamos jugando y experimentando. Espero que los encuentren igualmente disfrutables al jugar en ellos. Hace ahora 15 meses que hemos estado jugando en este Banco del Parque, y nos ha llevado por un período de tiempo que ha sido toda una aventura, el reinicio. Y este reinicio que realmente se desplegó en 2020 muy en nuestra misma cara, en términos de reinicio, y a través de ese proceso mucha gente en el planeta ha jugado el juego de maneras muy interesantes, muy en el espacio tridimensional. La gente realmente se quedó enroscada en eso de correcto/equivocado, bueno/malo, debiera/no debiera, ellos/nosotros, resistencia, toda esa clase de cosas.

jueves, octubre 15, 2020

Celia Fenn - As we move into and through the last quarter of this epic year of 2020 - October 15, 2020

As we move into and through the last quarter of this epic year of 2020, we can feel the energy rising as we move towards the Halloween Full Moon/Blue Moon and the 11 day Bridge from 1st November to 11th November.

I woke up this morning with my body aching and pain in my back, usually a sign of deep pain being activated or moved in the collective.

miércoles, septiembre 30, 2020

Judith Kusel - A dimension is a frequency band - Sep 30, 2020

A dimension is a frequency band.

When you vibrate predominately at a particular frequency, you reside in that dimension, which matches your frequency.

There are 72 dimensions and octaves of Being…. And each dimension has within itself different vibrations, so that the different states of experiencing life and love, can be felt on all the different octaves of vibrational frequency by the soul….

domingo, septiembre 20, 2020

Lisa Renee - The Amethyst Order and Violet Flame Holders - September 2020

September 2020

The Amethyst Order and Violet Flame Holders
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Since the onset of the Paliadorian Activation cycle, significant changes have been occurring within the core manifestation template and the base 12 architecture in this Universal system. This could best be described as an expansion, as the God Source Creator has opened up several ascending pathways from our time matrix that lead directly into the highest sovereign realities existing within the God Worlds. Through the addition of the three-dimensional layers built into our Universal Time Matrix, our system has integrated three unlocked corridors which include another harmonic universe layer that expands into 16D, 17D and 18D, which are non-dimensionalized Cosmic Founder God Source consciousness fields.

viernes, mayo 08, 2020

L'Aura Pleiadian - DNA, Dimensions, Frequency And Reality - May 8, 2020

DNA is frequency and light.

Consciousness is a frequency.

You are in a holographic world and reality.

YOUR vibration ALONE creates your reality.

There is nothing solid.

YOUR DNA shifts through frequency.

lunes, mayo 04, 2020

Judith Kusel - We are now experiencing a quietude - May 4, 2020

We are now experiencing a quietude, a moment, a breath-between-breath, where it seems as if everything is standing still.

In truth, at a vaster invisible scale, everything is moving and extremely fast!

The Illusion of nothing happening, the pause, is indeed the Maya - the Illusion.

jueves, abril 23, 2020

L'Aura Pleiadian - "Dimensions and The Nonlocality of Consciousness" - April 23, 2020

"Dimensions and The Nonlocality of Consciousness"

The perceptions of what you see and how you experience the world is based on a reality held through the looking glass of your neurological responses to your belief in space and time.

What is actually taking place and the reality of the true you is nonlocal.

All portals, dimensions and consciousness are nonlocal.

domingo, abril 12, 2020

Judith Kusel - Be aware that with the immensely powerful energies pouring in that the ascension frequencies have risen to an all time and incredible high - April 12, 2020

Be aware that with the immensely powerful energies pouring in that the ascension frequencies have risen to an all time and incredible high.

It is literally as if the Portals to the 5th and 7th Dimensional state have opened to a much higher and greater degree, enabling us now to step into the Highest Christedness through our open heart center.

jueves, abril 02, 2020

Rosie Neal - Energy Update - April 2, 2020

I have not been Online really at ALL. As I have been Guided as to CONNECT to SPIRIT. I have been told the CORDS to 3rd & 4th DIMENSION has been SEVERED. We are NOW in the 5th DIMENSION. Most will be Unaware of the Change as it has been Completed inside on a Cellular Level. I have Personally been laying back & in Waiting for everything to PLAYOUT as it has been intented to be done long ago. I was told not to Partake in the Imbalance of energies of LIGHT or DARK. But to maintain the Sacred Neutral Balance. So I have not been Interacting with anyone especially Social Media. Only immediate household Family. I was Guided to put a Post out & As of this Moment I am Integrating much Information that is coming through. And Am being Guided to put out a Post to bring Harmony, Understanding & Balance.

miércoles, abril 01, 2020

Judith Kusel - Energies now are in extreme flux - April 1, 2020

Energies now are in extreme flux, and thus all is very much unstable, in an immense transition state, from as the dimensional shifts are accelerating, while the old dimensional state is dissolving.

It means that the best-laid plans will go awry.

I am finding this more and more, as I seem not to able to plan my day, and need to stay in the here and now and take one day at a time.

lunes, marzo 09, 2020

Jim Self - Banco del Parque - Heramientas de Preparación- Las Dimensiones

Jim Self - Mastering Alchemy - Herramientas de Preparación
Las Dimensiones

Déjenme explicarles cómo se manifiestan las dimensiones. Entender cómo juegan las dimensiones es realmente muy importante para cada uno de nosotros, porque cuando puedes tener una sensación de las reglas y las estructuras de cada una de estas dimensiones, tercera, cuarta y quinta, tienes una comprensión que permite salir de mucho del equipaje emocional que cada uno de nosotros llevamos. ¿Alguna vez jugaste a un juego sin conocer las reglas de ese juego? Puede que tengas mucha suerte en el juego, pero si sigues jugando sin conocer las reglas, por lo general te encuentras en alguna situación incómoda.