Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jennifer Hoffman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jennifer Hoffman. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, julio 06, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - LIBERTAD, LIBERACIÓN E INDEPENDENCIA - Julio 3, 2023

raducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:

Es un nuevo mes y una vibra completamente nueva. No dejes que los muchos retrógrados de julio te engañen haciéndote pensar que será un mes lento. No lo es. Este es otro mes completamente lleno de acción con algunos giros que incluyen más revelaciones y bombas de verdad, llamados a la acción y el potencial para una armonía real con una encantadora conjunción en curso de Venus/Marte en Leo. El cambio de signo de los nodos trae los fuegos artificiales a la fiesta y la fuerte acción de Plutón durante todo el mes continúa la excavación de la oscuridad para la luz.

martes, julio 04, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - July 2023 Energy Report - July 4, 2023

July is the 7th month of the year in a 7 year so we have the double 7 energy and numerologically this is a 5 month – 7 + 7 = 14, 4 + 1 = 5. This is a month for intense spiritual alignment, expansion, and integration. If we look at every lesson and challenge as an opportunity for energetic re-calibration and use it as a resource for our spiritual path we will be well on our path to joy. 77 means spiritual awakening, empowerment, and awareness. It is a call to engage your intuition, to embrace your gifts and talents, to lead with your creativity, and to proceed with bold confidence. Now is not the time to hide our lights! So shine big and shine on!

domingo, julio 02, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - We have a big heart for others and think/Tenemos un gran corazón para los demás y creemos - July 1, 2023

We have a big heart for others and think it's helpful to shower them with love and hold space for their transformation but this blinds us to the truth that can become painfully obvious - the relationships are not right for us, they are not good for us, they do not give us anything, they do not serve or meet our needs, and they will end.

We hold out big heart energy to others when we need healing and we think that by healing them we get healed too.

domingo, junio 25, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Why are the same people in our lives... /¿Por qué las mismas personas en nuestras vidas... - June 25, 2023

Why are the same people in our lives often or always critical, mean-spirited, jealous, dismissive, and judgmental?

Even when we do something extraordinary, we achieve a new milestone, we're successful, we do something that is really great...

Their response is to find fault, to judge, to point out our flaws, and to refuse to acknowledge our success?

martes, junio 20, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Fathers Day Father Energy and The divine Masculine - June 20, 2023

Father’s Day was June 18 in U.S., a day when we celebrate our relationship with our fathers. Some of us don’t have a lot to celebrate, as our fathers may have been absent, unknown, or so emotionally distant that we cannot find a reason to celebrate our relationship with them. My father has been dead for nearly 35 years and while I spent much of my life being angry with him and wondering whether he cared about me at all, I now understand so much more about him and can actually be grateful for the gifts he gave me instead of focusing on how he ignored so many opportunities to show how much he loved and cared about me. (the photo is of my father and me, taken quite a few years ago!)

viernes, junio 09, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - EL MES DE LA SUERTE - 4 de junio de 2023

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:

Es un nuevo mes y un nuevo paradigma energético y voy a llamar a junio el "mes de la suerte" porque siento que seremos más bendecidos y menos estresados este mes. Si pensabas que las energías de mayo eran duras y teníamos algunos aspectos muy poderosos y fuertes, entonces puedes encontrar a junio mucho más acogedor.

Ten en cuenta que no usé la palabra más fácil. No podemos buscar la salida fácil de ninguna situación. Tenemos las herramientas energéticas, los recursos, la experiencia y la madurez espiritual para comenzar a encarnar nuestras vibraciones más altas y asumir la corona de la soberanía energética.

lunes, junio 05, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - June 2023 Energy Report - June 5, 2023

It’s a new month and a new energetic paradigm and I am going to call June the ‘lucky month’ because I feel that we are going to be blessed more and stressed less this month. If you thought May’s energies were tough, and we did have some very powerful and strong aspects, then you may find June a lot more accommodating.

Note I did not use the word easier. We cannot look for the easy way out of any situation. We have the energy tools, resources, experience, and spiritual maturity to start embodying our highest vibes and assume the crown of energetic sovereignty.

sábado, junio 03, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Intense energy today and more solar flares/ Energía intensa hoy y más erupciones solares - June 3, 2023

Intense energy today and more solar flares, they are daily events now. Full moon tomorrow too and this one is a call to action to get the energy moving. More in the June Energy Report.

June is the lucky month and if you want your luck to start moving start thinking about leaving your comfort zone.

viernes, junio 02, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - It's Lucky June /Es Lucky June - June 2, 2023

It's Lucky June and we're in for a pot of golden luck with the horseshoe of fabulous winnings and ladybugs of joy.

After May's tough and busy aspects we enter June looking for some relief.

It doesn't happen without our participation (see this week's newsletter and podcast) but if you're willing to raise the BAR of potential, you're in luck.

martes, mayo 30, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Manifestation Fact and Fiction - May 30, 2023

Manifestation Fact and Fiction

Manifestation is a big buzzword. Everyone wants to know how to create their reality, to become an alchemist and turn the dense lead of their unhappiness into golden joy. Ever since the book ‘The Secret’ came out, manifestation books, coaching, and training have become popular things and manifestation coaches and teachers are a dime a dozen, you can find one on every street corner.

jueves, mayo 25, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - And the fast moving... - May 25, 2023

And the fast moving, laser focused energy of this week continues, as does the high solar flares. We are averaging 5 or more M-class solar flares a day, that's quite a lot. You're going to feel the energy so be aware especially those of you who are very sensitive to energy shifts and movement.

I have noticed we are doing a lot of multi-dimensional work right now and that requires a lot of focus so if you have been staying at home or feeling quiet, you're working hard. Get the rest you need and don't feel obligated to be social - people would probably ignore you since we tend to be less available on the material plane when we're doing multi-dimensional work.

martes, mayo 23, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - One of the blessings of this very unusual energy blast...- May 23, 2023

One of the blessings of this very unusual energy blast is it moves quickly and its message is clear. Anywhere you are not honoring yourself, putting your needs first, taking care of yourself, letting others manipulate and dishonor you is where you are going to get a wake-up call.

Don't worry whether others are being honest or authentic with you - they are being who they are. This is a reminder that people act from their energetic frequency and vibration and we need to pay attention to it instead of ignoring it and thinking they are capable of more or they 'don't mean it.'

lunes, mayo 22, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Heads up - we are in a very volatile energy period right now - May 22, 2023

Heads up - we are in a very volatile energy period right now, it lasts all week. It is going to manifest as breakups, necessary endings, arguments, and eruptions of all kinds. This is not necessarily a bad thing - if you have needed a big dose of courage to do something you have been avoiding, you may just get it now.

sábado, mayo 20, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - This new moon is certainly creating waves - May 20, 2023

This new moon is certainly creating waves. In the past 24 hours I have heard about

3 relationships ending suddenly, without warning, due to ongoing issues that have been building up for years

2 people who wanted to move and made the decision in one day and are moving in the next 2 weeks

someone who decided to make a career change yesterday and quit their job which they have been unhappy in for decades ( I don't recommend that unless you are financially stable)

viernes, mayo 19, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - It's the new moon and this one really impacts our ascension path - May 19, 2023


It's the new moon and this is one of the more powerful ones that we have had in a very long time. With 5 planets in Taurus it brings forward our need for grounding, stability, and security.

We also need to be aware of our tendency to hold on to things and learn to let go of what is no longer relevant or resonant.

miércoles, mayo 17, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - And we have round 2 of this week's big energy events - May 17, 2023


We started this week with Mercury going out of retrograde and that was a relief.

And the fun continues because starting today we have Jupiter in pride of place as the catalyst for the next phase of transformation as we move towards a new moon on the 19th with a huge group of planets in Taurus, plus a Jupiter Pluto square that last happened in 1941 and 1858.

martes, mayo 16, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Starting today we have Jupiter.../A partir de hoy tenemos a Júpiter... - May 16, 2023

Starting today we have Jupiter in pride of place as the catalyst for the next phase of transformation as we move towards a new moon on the 19th with a huge group of planets in Taurus, plus a Jupiter Pluto square that last happened in 1941 and 1858. Yes we have another important energy cycle this week, along with all of the rest.

Jennifer Hoffman - Are you ready for the next phase of energy shifts this week?/¿Estás listo para la próxima fase de cambios de energía de esta semana? - May 16, 2023

Are you ready for the next phase of energy shifts this week? This is a big one and last happened in 1538 and before that, only 4 other times in history, since the year 100.

It's the Jupiter Pluto square from Taurus to Aquarius and it starts tomorrow and lasts for the rest of the month.

lunes, mayo 15, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Mercury retro is over - May 15, 2023


I am happy to announce that Mercury retrograde is over today and we can start the clean-up after the clear-up of this Mercury retro. It was rather intense.

Now the whole shadow period ends on May 31 but we have come through the strongest part of it already. I'm relieved, are you?

This Mercury retrograde was all about value, discovering what you value, what is valuable to you, and what you have in your energy matrix that is either fulfilling your life or it is limiting your life.

sábado, mayo 13, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Superhéroe: La Energía del Coraje - May 10, 2023

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:

Esta semana nos enfocamos en el eclipse de abril ya que Júpiter toca ese grado antes de entrar en Tauro para interactuar con Urano y Mercurio. ¿Alguien puede decir si el karma está en la habitación? La energía de este mes es un estudio sobre el valor y lo que es valioso para nosotros. Aquí es donde enfrentamos nuestros fantasmas y miedos y elegimos el camino que nos va a servir, es decir, nos es valioso. Eso puede implicar crear otro nivel de lecciones kármicas o moverse hacia la libertad espiritual y energética.