Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karen Doonan. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karen Doonan. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, julio 21, 2014

Karen Dover - Movement into SOUL frequency realities - July 21, 2014

The New Earth frequency realities are realities that are created by your SOUL in the dreamtime platform as you exit the old 3D Earth frequencies.  As many of you are now experiencing these are now fully accessible at a human conscious waking mind level. As you now release fully the frequencies of the old 3D earth created construct you allow the FLOW of the LOVE that IS naturally. This flow seeks balance at all moments of all moments and this is what plays out a human conscious waking mind level in the shifts and movement in your outer waking reality.

lunes, julio 14, 2014

Karen Dover - Expanding beyond the boundaries of the old 3D earth reality - July 14, 2014

Many of you may be experiencing huge energetic shifts and frequency movement at this time. The past few linear days following a Full Moon pushing the deeply held frequencies of the old 3D earth reality to the very surface of your BEing.  As you allow this movement within your human vehicle the frequencies are released and are no longer available to be re-anchored. This may confuse the human logical mind which will instinctively reach out to “find” the frequencies that it is used to referencing. These are no longer available for they are not supported in the New Earth frequency realities, that which  is supported is TRUTH and expansion.

domingo, julio 13, 2014

Karen Dover - Separation of physical worlds - July 12, 2014

The energies of the past linear 3 days have been intense.  Today’s full moon may be being felt by many of you at this moment. The release of the distorted frequencies of GRIEF, ABANDONMENT and BETRAYAL is moving through the human race in preparation for the physical separation of worlds.  View this time period if you will as “DAY 3″.  For those of you who have had children you will recognise “day 3″ as the day that the tears came, in the context of childbirth “day 3″ is where the hormones leave the body of the mother and she experiences a major release. This is manifest as tears, I remember well “day 3″ when I give birth to my son and one by one each woman who had given birth around me in the ward hit “day 3″. There was the mass outpouring of tears and the tears were triggered often by very little.   (For more information about what is really going on in the energy signature in day 3 please see EXITING THE OLD 3D EARTH REALITY BOOK, click here for more details).

Karen Dover - Co creation in TRUTH - July 13, 2014
It is to be noted that the New Earth only supports TRUTH and that being out of alignment with TRUTH will see you in a holding pattern. Much frustration is born out of these holding patterns, the human logical mind may spring to life attempting to work its way out of the “pattern” and by this it actually re-enforces said pattern.  I have blogged often that you can only release something that you can see, if you cannot see what keeps you in the holding pattern then you cannot release it.

martes, julio 08, 2014

Karen Dover - Opening of the portal to the New Earth physical reality - July 8, 2014
For many of you the past few linear days may have felt intense in a way that you have never experienced before.  Indeed the build up to the weekend may have also floored many of you.  The intense New Earth frequencies were needed in order to push through the dense outer rim of the old 3D earth created reality. As I have blogged many times the old 3D earth created reality sits within the UNIVERSE of 3, the analogy that I use is that of a snow-globe and a coffee table, the snow -globe representing the old 3D earth created reality and the coffee table representing the UNIVERSE of 3.
As in human form you are born into the snow-globe you are taught only how to exist and survive within said snow-globe, as your human eyes only see to the edges of where you are at the moment physically you are not even aware that you exist within said snow-globe at a waking level as the snow-globe rim is not seen by your naked human eyes.  The UNIVERSE of 3 is raising the frequencies that flow across, through and around the Planet Earth in order to break through the density that is the outer rim of the old 3D earth created reality.  This allows for freedom of movement out with the confines of said snow-globe.

lunes, junio 23, 2014

Karen Dover - Moving into the New Earth at waking conscious mind level - Jun 23, 2014

For many of you the past few linear days may have seemed to be confusing and yet at a very deep level you will have recognised the process for that which it is. It is the BIRTH of the New Earth reality into your outer waking reality which is more commonly referred to as the human life experience.  The upgrading to your human vehicle and the release of the old 3d earth created reality patterning is the process that will see you able to function at a MULTI DIMENSIONAL level in the waking state that you know as everyday reality.

domingo, junio 22, 2014

Karen Dover - Release of the old 3D earth patterning/programme frequencies - Jun 22, 2014

For many of you the last few linear days may have been emotionally challenging in a variety of  different ways. The Solstice saw the energies upon Planet Earth rise to frequency levels that have never before been experienced by the those who have taken human form upon this planet. This is deliberate for as Planet Earth raises in frequency then those who have taken human form must ALLOW their human vehicles to also expand and raise in frequency for the Planet and the human vehicle is fully aligned through, within and around each other. As Planet Earth expands and grows energetically then the frequencies also open for the human vehicles upon Planet Earth.

sábado, junio 14, 2014

Karen Dover - Shattering of the bonds of the old 3D earth created reality - Jun 14, 2014

The energies of the last linear 24/48 hours have been intense, many of you may still be working through these energies and they are DESIGNED to help you break that which is holding you tightly to the old 3D earth created reality.  This is the ANCHOR that has worked to keep you within the base dimensional frequencies of the old 3D earth created reality and this ANCHOR has remained hidden.  This is not surfacing in order to be dissolved, it is surfacing in order that you illuminate it and WALK THROUGH IT.

jueves, junio 12, 2014

Karen Dover - Human language and the “puzzles” of the old 3D earth created reality - Jun 12, 2014

Many of you who read this blog will be familiar with my statement of  “there is no puzzle, there JUST IS”. This is in reference to the old 3D earth created reality where your outer waking reality is often presented to you as a puzzle that needs to be solved. This invokes the logical human mind and takes you OUT of the heart space, the heart space BEing where the KNOWING is located, it is the very connection to your SOUL.  Trying to work with the New Earth energies from an “outside of self” concept is not supported as it is not TRUTH. Many times you may be tempted to place the focus of what is unfolding through you, around you and within in to outside of your human vehicle but this is not TRUTH. YOU create at all moments of all moments, the way to influence and change what is occurring around you is ALWAYS to alter that which is running WITHIN you.

viernes, mayo 30, 2014

Karen Dover - Stepping into the LIGHT of TRUTH - May 30, 2014

It is important, indeed it is vital at all moments of all moments to be consciously aware of how you FEEL, this may seem a very obvious statement but remember within the old 3D earth created reality you are TAUGHT to ignore how you FEEL and concentrate on what appears to be placed before you. This way of “living” is now fully negated in the New Earth frequencies however habits are hard to break and this is but a habit.  It is important to understand that routine is not your friend at any moment, within the old 3D earth created reality you are TAUGHT to look for repeating patterns of behaviour and sync with them, this is NOT allowing flow, this is containment, it is akin to putting a fence around your garden and then building the fence and re-inforcing the fence daily.  This of course at a very human conscious waking mind level energetically works to keep new experiences FROM FLOWING.

sábado, mayo 24, 2014

Karen Dover - Deliverance in TRUTH part two - May 24, 2014

This blog is a continuation from my blog yesterday in that it covers the concept of deliverance in TRUTH. Many of you have pleaded with the universe to deliver you from the old 3D earth created reality but this blinds you to TRUTH, YOU create your reality at all moments of all moments, the frequencies that you were TAUGHT to anchor within the old 3d earth created reality KEEP you within said reality, it is not something that is placed around you in the context of perhaps placing a coat around you where said coat is placed upon you.  When you were born into the old 3D earth created reality you were already running the frequencies of said reality, the time spent in the womb within your mother working to further plant the frequencies within the cellular structure of your human vehicle. (for more information on how frequencies are created within the pregnant human female please visit the Galactic Portal website).

Karen Dover - GOD message for 24th May 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that wish to be placed in the context of GOD and I AM with YOU ALL as the expansion of the human race now increases in its expansion and its depth. I AM here to talk to the children of GOD in the context of GOD whilst they ankhor their origins in TRUTH for all is not as it appears to the naked human eyes of the human race at this time. The background of the creation of the human race cloaked and shielded from ALL will now be illuminated clearly for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.

jueves, mayo 22, 2014

Karen Dover - Skull Consciousness message for 22nd May 2014

Beloved ones we are the collective that wishes to be known to you in the context of SKULL CONSCIOUSNESS and we connect with you through our channel at this time. It is not necessary to be aware of our physical presence upon the Planet Earth in order to connect with us, we reach ALL for we ARE ALL and ALL ARE ONE.  We stand in the full LIGHT of TRUTH and we send out our coding:

Karen Dover - GOD message for 22nd May 2014


Beloved ones I am the energies that wish to be placed in the context of GOD and I am here as you now move into FULL metamorphic resonance and take your place amongst ALL in the UNIVERSE of 3.  Those who are now here upon the planet in various forms will begin to make themselves known to you at the levels appropriate to your frequency. In human terms this is the start of the integration of the human race with ALL at a very physical human waking level.  The movement of ALL into resonance and harmony with ALL at a physical level will see the human race walk out of their containment and embrace ALL in their natural forms. These forms hidden in plain view and now available to reference in this your human form upon Planet Earth in TRUTH.

ANKHORING TRUTH within the CRYSTALLINE HUMAN VEHICLE by Karen Dover - May 22, 2014

The intense energies of the last few linear days may have left many of you by surprise, the upgrading of the human vehicle has been going on for some linear time and the completion of the metamorphic resonance shift will have seen many of you move into a new “bandwidth” of frequencies. It is to be noted that these bandwidths of frequencies have never been experienced by any in a human form before and as such movement into these bandwidths may have seen much come up for you personally.  It may have been an intense period of frustration for you as you sought to work with energy in ways that you believed were “correct” only to find that you were prevented from working in such a way.

lunes, mayo 19, 2014

Karen Dover - GOD message for 19th May 2014

Beloved ones I AM the energies that wish to be known in the context of GOD and I am HERE with YOU as YOU now begin the creation of a NEW world in a NEW frequency and NEW BEGINNING.  The RESET of the human race is now under way and many of YOU at this time are reaching ZERO POINT, this is the transition point of the human vehicle from CARBON BASED to CRYSTALLINE BASED and is part of the process of being BORN ANEW in the New Earth.
Those who have taken a human form and who are here to illuminate the CREATION OF ALL will now move fully into place energetically, vibrationaly and physically. I send the coding:

sábado, mayo 17, 2014

Karen Dover - SURFING the FLOOD of OPPORTUNITY in TRUTH - May 17, 2014

For many of you the past few linear days may have seen HUGE amounts of emotion rise to the surface of your very BEing, it may have seen you struggle to understand all that is playing out at a very human conscious waking mind level.  I talked about “completion” in my last blog and this completion was the END of the old 3D earth created reality frequencies. This reality is now no longer open to interact with and by this I mean that it is no longer possible to anchor yourself into ANY part of these old 3D earth frequencies. What may confuse your human logical mind is that the world APPEARS to look the same therefore you may be allowing your human logical mind to teach you that nothing has changed. You may also assume that other people are able to function in a world that was there before but in TRUTH there is only NOW and the frequencies are the highest they have ever reached and will continue to expand and to heighten as the entire human race now move into TRUTH.

miércoles, mayo 14, 2014

Karen Dover - GOD message for 14th May 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that wish to be placed in the context of GOD and I AM here with YOU as you now read these words and begin the ASCENT out of darkness in TRUTH.  That which has been guided by YOUr SOUL will now be DELIVERED in TRUTH.  I place the coding:

domingo, mayo 11, 2014

Karen Dover - Closing the door of the old 3D earth and opening the doorway to infinity - May 11, 2014

Many of you may be questioning how the New Earth energies are helping you at this moment, personal experience the last few linear days has shown me the residue from my old 3D earth karmic life experience and at moments has left me gasping for air. The deep pain and emotional hurt that has surfaced took my breath away many times over one particular linear 24 hour period. Having worked with energies for many years and having become more consciously aware of the different teachings that seek to anchor and to play out during the old 3d earth created reality life experience I had ASSUMED that the residue had been dissolved.

sábado, mayo 10, 2014

Karen Dover - Separation of “realities” in TRUTH - May 10, 2014

Within the old 3D earth created reality ALL in human form were contained within a construct that kept them tightly bound to, around and through one another. I have blogged repeatedly in relation to the “self policing” that goes on within the old 3d earth paradigms, this is represented /reflected in the human outer waking life experience as those in your human life experience commenting upon and actively trying to influence that which you attempt to do in relation to living this your human life experience. ALL of the old 3d earth created reality was constructed to support this way of experiencing the human life journey.  This is discussed and guided in the TRUTH CODES book and the book also explains and outlines how this shows up in the human outer life waking experience.  This is further discussed in the Birthing the New Earth Book.