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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Gillian MacBeth-Louthan. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, mayo 17, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - MAYO 2023


MAYO 2023


Danzar alrededor de la energía del Palo de Mayo

De su Anfitriona de Luz

Conciencia de iceberg


Si se están preguntando por qué diablos se sienten estresados y tensos como un Gomosito y un poco nauseabundos, como si se debiera al jet-lag o a las ostras en malas condiciones, recuerden la energía que llegó el 5-5-2023 y todavía sigue su camino hasta el Solsticio de Verano. Sean gentiles consigo mismos, no exageren sus expectativas o las de los demás; todos estamos a bordo de un barco planetario que navega en los vientos del Cambio con el Universo al timón.

lunes, mayo 15, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - MAY 2023


MAY 2023


Dancing around the May Pole Power Energy
From your Hostess of Light
Iceberg Consciousness

Hey ya’ll beautiful people if you are wondering why the heck you feel stressed and stretched like a Gumby and a little nauseous, like jet-lag, or bad oysters, Remember the energy that came in 5-5-2023 and still runs its course until Summer solstice. Be Gentle on Your-self, don’t inflate expectations of self or others, we are all onboard a planetary ship that sails on the winds of Change with the Universe at the helm. 
  • (May-day honor the earth energy dance with the power of the maypole and its earth connection)
  • Haley’s Comet meteor shower
  • Full moon lunar eclipse doing the shadow dance with self Cinco de Mayo 5-5-23 energy (#55 The universe is changing your direction with your Souls permission. This change may be an answer to some long forgotten prayer.)
  • Wesak/Buddha Christ/ spiritual hierarchy celebration in Shamballa in Tibet mountains, 30 days of dispensations (Light blessings from the Master of Light) to earth from the Buddha, Christ-light and Spiritual Hierarchy (Ascended Masters)
  • The planet Pluto retrograde confronting deepest fears, settle karmic debts.
  • The planet Mercury retrograde is taking us on a journey back in time without magic mushrooms. Digging up buried emotions (not voluntarily)
  • Mother’s day Clearing and Healing (family DNA-collective clearing)

From your Hostess of Light We as a collective group of light-masters with planetary forgetfulness are at an spirited ‘point of reinterpretation’ of what we hold and know to be truth, what was given to earth as truth and the deepest truth that once lived in our DNA. We as humans just do not know what to think about anything anymore. The airwaves are full of static, satellite phones buzz, and your Spidey senses are ‘on mute’ and nature is not saying a word. The earthiness of this month smells of moss and fallen trees, all elements are quiet. There are so many profound truths interlaced with more bull than the month of Taurus can shovel. Walk thru the forest of self with a light footstep and reverence, listen to the sound you cannot hear, but can taste.

Every day we are in awe of what transpires right in front of our eyes just like magic! Within our personal light field is fluctuation after fluctuation; we all try hard to fine tune the channel using very human rabbit-ears and aluminum. We do not know who we are or who we are becoming as we quantum leap thru the outer limits passing the twilight zone. We have been so sure footed most of our time on Earth now we are slipping down a slippery slope that leads to a quagmire of invisible selections. Are we brave enough to go Where Angels Fear to Tread? Everything in all universes touches us on a subatomic level because ultimately we are all one Light. We as humans are both transmitters and receivers always trying to balance the incoming with the outgoing which is a full time job.

All of our sensory choices regular and Supernatural have amplified more than 500% since the 1960s. As we question the universe and the universe questions us we see further into time and circumstance than we thought possible. Every beautiful hair on your human head and body is both a receiver and a transmitter of the infinite, of the future, and of past possibility. Every blood cell is a solitary universe within a star nursery that seeks to be birthed.

Imagine every thought process as a quantum theatre filled to the balconies with both answers and questions; the seen and unseen. The human body is a living lie detector it knows a ‘deceiver feather’ when one fly’s by. Like a cosmic barcode the body, mind, living conscious-computer, searches its I-Ching lines looking for the most high truth at this point in time. For it has learned that truth comes in black white and ‘The Many Shades of Gray’. Sorting through a dirty garbage bin via karma and Akasha is exhausting and disappointing on so many levels. So many aspects of our Universal-self floats to the surface of our cell-memories as we all sail the ‘See’s of past quantum-entangled within Future Events. Everything escorts us into more choices more paths more places within our soul and self we have not traveled.

Our human body and sensories are on constant alert like a soldier on a midnight-watch. The ancient instinct within us and our humaneness raises its head, sensing a change to come; putting back its ears trying not to listen to what the earth is Whispering so loudly. Change comes, it always has!

All of life seems to be broadcasting misrepresentations whether it is your parents lying to you, a best friend, child or husband, you are very aware of the deceiver feather code that chimes like an incoming text message; you’re humanness always knows the truth as it stands bold-face beside a lie. Within all the truths and lies and dirty clothes lives a ‘stained heart as opposed to a sustained heart’ the dirty the good, the bad and the ugly always leaves a stain on the human soul even when it’s closeted out of sight and out of mind.

Iceberg Consciousness

As we wander purposefully through the Earth Experience we come to a conjunction of self and soul that asks us to look Beyond what we can perceive and see over the next mountain and walk into the invisible with all six earth senses ready to use. We of Earth are so much like a uncontrolled floating iceberg, just a tiny little piece of us shows above the endless tide of daily events, the rest of us is hidden in deep solid awareness below the emotional ley-line

As the inner rudimentary fires of Earth shift into a place of transmutation the warmth of their essence will continue to Aspire as it reveals more that has been hidden, within time, within self, within family history, and within earth herself.Just like an iceberg we are so solid, so firm in our beliefs but what lies below the structure of our frozen frontal beliefs is yet to be seen. This summer ‘What is Frozen in Time’ begins to thaw at a measured pace that shows it’s true colors, its truths and our true reason for being.

None of us want to melt under the spot-light in these times of unsolidified change but consider it a gift from the universe, like an ice-artist sculptor that comes to bring forth the beauty of what is frozen and hidden in time, what lies just below the surface, Unveiling the icy qualities of what is very human of creation. A beautiful form is awakened gracing the frozen ‘ice and the eyes’ of humanity with what lies beneath. Think about the very vibration of ice water that has frozen in time. The stasis of its frozen geometry can reveal so much as old emotions come to play freeze tag, Think about the vibration of the Ice Queen in the children story how she tried so hard not to show any warmth or tenderness or defrosting, for that matter. Most humans absolutely have some Ice Queen DNA, as we all try so hard to block and freeze what hurts; We have an internal freezer full if ice-burned emotional left-overs. We hide within self, within words, within our non-actions.

As we move forward thru the solstice the heat that so many dread, may come forth from the deserts of time blanketing all of us on a warm Summer’s Eve. Time and earth slowly bring to the surface that which has been cloaked and invisible. Like a Desert Mirage that kicks up its Las Vegas Heels, what we once thought was impossible has actually come into fruition. We may not be able to touch the outcomes as of now but those molecular’ summer days of solidification’ and liquidation are ours for the taking.

The salty tears of the past are exactly the same as the salty sacred waters of the womb . The waters of creation and the Seas of Time come together and flow as a Mother Milk River calling to her young. What was Frozen in Time melts all its waterproof emotional layers, coming to rest within the wishing well of the Soul. A big ‘reveal’ comes shining like a disco ball mirroring all facets of who we think we are and who we are destined to become. A starry vision quest of sort comes to Earth asking you to see through matter, through time, through inner and outer circumstances, seeing the past thru the future.


These unusual stones come to give you the gift of White Dragon and all that encompasses. They appear mild-mannered and harmless, just a wee white stone with a dragon type outer skin with a little Chalcedony showing like a petty coat. As I looked at them I began to se the ice-blue hue that hung around them. The longer I held them the more I journeyed into a deep, what I can only call an inner earth ice-cave. Like a frozen white hole standing still in time I went deeper and deeper thru the most beautiful frozen patterns and geometries. (like when water was frozen and prayed over and it formed the most beautiful of frozen energies under a microscope.) When you are at the speed of light the old you tends to let go as the barnacles are scrapped off of you. As the carousal of light parade seemed to finally stop, my eyes focused and fell upon a beautiful White Dragon, in all of her jeweled regalia, shining rainbows thru the ice caves of time. She was an Icey glacier blue-white, blended with the sharp and round curves of ice forming and un-forming. She looked at the rock in my hand and nodded in recognition and understanding.

White Dragons are imbued with a type of celestial magic that allows them to travel between different planes of time, entering and exiting via secret places of power upon the stars and planets. They seek to imbue those on the higher path of white light with a powerful beam, a ley line of sorts, made of crystalline white light. This leyline of light supports the platform of ‘pure white truth’ (so much is tainted nowadays).These white dragons are aligned with the ‘Great White Brotherhoods of Time’. They are not just celestial dragons of cleansing and purifying, they come to cleanse the very cells of your biology, so your body becomes a perfect-clear ‘tunnel of love and light’. The white dragons then fill the purified cells with the highest vibration of celestial white light keeping all dis-ease at bay. They come to infuse your light quotient to a higher place of clear-knowing and clear-seeing. The white dragon comes to show you how to align ‘divine will, with human needs, wants and wishes.

White dragons are physically the smallest of the chromatic dragons. Like a compact and very fast sports car they exhibit spectacular speed and direction. They can appear in shades from white to grey and ice-blue. They exist in arctic environments, frozen places in time, frozen stars, and even white-wormholes, as all these places serve as excellent camouflage. White dragons are a little different than other dragons, their heads and necks seemed to blend seamlessly into one another, and their wings appeared clear along the edges. They have a flap of skin, called a dewlap, lined with spines beneath their chins. Their heads are very streamlined, and they have high crests atop their skulls. They also have a crisp, vaguely chemical odor

White dragon toes are spaced more widely than other dragons, their barbed claws aid movement on ice. Their very thin eyelids prevented snow blindness when observing arctic landscapes. White dragons have exceptional memories, and will often hunt down those who crossed them, no matter how long ago it was. They were not as cruel as black dragons and were not as ferocious as reds, but they are still knowledgeable in combat. White dragons prefer to attack first, rather than ask questions later

They prefer treasures that glitter like the rainbow sun on the ice, loving diamonds and other light-filled gemstones; they also love polished platinum and silver, with mirror-like polished surfaces. Long ago the white dragon made a prophecy– ‘one day that he would return to unite all beings of Magic in a time when he was most needed,’ some believe that time has come.

Dragon-skin agate is a stone of transformation and transmutation. Dragon-skin agate is a rare variegated form of Chalcedony It is found in parts of the United States, India, Morocco, Czech Republic, Brazil, and Africa. It is semi-translucent (like moonstone) and has unusual stone presences that give its surface a dragon-like or scaled appearance. This stone stimulates and energizes the root, solar plexus, and crown chakras simultaneously. It is an excellent tool for helping clear stuck emotional traumas. It has a powerful cleansing effect that will heal, balance, at the cellular level. This stone encourages courage and strength during demanding times just when we are ready to give up! The dragon-skin agate brings a sense of inner peace and inspires a harmonious and joyful approach to life. It can help us control our emotions, and open our hearts to experience of real joy, true love, and daily happiness while on Earth.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee

THE QUANTUM AWAKENING, PO box 217, Dandridge, TN 37725, United States

sábado, abril 15, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - APRIL2023




From your Hostess of Light (private eyes and ears are watching you)

The Calling of the Quarks

Easter Portal

Words to Live By….

From your Hostess of Light….Recently I have experienced several dimensional doorways that are not on the outside of my energy but probing within. We have always thought that our inner self and thoughts were in a safe place a private place, a sanctuary where the Silent Witness within sits is a place of security and protection; that our thoughts were sanctified and safe without invasion of any type. Recently it has come to my attention that much more is happening actively, virtually and on the light waves of life, more than I ever could imagine.

jueves, marzo 23, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - MARZO 2023

*** De su Anfitriona de la Luz
*** Reflexiones como Maestros de Maestros
*** Imaginen


A medida que salimos del maremoto emocional de la vibración de Piscis nos encontramos cara a cara con las energías ardientes de Aries el Carnero. Para poner esto en la perspectiva de una diosa, piensen en todos los hombres del mundo que conducen esa gran energía del Carnero en forma de camión. Toda esa poderosa energía del Carnero al volante de un motor muy grande, eso, queridos, es mucha testosterona en todas sus formas de Carnero, lista para el celo bajo el sol primaveral. Como un rodeo biológico, la primavera despierta de un largo y latente sueño sanador. Las antiguas irritaciones salen a la superficie como ceniza volcánica tras un largo letargo. La propia vibración de la energía de la ira desmoleculariza todo lo que es bueno y anula cualquier resultado deseado. La energía de la ira disuelve el tejido mismo de la bondad.

domingo, marzo 19, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - March 2023


***from your Hostess of Light
***Reflections as Master Teachers
*** Pretend
*** White Lady of the Woods Healing Stones

From Your Hostess of Light As we move out of the emotional tidal wave of the vibration of Pisces we come face to face with the fiery energies of Aries the Ram. To put this in a goddess perspective think of all the males of the world that drive that Ram energy in the form of a truck. All of that powerful ram energy behind the wheel of a very big engine, That dear ones is a lot of testosterone in all of its ram forms just ready to rut in the spring sunshine. Like a biological rodeo, spring awakens from a long dormant healing sleep. Ancient angry energy floats to the surface like volcanic ash. The vibration of angry energy demolecularizes all that is good and cancels any desired outcomes. Angry energy dissolves the very fabric of goodness.

sábado, febrero 25, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - FEBRERO 2023


*** Las enseñanzas de la marmota
*** La vibración de la abundancia en 2023
*** Profecía es ver el futuro en nuestras acciones presentes…
*** Despertar lo que duerme


Ver la sombra de la marmota dentro de uno mismo siempre abre los ojos. Todas las sombras son creadas por una luz muy brillante que se mantiene fuerte detrás de uno. A medida que nos adentramos en el año 2023, se nos pide que miremos nuestras sombras, con primavera o sin ella, y que las aceptemos plenamente. En nuestra humanidad vive una gran luz y una gran sombra llena de sabiduría. La marmota, con toda su peluda sabiduría, nos enseña a ser humanos. La marmota simboliza la perseverancia, la buena suerte y la vigilancia. La marmota nos pide que profundicemos en nuestros sentimientos y pensamientos para comprendernos mejor.

miércoles, febrero 22, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - February 2023


*** The Teachings of Groundhog
*** Prophecy is seeing the future in our present actions…
*** Awakening that which is sleeping… 

The Teachings of Groundhog

Seeing the Ground Hogs shadow within self is always an eye opener. All shadows are created by a very bright light that stands strong behind one. As we move further into the year of 2023 we are asked to look at our shadows, spring or no spring and embrace them fully. In our humanness lives a great light and a great shadow filled with wisdom. Ground hog in all of her furry wisdom teaches us about being human. The groundhog symbolizes perseverance, good luck, and watchfulness. Ground hog asks you to dig deeper into your feelings and thoughts to understand yourself better.

jueves, enero 12, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan -  THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - JANUARY 2023


***From Your Hostess of Light

***SEDONA Journal Predictions 2023

From Your Hostess of Light

2023 is a bi-lateral-layered numerical year. With two distinct doorways of energy we will walk thru. The number 20 that lives within 2023 displays strength, awareness and sensitivity. This number is about perceiving any and all emotions; The ability to sense when others are struggling within self and life. number 20 is concerned with new beginnings within a duality of choices. This number is part of the ‘plan of completion’ ‘Teaching the wise use of time.’

miércoles, diciembre 14, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - December 2022


December 2022


***From Your Hostess of Light
***‘Presents’ of all possibility’
***We are different in height and width yet we are identical in Beginning
***Healing words from White Buffalo Calf Woman

From Your Hostess of Light; As we step closer to the winter solstice in energy and light we come to a place of silence as the light and dark tradeoff as dance; partners. The shortest day of the year brings a need for reflection and contemplation. A deep stillness prevails as all go within for council. Like a snowflake that falls in a deep forest the quiet reflection will allow an opening in the heart, like the sweet breathe of a single snowflake landing softly in your heart, allowing your soul to ‘Just Be.

viernes, noviembre 04, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - November 2022

In This Issue

From Your Hostess of Light

The 11:11 Dove Star

11:11 is a number activation sequence

‘Gateway of Instant Manifestation’


From Your Hostess of Light As a world we are standing knee deep in muck and mire. It is so appropriate for us to be coming up on the 11:11 power days. And I pray with all of my heart and soul that we can rise above what tries to steal our peace and power. Like a lonesome cowboy ride the chaos like one mean bucking bull, to a place of engaging and then taming the runaway energies. Remember even Tesla himself tried to tame lightening. That is exactly what this next doorway of light is all about. Energy is energy is all of its forms, whether it is a new cell tower, a broadband under your neighborhood ley line, or the fear of running out and the world stopping on its axis, see it as a linking point which amplifies your Light and Heart intention. ALL THINGS CAN BE USED FOR GOOD!

viernes, octubre 21, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - OCTUBRE 2022


*** De su Anfitriona de Luz
*** El tiempo interdimensional se rebobina

*** Una cascada de gran sanación

*** Limpiar la declaración de energía negativa

*** El poder de dar de una copa llena

*** El viaje de la culpa

*** Limpieza del Karma en profundidad (por zoom)


Perdonen la tardanza. Estoy algo fuera de sintonía luego de regresar de la Exposición de Cristales.

A medida que Mercurio retrógrado continúa balanceándose alrededor de la pista de baile, nos encontramos con aspectos y parejas dentro de nosotros mismos con los que no estamos acostumbrados a bailar. Los pensamientos, las imágenes y los recuerdos bailan en nuestro cuerpo, mente y espíritu creando puertas de sanación dentro del corazón y el alma. Cada persona que está frente a nosotros, real o virtualmente, no es más que un espejo que refleja todo lo que vive en nuestro interior y que no hemos aceptado plenamente. Ya sea la ira, la alegría, el amor, la riqueza o la verdad, todo refleja rasgos nuestros que todavía necesitan que los abordemos.

jueves, octubre 20, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - October 2022

In This Issue

***From Your Hostess of Light

***Coming around the blind corner…

*** Love added to anything will change the molecular content of the experience

From Your Hostess of Light

As we move thru these very mammoth invisible energies we stand at the bend in the tunnel of love, not seeing a way out and not seeing a way in, we are frozen. We have so drained our body mind and spirit looking for a cure to what ails us, not finding anything but ice cream. Every day we are like a 1000 piece puzzle as we try to put out selves and lives back together again. Like a self-made virtual/ yet authentic avatar, we seek to find out what will make us braver and smarter and stronger. Like the movie groundhog day, we are going around and around in a time travel loop. We are however getting better at putting the pieces together, yet we still seek the cover picture to complete and compare our works. Like a determined chemist we look for the invisible lining between the seen and the unseen; searching the cosmos for the exact equation that will create a Cosmic Elixir for all to sip from.

lunes, septiembre 26, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - September 2022


***from your Hostess of Light
*** Interdimensional time rewinds
***A Cascade of Great Healing
***Clearing Negative Energy Statement
***The power of Giving from a full Cup
***The Guilt trip

From Your Hostess of Light As Mercury retrograde continues to swing us around the dance floor we come into aspects and partners within ourselves that we are not use to dancing with. Thoughts images memories dance around in our body mind and spirit creating doorways of healing within heart and soul. Every person that stands in front of us truly or virtually is but a reflective mirror of all that lives within us that we have not embraced fully. Whether it is their anger their joy their love their wealth or their truth all reflects features of us that still needs to be addressed.

miércoles, agosto 03, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - AGOSTO 2022




*** De su Anfitriona de Luz
*** Llegar al círculo multidimensional completo
*** Limpieza del karma colectivo
*** Caminar por el lado oscuro de uno mismo
*** Los nueve Señores del Tiempo
*** 8:8 Como es arriba es abajo
*** Declaración de limpieza kármica del ADN
*** 8:8 Taller del Portal del León Solar 2022



Completar el círculo multidimensional es como montar en su carrusel personal con todos sus otros yoes del tiempo presentes y contabilizados. Este es el lugar donde se reúnen todos los aspectos de su luz y de su vida, un lugar donde habita la sabiduría, un lugar donde reside la esperanza, un lugar donde duerme el conocimiento. Dentro de la caracola circular de la creación viven todas sus ubicaciones personales. Como Humpty Dumpty y el Hombre de Paja en su primera cita, faltan muchas piezas en esa relación. Estas piezas faltantes vuelan a través del tiempo y el espacio sujetándose fuertemente unas a otras como un remolino en un día ventoso en la granja.

lunes, agosto 01, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - AUGUST 2022



From Your Hostess of Light
*** Coming full multi-dimensional circle
*** ‘Nine Lords of Time’
*** 8:8 Solar Lions-Gate 2022 Virtual Gathering of Light
*** The Lords of Karma Clearing set

From Your Hostess of Light

Coming full multi-dimensional circle is like riding your personal carousel (merry-go-round) with all your other time self’s present and accounted for. This is the place of Gathering all aspects of your light and life, a place where wisdom dwells, a place where hope resides, a place that knowledge sleeps. Within the circular conch of creation live all placements of you. Like Humpty Dumpty and the Straw-Man on their first date, lots of pieces are missing from that relationship. These missing pieces fly through time and space holding tightly to each other like a Hay-devil on a windy farm day.

martes, julio 19, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - JULIO 2022

*** De su Anfitriona de Luz
*** En el mes de julio llegamos a las intersecciones sagradas del tiempo y los días de poder sagrado
*** 2022 Año Nuevo Maya “Año de la Luna Roja Autoexistente”
*** La elevación de Sirio
*** Nuestro paseo por la Tierra es como el libro para colorear de un niño
*** Todo cuenta, no puede ser de otra manera
*** El Stonehenge de Georgia


Como un giroscopio tambaleante, las líneas de tiempo de la Tierra necesitan ser reajustadas, reiniciadas y alineadas en una nueva y compleja teoría de la luz. Nosotros, como planeta, hemos estado dando vueltas y más vueltas a las partículas aceleradas del pensamiento durante muchos años, colisionando ahora finalmente dentro de nosotros mismos con dis/locaciones de tiempo que de veras no son para nuestro mayor beneficio o realidad personal. Tratar de repetir la misma receta del tiempo en esta experiencia de proporción divina a menudo puede ser una tarea infructuosa. Dentro de la replicación hay diminutas diferencias microscópicas que buscan tomar forma y volar libres de las limitaciones de su propio mundo.

jueves, julio 14, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - JULY 2022


JULY 2022


**** From Your Hostess of Light
***In the month of July we come to holy intersections of time and sacred power days
***2022 Mayan New Year ‘Year of The Red Self-Existing Moon’
***Sirius Rising
***Our Earth walk is like a child’s coloring book
***Everything Counts it can be no other way
***Georgia Stonehenge

From Your Hostess of Light Like a toppling gyroscope Earth’s time-lines need reset, rebooted and aligned in a new complex theory of light. Going around and around at accelerated particles of thought is what we as a planet have been doing for many years now finally colliding within ourselves to time dis/placements that are not truly in our best interest or personal reality. Trying to make the same recipe out of time in this divine proportioned experience can often be a fruitless cake. Within replication are minute microscopic differences That seek to take form and fly free of their own worlds boundaries.

sábado, junio 25, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - JUNIO 2022



*** De su Anfitriona de Luz

*** Verano 2022

*** Mantener su visión en silencio



A medida que entramos en nuestro verano solar, sean conscientes de que realmente se les está dando la oportunidad de convertirse en un receptáculo de sanación y amor que contiene una Gran Luz Celestial que se magnifica y fluye dentro de nuestra estructura solar. Este verano viene en forma de muchos aprendizajes ocultos que están desplegando verdades largamente olvidadas. Mientras la energía de Géminis se bate en duelo consigo misma hasta el nacimiento del verano solar en el Solsticio, todos nos sentimos arrastrados en todas direcciones, como un torbellino, rodeados de remolinos de polvo, escoltados por un huracán. Todo viene a distraernos de lo realmente importante. La oscuridad y la luz de los gemelos astrológicos exigen que hagamos las paces con la oscuridad interior y la oscuridad exterior.

domingo, junio 19, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - JUNE 2022 - June 19, 2022


JUNE 2022


From Your Hostess of Light

Summer 2022

Holding Your Vision in silence

From Your Hostess of Light: As we enter our solar summer be-aware that you are truly being given an opportunity to become a vessel of healing and love holding a Great Celestial Light that is magnified and streaming within our solar structure. This summer comes in the form of many concealed learnings that are unfolding long forgotten truths. As the energy of Gemini duels with itself until solar summer is birthed on the solstice, we all feel pulled in every direction, like a whirlwind, surrounded by dust devils, escorted by a hurricane, everything comes to distract us from what is truly important. The dark and the light of the astrological twins demands that we make peace with the darkness within and the darkness without.

lunes, mayo 02, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - APRIL 2022

APRIL 2022

In this Issue

***From Your Hostess of Light

***Easter 2022

***Opening the Sun Portal

***Prophecy and Prophesize

***Archangel MICHAEL ‘on the Wings of an Angel Crystal’

***Prayer to release negative energy

From Your Hostess of Light: This Easter opens another magical doorway of the Heart escorting us into a place that reveals ‘Hope’ for the Future and ‘Healing for the Past’. A place where all that is Light meets itself in a mirror image. A Holy Gathering of all that is sacred to the Universe. Easter is a time of corrections in the cycle of rebirth and resurrection. The Easter star-gate holds a great power for all religions and sacred beliefs. Enter this place as a holy vessel that is filled with the promise of the Creator and the future. You hold a powerful piece of the puzzle of Light for Earth. Your stay here is precious to the Universe and paramount to the Earths Healing. Never take yourself for granted. For granite you already are as the very healing protective mountains of Earth. You are totally loved, have a Blessed Easter.