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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Familia Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, marzo 05, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - The Dawn of Planetary Ascension - March 3, 2020

The Dawn of Planetary Ascension

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians

Do you have a message that I can share today?

Yes, today, and every day, we, your Galactic Family, has a message for each and every one of our brave grounded ones. These Grounded Ones took on an earth vessel during this NOW of great planetary challenge.

lunes, marzo 02, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Message from our Galactic Family - Mar 2, 2020


Dear Arcturians

Do you have a message that I can share today?

Yes, today, and every day, we, your Galactic Family, have a message for each and every one of our brave grounded ones. These Grounded Ones who took on an earth vessel during this NOW face great planetary challenge.

sábado, febrero 29, 2020

Judith Kusel - The Pleiadean Counsel of Light - The Rebirth amplified - February 29, 2020

The Pleiadean Counsel of Light is now working intensely with planet earth, as one of those 12 Master Galaxies who were involved with the creation of the outer earth.

The Pleiades hold the Temples of Light and so many of native people of the earth honor them as being their ancestors, e.g. the San Bushman of Southern Africa, as well as Native American Tribes.

sábado, enero 18, 2020

Conversation with Suzanne Lie and Oscar Bustamente on You Tube - January 18, 2020

Dear Current Humans on Gaia's Planet Earth,

We Arcturians, Pleiadians, Venusians, and Antarians who have looked after dear Gaia for longer then a human could imagine, are here with you to remind you again and again that YOU are NOT alone. We also wish to remind you that to also realize that:

viernes, enero 10, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Fifteen Questions from Your Galactic Family - Jan 8, 2020

In preparations for your Multidimensional Leadership 

Questions from your Galactic Family
Through Suzanne Lie


1. Do you remember that we Galactics are here to serve and assist you?                 

2. What do you need from us, and how can we assist you?  

3. Do you remember leaving the fifth dimension to take an earth vessel?  

domingo, diciembre 22, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians, and your Galactic Family - ABOUT HAPPINESS - December 21, 2019

The Arcturians, and your Galactic Family 
Through Suzanne Lie

Happiness is something that you give away, so that you can have it for your self.
It is within the sharing of happiness with others that you can learn more about the happiness within your self.
If you never share happiness with others, it will be difficult to find it within your self.

viernes, diciembre 20, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Galactics - We Come to You - December 20, 2019

We Come to YOU
We Galactics come to the humans, as well as all the 
Higher Dimensional Expressions of Gaia's Earth!

 We come to you, via your Higher Selves! 

"We come to Each and All of you!


We, The members of your Galactic Family, come to YOU because we need the assistance of all the humanoids who are aware of their  fourth and fifth dimensional expressions of SELF. We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to remind you that it is the NOW for your, the members of humanity, to calibrate your personal frequencies of consciousness and remembering into the fifth dimensional frequency of the ever-expanding Planet Earth!
These fifth dimensional frequencies of reality are becoming more and more occupied by the "Ones Who Have Remembered!" Who are these "Ones Who Have Remembered?" we hear you ask. Our answer is that the "Ones Who Have Remembered," are the humans who have "Awakened" and/or are "Awakening" to the inner call of their fourth/fifth dimensional expression of SELF.

sábado, diciembre 14, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Galactics - Awakening to the NOW of the ONE - December 13, 2019

(Note to readers: Hi, Sue here. I have been channeling private readings too many wonderful people, so I have not written much on the Blog. However, I am back to my usual habit of writing a new Blog every couple of days, which I also enjoy.)

Awakening to the NOW

The Galactics Through Suzanne Lie

Beloved Ones,

We are the members of your Galactic Family, who have come into your NOW to remind you that YOU are special. Yes, we mean YOU, the one who reads, and/or shares of this message with others.

sábado, noviembre 23, 2019

Colleen - Update on Sheldan's progress - Nov 23, 2019

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

The last update on Sheldan I told you that he was in the process of receiving his new implant. He was remembering more and more that had been erased from his memory from the DEWeapon attacks. We both got so excited. Sheldan's Galactic team warned us it would still take some time. Well, you know how us humans please.

jueves, octubre 31, 2019

Suzanne Lie - Galactic Family - Opening Portals to Unconditional Love - October 31, 2019


Your Galactic Family through Suzanne Lie

The Journey of remembering your Higher SELF is one that will be occurring more and more as your “Pleiadian/human disguise" reminds you that the Portals to the Fifth Dimensional frequency of reality are increasingly opening.

lunes, octubre 28, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Blending Heart and Mind To Perceive Higher Frequencies of Reality - October 27, 2019


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Visualize what you want to see, then know that you can see it. Also if you know what you want to see, you can allow it to rest in your consciousness.

When you allow your desire to rest in your heart and mind, you will unconsciously, or consciously, use the “Power of your Intention” to fulfill your desired perception of the world outside of, and around you.

sábado, octubre 19, 2019

Suzanne Lie - Galactic Family - The Energy Fields of Your Higher SELF - October 19, 2019

The Energy Fields of Your Higher SELF

Your Galactic Family through Suzanne Lie

The Journey of remembering your Higher Dimensional SELF is one that will be occurring more and more as your “inner Pleiadian / Galactic SELF" reminds you that the Portals to the Fifth Dimension of reality are increasingly opening.

These portals serve to connect “Earth/Gaia” with Her own fifth dimensional Planetary SELF. However, only those who can calibrate their consciousness to the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of resonance will be able to have any awareness of this higher frequency of reality.

martes, octubre 15, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Emissaries to Earth--To Assist Gaia's Planetary Ascension Process - October 15, 2019

Emissaries to Earth
To assist with Gaia’s Planetary Ascension Process

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Dear Arcturians
Please assist me to write another message for my Blog.
We, the Arcturians, are always happy to assist any of our “emissaries to Earth.” In fact, there are more and more “emissaries to Earth” every day. The reason for this is that we, your Galactic Family” are sending more and more of our fifth dimensional Galactic Family down to Gaia to wear a third-dimensional earth vessel.

viernes, octubre 11, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - The Lost Memory of SELF - October 11, 2019

The Lost Memory of SELF

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

Do you have a message for me today.

Dear Suzille,

Yes, we always have a message for those of you who pass on our information for others.

NO you do not need to add the above sentence, as we said it to you specifically.

There are many challenges within your third dimensional reality. An important reason for these many changes is that Gaia, the beloved planet on which the humans live, is going through many transitions.

lunes, septiembre 30, 2019

Suzanne Lie - Blessings from your Higher Dimensional Family - September 28, 2019

Hello Everyone,
Sue Lie here inviting you to check out the new youtube with myself and Oscar Bustamante.

It is the NOW for all of us to have deep communications about the NOW that we are creating with our thoughts, our actions, and with our frequency of consciousness. There are many greatly damaging things happening to dear Gaia, our Mother Earth, which are vital to address NOW.

martes, agosto 20, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians and Galactic Family - Assisting, Clearing and Healing Mother Gaia - August 20, 2019

Assisting, Clearing and Healing Mother Gaia

The Arcturians and Galactic Family Through Suzanne Lie

As you commune and communicate more and more with “your” Higher Dimensional Expression of SELF, you will also move into the higher dimensions TOGETHER. Via this this Unity Consciousness, you all will increasingly comprehend and embrace the planet that YOU ARE!

lunes, julio 22, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - It is the NOW - July 22, 2019

A Message from The Arcturians

It is the NOW

Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

Do you have a message for me today?

Yes, we always have a message for anyone who asks for a message. In fact, during your NOW, it is a very good habit, ritual, gift to your SELF, to communicate with ourselves, the Arcturians, or any of the other members of your Higher Dimensional Family.

lunes, julio 01, 2019

Suzanne Lie - Galactic Family - The Frequency of your Consciousness Dictates the Frequency of your Creation - July 1, 2019

The Frequency of your Consciousness
Dictates the Frequency of your Creation

Galactic Family through Suzanne Lie

I found the below article, which I wrote many years ago. In fact, it was so many years ago that I cannot remember the date. However, it must have been in the early 1980s.

Today, this article came into my attention. I remember writing in my "Journal of Creating New Earth," a series of writings I had just written, but I have no idea where they are now. I did not have a computer at that time, so it is one of many boxes in my garage.

lunes, marzo 11, 2019

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT A Story of Ascension - March 11, 2019

A Story of Ascension

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

I just had a dream in which I was guiding all these people somewhere. We were on a dirt pathway, but I could not see much beyond either side of the Pathway.

Then, we came to an area where there was a small wooden fence with a small wooden gate, which was closed. However, we keep walking, and when we were closer to the gate, it automatically opened by itself. At that moment I awoke.

jueves, marzo 07, 2019

Suzanne Lie - Ascending Gaia from Your Galactic Family - March 7, 2019


Your Galactic Family, through Sue Lie

We now wish to talk about the initial phases of being on a fifth dimensional reality, ship or planet. A fifth-dimensional reality does not need a “place” and you can live within your consciousness.

A fifth dimensional ship is a Galactic Starship, which can be cloaked to the 3D world, or we can choose to briefly reveal itself. However, we cloak again quickly so as not to frighten humans who are not aware of us. We separate “reality,” “ship” and “planet,” because the reality is the manner in which different people perceive the same planet’s ascension process.