Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Fran Zepeda. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Fran Zepeda. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, abril 08, 2015

Lady Master Quan Yin: You Are Well on your Way to Greater Peace and Harmony in the World ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ April 8, 2015

LadyMasterQuanYin2Received with Gratitude, April 8, 2015

Hello dearest ones. I AM Quan Yin. Today I come through to speak of the Purification process you have all been going through, bringing more Love, Harmony and Peace to the World.
This purification process has many levels and nuances. It is, first of all, comprised of the clearing and cleansing you have all been going through, and made more possible with the Love energy you have anchored and solidified within your very being and thus the world.
It is also an outpouring and culmination of the levels you have all raised yourselves up to in your climb up the ladder of Ascension. It is a coming home to the essence of what you have always been, the clearing away of all impediments to that glowing essence which is at the core of your being and is your birthright … Coming around to your True Divine Self once again.
I have said that it (this purification process) has many levels. But also, it may present at times in ways you may interpret as negativity. For it is in the process of observing and clearing the negativity that purification abounds. And a necessary step in the process.
And thus, it is much easier to grasp and incorporate and integrate the divine aspect of Purity in a more sustaining level.

sábado, marzo 21, 2015

Fran Zepeda – Pure Love Activation from Mary Magdalene – 21 March 2015

 Picture of me 5 (2)Greetings, It is I, Mary Magdalene, infiltrating your very Being with pure soft Love energy, expanding throughout your cells and incorporating your Whole Being. I AM the softness of pure energy with which you have a match – The Love of Creator in every cell of your Being – The Love expanding with pure, soft lilting essence taking over your very Being – The pure soft color of Gold and Magenta planted and anchored and expanding to infinite possibilities.

jueves, febrero 19, 2015

Fran Zepeda – Mary Magdalene on Divine Perfection and Wholeness – 19 February 2015

Greetings Beloveds. I come before you today to deliver a message of Love and Well-Being to you all. For all is well. For all is as it should be. Pull yourselves back from your expectations and thought-forms of striving for ‘life as it should be’ and Be Now in this Moment with me.
All is well. All is as it should be. All is encompassed in this Now Moment as an inkling of more creation in the next moment. And so it goes. Pull back into the Now. Pull back into the center of your being and find that all is well, all is as it should be. Stop the striving and gather your heart into the Now, into the center of your being and life, and feel with it, now with me.

What is it you are feeling? What is it you are noticing? The stillness beckons you. Pull back into that stillness now, beloveds, and travel with me into the deeper recesses of your Heart. For now is the time to live there fully.

miércoles, febrero 04, 2015

Fran Zepeda – Higher Self Teaching: On Abundance and Manifestation ~ 4 February, 2015

Picture of me 5 (2)Received January 30, 2015 from my Higher Self, supported by Lakshmi, Lady Nada, and Yeshua:
Abundance is a matter of intention, in full alignment with your soul purpose, and keeping in mind and heart the knowing that all you desire is at your fingertips, that all is present in your immediate Now for the taking. It becomes manifest with your full alignment with your intentions, for the highest good of all. Believing it is so, believing it is possible, is key.
Nothing is impossible. It just requires a sustained living in the energy of the intention — feeling, seeing and abiding by all the elements that make up your desire, as if it is happening now in this moment. You live constantly in that energy and it becomes manifest.

jueves, enero 29, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Higher Self Teaching: On Wholeness - January 29, 2015


All are Whole to begin with, from the beginning of time. It is just from there an add-on of experiences, a retreat back, and ultimate revealing and illumination process to bring forth the dormant and to transmute the illusion and parts that do not live fully in Love.
And it is that process that you all are going through, the revealing, illumination and acceptance of all parts, all aspects of you to make up the whole, to illuminate and transmute all that is not fully in Love, in that there is a revealing process of that which is not Love, that which is not the True Divine You, that which is covering up the Full Illumination of You.

lunes, enero 19, 2015

Lady Nada: Share Your Gifts – Channeled by Fran Zepeda - January 19, 2015

LadyNada.picture credit: cosmicgaia.comReceived January 16, 2015

Hello Dear Ones. It is I, Lady Nada, speaking to you through this channel once again. I enfold you in my arms of Love and send Love to you all.
There has been much change in your energy fields of late. It can be puzzling to some, but uplifting all the same. It will just take you a little while to get used to the freedom and expansion you have attained, each in your own capacity.
Clarity is one of the positive ‘side-effects’ of this new attainment. It is illuminating many things in your past and present, all encompassed in your Now Moment all the same. It is as if the clouds are parting and you are finding yourselves at a precipice of grand new beginnings with more possibilities than you have ever imagined.
For many it has been as if the ‘curtain’ of dense energy has been suddenly uplifted and is leaving you a little tipsy and searching to find your ground again. Such is the nature of each level you are attaining. Each takes a bit of adjustment to the new perspective and lightness and then you are on your way again to new ventures.

sábado, diciembre 27, 2014

Lady Master Pallas Athena – Feel as if One with it All – Channeled by Fran Zepeda - December 27, 2014

pallas athenaReceived December 26, 2014

Lady Master Pallas Athena:
Hello, Dear Ones. It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness, a wisp of Creator’s energy in every cell of your Being expanding at will with each breath of Love that you take.
Take a step with me now into the unknown and receive the sweet soft energy of Creator’s Infinite Love. Integrate it now into your very Being and get used to living within it as it is within you ever more securely as you integrate all your aspects into your unfathomable Beingness.
It is not for you to deny anymore. Fill yourselves with the Unconditional Love you have for yourself as a match to Creator’s Love for you. It is one and the same: The love you have for yourself and the love Creator has for you. Allow it to expand and spiral up in increasing depth and scope and swim in it as your true boundaries of your energy field become Infinite in scope.

domingo, diciembre 14, 2014

Sanat Kumara: You Are Complete and Whole Whenever You Dwell Within Love – Channeled by Fran Zepeda 12.14.14
Sanat Kumara:

Greetings to all on this auspicious day, another rung in the ladder of your deep Awakening and Ascension. And to you I give my strength and purpose and Love of all Humanity to hold and cherish in your hearts.
It is to this end that I address you now – the Love of all Humanity, the Love of all Beings of the Celestial and Galactic Realms, the Love of Creator – and that, dear ones, is the crux, for that brings you to the inception of your experience with Oneness.
It is this day that I address you into and from your Hearts to hold a vision for Humanity, a vision so encompassing that it takes over your consciousness – A vision of Love for all, and Harmony for all, and the creation of your dreams from deep within yourself and consciousness, utilizing all the gifts and abilities that are lying deep within you, and for some still dormant.

martes, diciembre 02, 2014

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada - Perspectives and Perceptions Ever-Changing - Dec 2, 2014

nadaLady Nada: Perspectives and Perceptions Ever-Changing, channeled by Fran Zepeda, November 29, 2014 | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Dear ones, as Love continues to pervade and expand your Soul Essence, you are noticing changes in your perception of yourself. There is no longer, or at least less of, the need to justify yourself and to compensate for what ‘should be’ or ‘would be’.
You float in the Now of it. Love is much more available to soothe and serve as balm for your Soul, and everything, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, becomes instead a continuum just needing Love and persistence towards a more neutral, peaceful state of Being.
The edges are softer, and the perspectives are clearer; and what once felt of great importance and dire need is no longer, leaving like a feather or leaf fluttering away in the breeze.

domingo, noviembre 23, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Lady Nada: A New Pinnacle of Your Awakening – 23 November 2014

Picture of me 5 (2)Lady Nada:
Hello, my dear ones. It has been a while since I have spoken through this channel, but nonetheless always extend my ever-present abiding Love to you. I take you in my “arms” of Love now again in this moment.
You have traversed many a difficult turn along the ascension pathway, each in your own method and purpose and timing. There have been some deep caverns for many of you, but nevertheless you have begun to make the climb back up and have surpassed what you could only have dreamed of in the past.
While living for a brief time in those “caverns of darkness”, you learned to make your own light – to light your own lantern in a way you have not been able to do before. You created within yourself a pathway to the light, and in the process you have extinguished many a fire of upheaval and chaos and fear and momentary loss, only to reveal an opening to the true deeper part of you where you find solace and peace and enthusiasm and hope.

viernes, octubre 10, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: Your Throne of Love – 10 October 2014

Channeled by Fran Zepeda October 9, 2014
Mother Mary:
Hello my dear sweet ones. In the interim that is a building of energy in all of you, take stock in what you want to remain in your energy field and what you want to welcome in anew. As it may feel uncertain as to what you are building, rest assured that you are harboring high frequency energy and you are slowly becoming acclimated to it. Be patient with yourselves and don’t forsake yourselves in acknowledgment of all you have accomplished up until now and continuing on the spectrum of deep refinement of your ascension process.

domingo, septiembre 21, 2014

Fran Zepeda - Master Lanto on the September Equinox Energies: You Are The Power of the Universe - September 21, 2014

Master LantoChanneled by Fran Zepeda September 20, 2014

Greetings. The purity of the energies are entering your beings at an increasing rate. Lifting you in gigantic waves of ascension. And in this Lifting, you have a chance and a duty to yourself to rise above the diminishing lower energies that are still clinging to you.
I come to support you in this Lifting, in this refinement of your energies. The purity of the energies are matching the purity of your soul and while sometimes it is difficult to differentiate this purity from the lingering leaving energies of the past, it is well worth your while to intend to rise above this difference.
I take you now on a journey of your pure soul, of allowing yourself to mingle with all your higher aspects now. The energies of Now are in complete support of this. This upliftment, this revealing of the purity and radiance of your soul and your connection with Creator is now leading the way in your journey of ascension.

martes, septiembre 09, 2014

Mother Mary via Fran Zepeda: You Are Becoming Master Alchemists - Sep10, 2014

Mother Mary:
Greetings beloved travelers into the 5th Dimension and higher. You are practicing with your multidimensional selves. You are experiencing the higher dimensions much more regularly while dealing with your remake of your physical bodies to accommodate your ascension.
I say remake because indeed your physical body, which has been your vehicle for so long in the 3rd dimension, is undergoing massive overhaul and refinement to blend with your Lightbody and to allow your multidimensional selves to be experienced on a much deeper and constant level.
And indeed this has been a wild ride for many of you. You are not sure at times what is happening and what is to be achieved. However, your innate compass, your innate sense of being – your Divine Being knows exactly what it is doing, dear ones, and I am here once again to enfold you in my loving arms and comfort you in your travels to the deep recesses of your heart where you are discovering so many wondrous things about your multidimensional selves.

sábado, agosto 16, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: You Are Love Eternal – 16 August 2014

Picture of me 5 (2)Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 16, 2014
Mother Mary:
Greetings Beloveds, all my precious children of Light and Love Everlasting. You are so precious to me. You are such holders of Light and Love. You are magnificent in the scope you span now, in as far as your reach to many many hearts that need your Love. And you serve in my name and in my care and with my example as you spread your Love far and wide. There is no doubt that Peace will prevail, dear ones. There is no doubt that you will continue to carry that torch high and with your eternal Grace, my beloved children of Light and Love and Peace.

domingo, agosto 10, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: A Message of Love Everlasting – 10 August 2014

Picture of me 5 (2)Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 10 2014
Yeshua and Mary Magdalene:
Dearly Beloveds. We take you on a journey today to your Higher Being, your Higher Being of Love, your “Exalted-ness”, as has been addressed in a recent message from Lady Nada.
We, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, come as a unit now to demonstrate and depict and convey a feeling of Love that you all are beginning to tap, that you all are ready to tap into more fully. It is a deeper sense of Love that is connected with your True Being, your True Core, your mingling with Source and all its glory. This exalted state of Love is becoming more available to you as you raise your vibration to a higher level, brought on and instigated by these lovely energies* of late and of Now.

lunes, agosto 04, 2014

Fran Zepeda - Message from Lady Nada: Developing your Divine Exalted State of Being - Aug 4, 2014

LadyNada.picture credit:
Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 3, 2014

Lady Nada:
Dear Beloveds. I come before you today to discuss your “Exalted-ness” – the state of Being that you are all entering, each in your own way. Indeed it is in stages, but powerful nonetheless. Your “Exalted-ness” is your depth of Being within your very Divine Core, explored and expanded with your continued willingness and intent to discard the lower vibrations for the higher Exalted ones.
And dear ones, it is not always a tedious or difficult process as you may think sometimes. Sometimes simply with letting go and agreeing to lift your spirits, your vibration, without resistance, can bring you into higher Realms instantly. The trick is to stay there, and you will get better and better at it, dear ones.

viernes, agosto 01, 2014

You Are Love and Love Is You – by Fran Zepeda - Aug 1, 2014


Through the Love that you Are,
Explore the Depths of your Being.
Through every refraction of Light,
Lies your Wholeness.
Nothing is left to Chance,
Nothing is forgotten,
And Nothing is lost -
For it is found within the Love that you Are.

martes, julio 29, 2014

Fran Zepeda – Lady Nada and Mother Mary: You are Magnificent Carriers of Love Everlasting, Designed and Equipped for the Task From Time-Beginning – 28 July 2014

Picture of me 5 (2)Channeled by Fran Zepeda July 27, 2014
Lady Nada and Mother Mary:
Hello dear sweet ones. We come before you together again to bring you Love Everlasting in concert and in Union for this Now Moment in ever-cascading streams of Love Everlasting and Enduring for all to tap into Forever and Always.
We are your mentors and guides in this in this Now Moment and we deliver our Love to you this moment and always in complete openness and fullness of all your Hearts put together. For imagine that, dear ones – Love Everlasting in Union with all Hearts at the same moment; it is a monumental task to undertake, yet fulfilling and magnificent in scope.

lunes, julio 28, 2014

Lady Nada and Mother Mary via Fran Zepeda: You are Magnificent Carriers of Love Everlasting, Designed and Equipped for the Task From Time-Beginning - Jul 28, 2014

Hello dear sweet ones. We come before you together again to bring you Love Everlasting in concert and in Union for this Now Moment in ever-cascading streams of Love Everlasting and Enduring for all to tap into Forever and Always.
We are your mentors and guides in this in this Now Moment and we deliver our Love to you this moment and always in complete openness and fullness of all your Hearts put together. For imagine that, dear ones – Love Everlasting in Union with all Hearts at the same moment; it is a monumental task to undertake, yet fulfilling and magnificent in scope.

lunes, julio 07, 2014

Fran Zepeda - Message from Lakshmi: Prosperity Flows ~ July 7, 2014

Lakshmi(Note From Fran: I was awakened suddenly from sleep a few nights ago to a presence similar to the image I post here, and it was Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of Prosperity, and when I asked why she was here, she replied and gave me the following message, which she said was for me, but I share it with you all as you may find it helpful also):