Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Espiritualidad. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Espiritualidad. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, junio 17, 2023

John Smallman - Saul - Love is unchanging and unchangeable - June 18, 2023

As the human collective moves ever closer to the moment of its magnificent awakening, there are still some loose ends to be attended to because the egoic need to be right is still preventing some major players from allowing themselves to look within, question, and then correct some of the motivations that direct their thoughts, words, and actions. Change is necessary in the basic personal interactions that humans engage in, because love is still seen by many as a weakness instead of the strength that it truly is. These essential changes are being put into effect, so remain patient and trust that God’s plan for you is precisely on its divine schedule, as you daily continue to reset your intentions to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives. Setting and resetting that intention is extremely powerful and necessary, and you are all doing magnificent work as you follow through and put it into effect.

lunes, junio 12, 2023

Pamela channels Jeshua - You have waited for this time - June 11, 2023

Pamela channels Jeshua

Dear friends,

I salute you from the heart. I am Jeshua, and I am in the midst of this circle and personally greet you all. I admire you for who you are, for the courage it took to again be here on Earth. You are my fellow lightworkers.

The times you live in are important. You have, as a soul, waited for this time to arrive, because you knew this could be a time of completion. You have spent many lifetimes on Earth trying to find a way to channel your light here. You have met with resistance, and due to this, you have become deeply acquainted with the very human emotions of feeling rejected and abandoned. I am here to now address that pain, because it is blocking you from moving forward.

sábado, junio 10, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - Love is endless, infinite and all-encompassing - June 10, 2023

There is only one power, one energy field, one infinite and limitless space in which All that Is exists, and it is LOVE! It is Father/Mother/God expressing Himself constantly, endlessly, and eternally, creating more of Himself, of All, and of YOU, in an unceasing expansion of Love. Love is endless, infinite and all-encompassing. Within It is the infinite vastness that is ALL of God’s divine Cosmos, also forever expanding. There is no beginning or end, there is just Love, Source, Mother/Father/God. And any label you choose to use to name the unnameable, the indefinable, the vastness of All that Is, is totally acceptable because Love is unconditional acceptance of All that Is. Each of you are totally and unconditionally acceptable aspects, instances, and expressions of that vast Oneness.

jueves, junio 08, 2023

John Smallman - Saul - You are Sovereign Beings, so reclaim your Sovereignty NOW! - June 8, 2023

As humanity waits expectantly for its collective awakening, we in the spiritual or non-physical realms are flooding the Earth and all her sentient life forms with Love and healing energies. We are massively strengthening your individual life force-fields as you undergo the intense and ongoing energy frequency changes or transmutations that are part of your awakening process. Events of a seemingly momentous nature are occurring world-wide, putting you all under enormous stress. Know that it is certain that these will be resolved, and that you will awaken.

lunes, junio 05, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - The time to reclaim your freedom is NOW! - June 5, 2023

As the collective human awakening draws ever closer, be prepared for many surprises, some inline with what the MSM and other media have been suggesting of a far less than uplifting nature, and many more to truly delight and inspire you. Confirmation of your individual oneness with your divine Source, Mother/Father/God, as well as your oneness with each other planet-wide in every moment of your eternal existence, will arise most powerfully into your conscious awareness. It will arise so powerfully in fact that you will wonder how you could ever have had even the slightest doubt as to the Reality of who you are, each and everyone of you – the Divine expressing Herself individually through each one of you in an eternal expansion of the Love that is ALL.

domingo, mayo 28, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - Life is Love, you are Love, and Love is boundless - May 28, 2023

There is only God, with Whom each and everyone of you is eternally at One. To understand that, as you live your lives in human bodies experiencing their limitations, is impossible, and you tend to find yourselves undergoing enormous mood swings that severely undermine the true joy of life, even if in the present moment all your needs are being met. It is very confusing and unsettling for you, and as you are almost constantly being fed the drama of worldly events of a very unhappy and fearful nature, it is very difficult for you be relaxed and at peace for more than a few minutes at a time, as your egos keep presenting you with personally worrying ‘what if’ thoughts.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - May 28, 2023

MAY 28, 2023

Welcome dear readers. Always know that these message hold the intention of guiding readers toward a higher understanding and awareness of what is taking place both within and without. These are times of intense clearings because all old energy that has been stored and carried from past lives must be cleared in order to align with the higher frequencies of spiritual ascension.

martes, mayo 23, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - God is Love and Joy creating more of Itself endlessly - May 23, 2023

Love is reality, is life, and it is The Gift that God gives constantly making All of creation One with Him eternally, in every moment, without break or interruption, ever.

Love is the medium in which every sentient being exists and interacts with itself, with God, and with all other sentient beings constantly. It is the environment that provides the means for all interactions throughout all of creation. There is nothing outside of it or beyond it, it just IS, and many names or labels have been chosen over the eons in multitudes of human cultures by which to identify it – God, Infinite Supreme Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, All That Is, Source, and many other variations – and none of them even comes close to the Reality of it. So here, just for convenience, I will use the word God.

domingo, mayo 14, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - Love is the only Reality, the only possible Reality - May 14, 2023

Humanity’s collective arousing into the actuality of your awakening is accelerating most beautifully, and great delight awaits you all very, very, soon. Ignore and totally discount the drama with which the various media are distracting you, you are all precisely where you are supposed to be, and doing or being precisely what pre-incarnationally you planned to do to mightily assist in the collective awakening process. All is flowing perfectly towards a most magnificent moment of fruition. The Love that you each are, your individual but united energy fields are inundating the energy fields of those who are starting to come to an awareness of their essential need to awaken, and also of those who remain deeply asleep. The time for sleeping is past, and your loving intentions are most effectively nudging and stirring all those who are still in a state of almost total amnesia about their true nature and their life’s purpose as humans in form. Without all of you most willingly undertaking the tasks you so courageously and lovingly chose to embark upon prior to your present incarnations, the progress towards awakening would have been far slower. Thank you all from the depth of my heart, the One Heart of Mother/Father/God, the Heart of All Creation.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - May 24, 2023

MAY 14, 2023

Dear readers, welcome to our message.

The underlying reality of oneness automatically prompts most individuals to try and make things better, to change the bad pictures into good ones. This does not mean that you who understand about three dimensional illusion should "walk by on the other side" but means that you must be aware of the universal pull to align with appearances. It will help you stay centered if you give less or no attention to today's constant bombardment from the media and refrain from engaging in polarized political or religious discussions.

lunes, mayo 01, 2023

Ronna Vezane - Archangel Michael - ADVANCED FIFTH-DIMENSIONAL UNIVERSAL LAWS - May 2023







              Beloved masters, over the many past years and in many ways, we have endeavored to convey to you the magnificence and all-inclusive meaning of Love/Light from the Supreme Creator Source. Allow us to give you a brief review of some of the vitally important details of the more refined Fifth-Dimensional Universal Laws and also of the Aquarian Divine Blueprint. When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, you activate and connect the physical body gateways or portals with the higher frequency levels of your OverSoul consciousness, which include: the Ascension Chakra or Medulla Oblongata at the base of the skull – the back portal of your Sacred Heart – and your Sacred Mind, which is located in the upper, back portion of the brain. There is also an expansion of your Crown Chakra column of Light, which will begin to clear the distortions that keep you from interacting with your entry level, “Fifth-Dimensional Sacred Triad.” 

domingo, abril 30, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 30, 2023


APRIL 30, 2023

Dear readers welcome once again to our message. You are known and your courage admired as those on this side observe your struggle to break free from the dense cocoons of belief that have served only to hold you in bondage to illusion over lifetimes.

It is difficult to move past the many commonly accepted beliefs you have lived in alignment with through hundreds of lifetimes. Many of them seem ordinary and “harmless” causing you to question why they are important in the larger scheme of things. Any belief regardless of how simple and unimportant that is believed to be good or bad can only be based in duality and separation–from God, people, and other life forms.

viernes, abril 28, 2023

Aurora Ray - What Is Your Mission As A Spiritual Being On This Planet? - Apr 28, 2023

What Is Your Mission As A Spiritual Being On This Planet?

You are here to make a choice.

You are here to choose what you want to do.

There is no time limit on your ability to do this. The only thing that can stop you from doing it is your own fear of failure.

You have been given the power and the ability to do this, but it must be done by you.

It cannot be done for you by anyone else because there are many people who want to control you, who want to destroy your true self, who want to take away your individuality and make you into a mindless zombie-like being with no thoughts of its own and no individuality at all!

sábado, abril 22, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - Acknowledge and honor these feelings of joy arising within you - Apr 22, 2023

Humanity is moving forward beautifully and very rapidly towards the collective awakening and, as I have told you many times, this transcendent occurrence is divinely assured, and consequently the progress that you have made is utterly irreversible. There are just ‘a few loose ends’ to tie up, and then you will awaken, and your joy will be boundless.

martes, abril 18, 2023

John Smallman - Saul - You are each extensions of our divine Mother - Apr 18, 2023

Words cannot possibly describe the excitement and enthusiasm here in the non physical realms as we watch in absolute amazement as you, the human collective, move rapidly and most deliberately through the last or final stages of your awakening process. What each one of you has achieved on an individual basis in bringing this process to its moment of most glorious transformation is astounding. Yes, all are indeed one, so it is a collective awakening that is most gloriously unfolding, but each one presently incarnate – there are NO exceptions! – each one is most powerfully and enthusiastically adding their own unique creative abilities to the collective process, just as they intended to do when they made the choice to be incarnate at this point in the process. You are all succeeding beyond your wildest dreams. As I have told you before, the presence of every single one of you is absolutely essential for the process to come to completion, and you are all perfectly fulfilling your individual pre-incarnate resolutions

domingo, abril 16, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 16, 2023


APRIL 16, 2023

Welcome dear readers

In spite of outer appearances, a great deal of clarity continues to unfold in the minds and hearts of many. Every day "ordinary" people living "ordinary" lives are waking up to the fact that the world is much more than what they were taught and have believed.
Incoming high frequency Light energies are guiding those receptive toward honest and ego-less examinations of personal and universally accepted world beliefs. This in turn is allowing them for the first time to recognize that much of what the world has taken for granted as true and right, is not.

As increasingly more individuals awaken to a consciousness of oneness, the universal collective automatically begins to resonate at a higher level which in turn then allows those receptive to more easily access ideas of truth. Increasingly more people are beginning to recognize the error underlying rules, laws, teachings, etc. that are based in separation and have ruled world consciousness for eons. This is causing panic to those who thrive and have benefited from concepts of separation causing them to increasingly promote activities and information that cause fear.

Belief in separation from God, people, animals, plants, and all seen and unseen life is a state of hypnotism. Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God but when interpreted through minds conditioned with beliefs of duality, two powers, and separation it manifests experiences of good and evil both of which represent concepts.

Earth is the perfect expression of a Divine idea in the Mind of God just as every individual is, but when earth is interpreted through three dimensional consciousness it is seen and experienced by most through a state of universal illusion.

Often an evolved student of truth comfortable in their spirituality finds everything changing and nothing feels the same. "Tried and true" techniques for centering no longer seem to work. Guides do not seem to be responding as readily. Mediation may feel different--empty. Familiar spiritual practices are recognized as being based in separation and the clearing of old energy seems to have become one's primary spiritual practice.
This is not failure but rather indicates graduation to a new state of consciousness, one no longer in alignment with what previously worked so well. Spiritual evolution is a journey through many lifetimes and states of consciousness that usually begin with idolatry, then atheism, then to organized religions of both East and West, then to metaphysics, and finally to mysticism--each lasting a few or many lifetimes.

Metaphysics is a facet of almost every spiritual journey but like those that came before it is based in the need to fix, heal, or change a bad picture into a good one in the belief that you are separate and must do a certain chant, carry this or that crystal, use this oil, or engage in some ceremony in order to become closer to God.

These things cannot give you what you seek because they are outside of you. They can and do assist because their energy can resonate with and awaken these same energies already present within you. Many students of truth get stuck in the metaphysical phase of awakening because the techniques often work and provide a sense of spiritual completion.

There comes a point at which all serious seekers of truth must leave behind those practices believed necessary for contacting God and actually accept the reality of oneness. Many study and understand that the real self, soul, is God Consciousness individualized, but their ego self convinces them to set this information aside in the belief that living truth was and is OK for "saints" but is impractical and unattainable for everyday folks.

Many of you are spiritually prepared to move into and live the mystical level which is not as a monk in a robe meditating 24/7 but rather is living an ordinary life from the consciousness of oneness. It can be done, many have done it, and many others are now practicing. One of the reasons you wanted to be on earth at this time is that the high frequency energies present as part of earth's ascension process offer an opportunity for individuals to spiritually ascend while remaining in physical body.

Many of you have attained a state of consciousness prepared to move beyond ego and allow the Divine consciousness you know you are to live IT's life in, as, and through you. It is letting go of continually attempting to fix, change, heal, clear, or remove personal or global appearances through a state of consciousness that realizes anything requiring fixing or healing is not reality/God ordained or sustained but is rather a manifestation of the belief in separation from God.

It is having the courage to surrender into what you ALREADY ARE and allowing IT to be your supplier, guide, protector, and teacher. You cannot and will never hear the ever present still small voice within you if you are plugged in to media, technology, or outer activity 24/7.

Ego (that sense of self that feels separate from God) will always be there to tell you what to do, when, and how to do it in a voice that overrides the silent voice within. This is why it is important to have quiet time/mediation each day until it becomes your state of consciousness regardless of where you are or what you are doing.

Spiritual evolution is a process, it is not easy to shift from the familiar guidance of ego, to listening and trusting within. You have lived as a human experiencing both good and bad through hundreds of lifetimes in which the ego was a necessary component of survival. Ego served well in earlier states of awareness and continues to serve today on earth but the three dimensional ego continually seeks to be the primary force guiding and keeping you well through solutions, ideas, spiritual practices etc. that worked well in earlier states of consciousness.

Spiritual evolution can be delayed, ignored, denied, and resisted but never stopped because reality is One God expressing ITself as infinite form and variety. Period. Nothing else is. You who have worked hard, studied, practiced, and sought God through practices, beliefs, and religions over lifetimes have evolved and are now ready to move into mysticism--the realization and acceptance of your ONEness, that you are Divine Consciousness individualized.

Begin to listen for the still small voice within rather than constantly questioning and seeking outside of yourself. Your Guides are always present to assist, but seeking their input in every situation rather than doing your own spiritual work is actually a form of looking outside of Self. You have done the work and are ready to trust, rest in, and rely on the Reality of your own Divine Consciousness, your Higher Self, the you that has never left ONEness and already embodies infinite knowledge, harmony, abundance, protection, creativity, peace, health, etc.

Because God is the only reality, nothing in the physical realm holds power in and of itself. Words spoken or actions taken do not in and of themselves just happen. An arm by itself cannot just suddenly punch or pet . Everything is governed by consciousness because Consciousness is all that is.

We are not telling you to throw out your medication, stop eating, or attempt to live absolute truth before you have attained that state of consciousness because doing so would be nothing more than an ego activity. We are saying that many of you are ready, more than ready to begin practicing and living from the level of truth you have sought and attained, while detaching from the tools you gave power to-- religions, traditions, rites and rituals, laws, societal beliefs etc etc.

Living ONEness is not ignoring, resisting, or denying appearances, but rather is; "Yes, I see you, feel you, acknowledge you, and like or don't like you, but I know that God is omnipresent therefore can only manifest ITself relegating appearances of duality, separation, and two powers as being nothing more than manifestations of collective and personal beliefs in separation." Then go about doing what needs to be done, you have done the work and eventually this truth becomes your state of consciousness.

Begin to seriously , yes seriously believe, act, and live from your highest level of awareness because like it or not, you are and always have been Divine Consciousness individualized.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/16/23

sábado, abril 08, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - Allow yourselves to feel the joy growing gently and unmistakably within you - Apr 8, 2023

Dear John, and dear friends with whom we share these messages, here’s wishing you all a very Happy Easter, the day on which we celebrate not only the anniversary of my resurrection, but also the resurrection of each one of you – your return to your natural state – to constant full conscious awareness of your true nature. You are all eternally at One and in the Presence of Mother/Father/God, from Whom you have never been separated, even for the briefest of instants. All are One, everyone, every sentient being is in every moment One with Mother/Father/God. Therefore, to come again to FULL conscious awareness of this divine Truth is unimaginably exhilarating, far beyond your ability while in form to even conceive of. So once again, here’s wishing you all

viernes, abril 07, 2023

Pamela Kribbe Canalizando a María - El Arte del Amor Propio - Abril 7, 2023

Pamela Kribbe Canalizando a María

“Cuando están en su estado natural de ser, aceptan el flujo de la vida, los extremos de la vida, y saben que son inocentes. Una vez que se quedan atrapados en los ciclos de la vida en la tierra, cuando comienzan a creer en los extremos de la dualidad, en las polaridades del bien y el mal, la luz y la oscuridad, entonces comienzan a desempeñar un papel en este enorme juego de la vida que se vuelve más y más real para ustedes a medida que se lanzan a la encarnación, en la carne, en la dualidad. Y en su punto más profundo o denso, por así decirlo, creen que esto es todo lo que hay.

lunes, abril 03, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - Please do not doubt the efficacy and potency of your earthly presence - Apr 2, 2023

Here in the non-physical realms we are loudly applauding you all as you so beautifully prepare to bring the collective human awakening to its most glorious conclusion. This is the main purpose of each of your current individual human incarnations. And remember, you are never alone! When you incarnate you each have your own support team in the non-physical realms watching over you and giving you gentle nudges whenever necessary – you each made clear to us, before you were born into your present bodies, that you might well need a nudge from time to time to assist you to remain on your chosen paths, and we completely honor those instructions – and we are always with you to answer immediately if you call on us for guidance. Not one of you is here alone, by chance, and without the constant availability of our loving assistance!