Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jesús-John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jesús-John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, diciembre 25, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Death is unreal because all life is eternal, endless, forever - December 25, 2021

Humanity is on a roll! Your collective awakening is happening right now, as many of you are engaged in celebrating the anniversary of my birth, which apparently occurred over two thousand years ago – and yet it was but a moment ago! Time is dissolving now into the eternal NOW as you awaken from an eons long sleep in which you have experienced dreams and nightmares of separation, pain, and wide-spread and pervasive suffering. You have all collectively decided that you have had enough, that finally it is time to dismiss and dissolve the game of separation in which you have been engaged, and to come back together again as ONE.

viernes, noviembre 26, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Forgive yourselves for whatever you feel or believe is unworthy or unacceptable in yourselves - Nov 26, 2021

You were created free, free beings whose true and only nature is Love. That has never changed, and never can change, because what is created is perfect and eternal. That does not appear to be so for the vast majority of humans, because the dream or unreal environment you constructed collectively in which to experience separation is, by its very nature, imperfect and decays over time. Time is simply an unreal characteristic of the physical environment in which you live your human lives, causing you fear of the seemingly final point – termination and death.

sábado, noviembre 06, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - To be awake is your God-given right - Nov 6, 2021

All is unfolding precisely as our dear and beloved Father intends. It always does! No other unfoldment is possible. Therefore, allow yourselves to relax as the Tsunami of Love continues to warmly and completely envelop the Earth, and all the sentient lives who are presently experiencing a very realistic but utterly unreal sense of separation as individual beings.

sábado, octubre 23, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Let go of your doubts and BE yourselves with courage and determination - Oct 23, 2021

We are all connected, we are all at one with each other, we are in a collective and intimate relationship with each other – always, in every moment. There is NO separation because there is only the ONE! Life is eternal, It is forever, It is Mother/Father/God, the infinite energy field of Love that is REALITY!

Presently you are experiencing a dream, an illusion, a game of separation in which multitudes are suffering greatly because the human collective believes that life as a human in form is real, is a one time event that unavoidably and inevitably terminates finally and forever in the death of your human bodies. But you are NOT your bodies, your conscious awareness is Who You are and is in an eternal and joy filled state of existence at One with God– even if that awareness, as is the case for the majority of humans, is itself mostly in a state of unawareness!.

jueves, octubre 07, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - You Are the awakening process, so trust it and celebrate it - Oct 7, 2021

There is no separation, such a state is impossible because we are all – and ALL – One. Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – whatever word or words anyone chooses to use to label the All is totally immaterial – can only be known and experienced because It is totally beyond naming. And when there is only the One naming is obviously completely unnecessary. The One is infinite consciousness, infinite awareness, infinite wisdom, infinite intelligence that expresses Itself – makes Itself known to Itself, to all sentient life – as the infinite all-embracing vastness that is All.In humans It is experienced as consciousness aware of itself, as constrained and restricted by the limitations that are the nature of human form, the inability to see or sense energy frequencies that are not extremely close to those that enliven that form.

viernes, septiembre 24, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - The form you have chosen is always perfect for you - September 23, 2021

All sentient life forms are Love expressing Itself through those forms. That is not always apparent because, as beings in form, the need to care for those forms is an ongoing daily requirement that very frequently distracts you from your overall intent to be only loving whatever arises. So forgive yourselves for any “sins or errors” that you “commit,” and make a point of fully accepting yourselves, just as you are, in the here and now environment of life in form. You are all, without any exceptions, doing your best, but because you are all, by design, evolving spiritually in every moment of your lives in form, you keep being brought to the awareness that you need to evolve even further, that you need to stop reacting egotistically when something unexpectedly occurs and upsets you, even momentarily.

martes, septiembre 21, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Guilt never serves you - September 21, 2021

Be at peace with yourselves, all is flowing beautifully, just as divinely intended. Trust yourselves, because you are, every one of you reading this message, precisely where you are meant to be, where you chose to be before you incarnated for this present human life experience. You all chose to be in form at this precise moment – NOW – to massively assist in humanity’s awakening process, and that is exactly what you are all doing. You are all setting and holding the intent to be only loving whatever arises daily in your lives, even if at times it does not seem like that because, unthinkingly and unmindfully, your egos react unlovingly to an unexpected event or personal interaction. Just remind yourselves, when you become aware that such an event has occurred, that your true intent is to be only loving, and forgive yourselves immediately for your error.

jueves, septiembre 16, 2021

John Smallman - Your natural state is Being, Being at One with Source - Sep 16, 2021

Humanity is awakening, Now! It is the divine Will that you do so when you decide that you no longer wish to engage in the ego’s game of separation, and the collective has made that decision and, therefore, your awakening is already happening; signs of this momentous event are appearing worldwide. Enormous numbers of people have come to understand that life as a human is a marvelous opportunity to evolve spiritually, and to release themselves from reacting unthinkingly to the issues with which life presents them in every moment due to the fear-driven guidance or directives of their egos. More and more people are becoming aware that their egos always encourage fear-driven reactions that do not serve their soul’s bests interests. As you cease allowing fear (ego) to be the leading rationale or motivating factor directing your thoughts, words, and actions, you will find your lives flowing more smoothly and lovingly, and, with increasing frequency, peace and acceptance will replace, or at least reduce, your worries and anxieties.

viernes, septiembre 03, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - You are alive and conscious of being alive, and that is indeed Miraculous - September 3, 2021

As you wait impatiently for humanity’s awakening to come to fruition, make a point of reminding yourselves regularly throughout the day that the divine Will is always achieved, absolutely perfectly – the only perfection there is – just as divinely intended, and that there is only the divine Will, anything else is unreal, illusory. Your awakening is divinely assured, and is, therefore, absolutely inevitable – just as day follows night! If you will look you will see encouraging signs in many places as the moment for this most magnificent event draws ever closer.

domingo, agosto 22, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Your awakening will be a most glorious occasion. - August 22, 2021

We are all One . . . there is NO separation. The experience of separation is unreal, illusory, like an excessively long dream, from which you are awakening. You need to awaken to enjoy the fullness of life as One with Source, life as it is meant to be lived, fully conscious, fully mindful, fully aware, fully AWAKE!

However, your thinking human minds are constantly distracting you from your intended path of spiritual evolution, the path you designed for this human lifetime, and which is leading you – ALL of humanity – back to Reality, the Home that your Father created for you, and in which you have your eternal existence. Separation never occurred, never could occur, because there is only the infinite and limitless energy field that is God, Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE!

viernes, agosto 06, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - The state in which you are most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God. August 6, 2021

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy as humanity processes and releases all the ‘stuff’ that is arising purely in order to be lovingly released. The lessons with which the ‘stuff’ has presented you have served their purpose and are no longer needed as an aspect of your awakening process. When all has been fully released – that release is occurring now worldwide – you will feel the strength of peace pervading your individual physical environments, your personal human space, as you open your hearts fully to Love, offering It the invitation to enter into your hearts to embrace you. It has been patiently waiting for this invitation for eons, and receiving it now allows Love to spread the magnificence of Its joy to all of humanity.

martes, julio 13, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Inner peace is available to all - July 13, 2021

As Saul and I have often told you: There is only One! Let that statement sink in and settle deeply into your hearts, because it is the TRUTH. You need to remind yourselves of this at least once daily, and preferably many times. You are One with Source, with Love, and with all sentient life forms. There is no separation and there is no possibility of separation, so set, and keep setting, the intent to treat all, especially yourselves, only lovingly. There are NO enemies! Love is always unconditionally loving and accepting of ALL sentient life because it is All Sentient Life, that is how It has always been and how It will always continue to be.

viernes, julio 02, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - You do not need to do anything to move into wakefulness, you just need to BE - July 2, 2021

You are all – every sentient being without any exceptions – firmly established on your personal paths to awakening. Even though there is only the One, the One experiences Itself differently through each of you as you follow your individual paths to awakening. None of those paths are accidental, unintended, or inadvertent, each of you very carefully chose the paths that you are now following towards the grand awakening because you wanted to be as helpful as you possibly could be by proffering and portraying an uplifting and inspiring demonstration of the awakening process to those with whom you would interact during this lifetime as a human in form. And everyone of you, without any exceptions, is doing precisely what you planned to do, as you designed and set up the human life paths that you are presently following, quite brilliantly. Do not be concerned by the seeming worldwide chaos and confusion presently affecting all of humanity, which is also, of course, affecting you. It is all a major aspect of the awakening process so perfectly designed, and being implemented in every moment by Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, All That Is.

viernes, junio 04, 2021

John Smallman - Awakening to Reality : A Joy-filled Book from Jesus

Chapter 18

Reality is where you are in every moment.

So you will awaken Now, and when you do it will seem that you were never asleep, as the joy of this eternal Now moment continues to embrace you and enfold you in the field of divine Love that is Source, that is You! You have never left Home because there is nowhere else, there is nowhere that you could go. You are One with Source in every moment as You constantly co-create in concert with and utterly harmoniously with the One, with the All, in a glorious symphony of praise that is continuously being offered to and accepted by Source, Mother/Father/God, One, Love, Wisdom – You! Joy is your nature and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which is eternally unchanging, is, by It’s very nature, Joy.

sábado, mayo 01, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Nothing can forestall or circumvent the divine Will - May 1, 2021

We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process. It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory, but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced. You may be wondering what I mean here, because we have for quite a long time been talking of Humanity’s Great Awakening, and I have not previously mentioned that it is happening in stages. Initially, in order to encourage and uplift you all, as the awakening process commenced a number of decades ago, those of us communicating with you from the spiritual realms did not mention that there would be stages in that process. This was because you were only starting to come out of an extremely deep and eons long sleep, where the dream reality, the game of separation in which you had been engaged, still seemed very real, and so a very major event that was to occur very soon was necessary to start you enthusiastically on your awakening path. NOTHING has changed!

viernes, abril 02, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness of your true nature - April 2, 2021

There are, as you cannot avoid noticing, enormous changes of a most impactful nature occurring worldwide at present – of course, there is only the Present/Presence – that are a major aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. The good news of Love is flowing into people’s awareness as never before in your human history, partly as a result of the massive increase in cognizance worldwide of the Oneness of humanity and of all life forms on your beautiful Planet Earth, which your modern travel abilities and electronic means of communication have made it increasingly possible for you to observe, study, and enjoy far beyond any way that was previously possible. Knowing other nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, philosophies, and the multitude of various ways in which these can be expressed and lived, has brought about a great openness to the wonder that is life.

martes, marzo 23, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all - March 23, 2021

Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish.Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separation from Mother/Father/God, that has very much of the time not been what you have encountered. Separation has been an ordeal in which you have frequently undergone intense pain, suffering, uncertainty, and fear, and now you have finally and collectively decided that enough is enough, that you will awaken and live once more in the state of joy that is Oneness with God.

sábado, febrero 06, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - Fear is not the opposite of Love, it is the sense of its apparent absence - February 6, 2021

As you are all now well aware, the human collective, all on Earth presently incarnate, are in the final stages of the awakening process. As you experience time, when you are in form, it has been a very long time coming, but, as you know in fact, the process commenced only a moment ago, an instant ago, just as soon as you acted on your collective choice and decision to experience separation. Your infinitely wise and loving Father knew – there is nothing, of course, that He/She does not know – that as soon as you experienced separation from Love, from Source you would want to end it. However, because you – due to the enormous creative abilities bestowed upon you at the moment of your creation – had fabricated the separation experience/experiment so competently and efficiently, She knew that without Her assistance you would be completely unable to find your way Home to Unity from the maze of unreality that you had built. Thus, your collective awakening process was created in the same instant in which you moved into the experience of separation. Separation never happened, it couldn’t happen because there is only Unity with Source, and that is NOT in any sense a limitation, it is infinite vastness. Limitation is of the separation experiment, and is also completely unreal. However, you perceive yourselves as limited, separate, alone beings, disconnected from Source, as you even wonder if there is One!

viernes, enero 15, 2021

John Smallman - Jesuas - Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process - January 15, 2021

Being is your most important task right now – there is no doing involved! Being is to accept yourselves in this moment . . . and this moment . . . and this moment, without judgment or negative self-assessment of any kind.

The vast majority of humans have learned during their formative years that they must do or not do certain things in order to be accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, families, and teachers or caregivers. Just being is discouraged because it appears that there is so much that needs to be done, and that hard work is an essential aspect of a successful life, while doing nothing is seen as a waste of time, as laziness. To a certain extent this is a valid concept. However, and for vast numbers of people, work has become life’s purpose – even though they may often dream of being free, of having holidays away from the stress of normal daily living – thus separating them from the fullness of their being! Being is who you are, and if you do not allow yourselves to spend plenty of time just being – and most of humanity does not – you cannot know yourselves.

miércoles, enero 06, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - You live inseparably in the Presence of the One, loved and cherished beyond your ability to fully understand - January 6, 2021

Emotional STUFF is arising for everyone everywhere that is unsettling, disturbing, even frightening for many. Too many distractions – COVID-19, US Presidential election, Brexit, among other things – are pulling you, and many, many others, away from your inner work. That work is essential, and it is to be loving whatever arises either in your personal lives or as reported in the world news. Distraction from that work must not be allowed to prevent you from going within when you awaken in the morning, whenever you have a free moment during the day, and before sleeping at night, to relax in the peace and Love of your holy inner sanctuaries. Yes, of course you have to attend to your daily human lives, however, do not let those daily chores and duties cause you to forget to do that inner work. You incarnated to be here now doing this work to assist in humanity’s awakening. You chose to be here at this time because you fully understood how important the work you would be doing was going to be. That sense of knowing, of purpose has been diluted or is less than clearly apparent to many of you because of the limitations that being human imposes on you, veiling off much of your awareness both of your earthly task, and of your heavenly nature.