Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Consejo. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Consejo. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, junio 25, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - Energy and the Field - June 25, 2019/

Again we will speak to the subject of energy and the field in which you are participatory. Today, let us build an image for you if we may.

There is, in our image, an immense field. It is actually infinite. However we do realize that this is an idea that is incomprehensible to you, so let’s stick with immense.

miércoles, junio 12, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - Intensified energy - June 12, 2019

We would like to speak today of the intensified energy field that your planet has entered. You are experiencing this as ‘incoming energies’. Many who are empathic or otherwise quite sensitive are struggling with this.

Perhaps the best thing we can do for you today is to offer you yet one more different image to work with.

martes, mayo 21, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - An Idea That May Help You - May 21, 2019

Today we wish to offer an idea that may help you with a bit more confidence in yourself and also with your understanding of the great changes we speak of, and that you have some trouble seeing.

Many of you are still plagued with thoughts of your inability to change anything. You feel helpless in the face of the situations you observe around you. You read our messages concerning the power

viernes, mayo 17, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - You Have Unlimited Credit - May 17, 2019

The statement we have made in the title of this message, you have unlimited credit, is true for each of you, but it needs some explanation in order to avoid as much misinterpretation as possible.

First, let us explain what is meant by unlimited credit. It means that You, the divine being of which you, the incarnate personality are an extension, may and can create anything. It is your right and your function to do so.

martes, abril 30, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - The Story you tell yourself - April 30, 2019

Our topic today, the story you tell yourself, is important to your progress. In fact, we would say extremely important.

We will remind you at the start that your mind, your feelings, your vibrational signature, is a magnet that draws your experiences to you. Now that alone could be the entire message, but we will expand upon it.

domingo, abril 07, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - Meditation and Prayer - April 7, 2019

A question has been sent regarding meditation and prayer. We like very much the idea of prayer being the speaking with spirit and meditation being listening. We will address both of these in our answer. But the questioner wishes to know whom to address and we will speak to that, as well. The question is below.

jueves, abril 04, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - Your Path and Your Service - Aprril 4, 2019

Once again we will speak on the topic of soul path and service. The question, as you have asked it, is below. It indicates several very common misconceptions regarding both path and service.

“Hello. How can we move directly on our soul path and service if we have no idea what that may be as of the moment but our hearts are roaring to go….and because of our sincerity and eagerness to be in alignment with our soul’s truth ..being open…would you come meet us where we are with a huge drop of grace and guidance that is a game changer for all. Thank you.”

viernes, marzo 29, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - “Are we there yet?” - March 29, 2019

Once again we are asked to address the question “Are we there yet?” Perhaps we should approach the topic from a different angle. Here is the question as it was asked.

“During the entire last decade , we have constantly been told from our esoteric sources that we are so close to the Shift, the Changeover, the Event, our Ascension, – yet it seems today we are still so very far away from any of that. – How come?”

miércoles, marzo 27, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - More about the Oneness - March 27, 2019

In response to the question asked, we will talk more about the Oneness and the individual, about YOU in your greater aspects and you as you believe yourselves to be. Please bear in mind that very small differences in wording can cause great differences in overall concepts.

viernes, marzo 22, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - Your Identities - March 22, 2019

There is still quite a lot of misunderstanding regarding your identities. Here is a question from the excellent response we received from our last prompting:

“Are we all literally the exact same “I AM” Presence or does the One “I AM” individuate or split into sub-“I AM”‘s? In other words, to what extent is Jack fully Amy who is fully Juanita?”

We will answer this in more than one way.

lunes, marzo 18, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - The Divine Yes - March 18, 2019

One of the questions most interesting to us is the following regarding the acceptance of all possibility, the Divine Yes:

“When in meditation with a group recently, I was blessed with a message from those I refer to as my ‘Sky Family’… I asked of them, ‘Who are we?’ and the response: ‘We are The Yes’.

miércoles, marzo 13, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - The evolution of humanity - March 13, 2019

We have received a question regarding a statement made by Creator energy during a session of deep hypnosis of our channel and conducted by Suzanne Spooner. Bear in mind as you read this that, although the question is specific, it involves the evolution of humanity into its next iteration, and therefore the answer will just as easily apply to many of your current conditions.

viernes, febrero 22, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - An Underlying Assumption - Feb 22, 2019

There is an underlying assumption to many of your questions. We chose this one simply as an illustration.

“Will it be right to say that God/Divine Source neither helps us nor hinders us in any of our endeavours (to honour our complete free-will) and just stays there existing as an impartial, all-loving, observer consciousness?”

sábado, febrero 16, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - Low energies and Protection - Feb 16, 2019

A question has been asked regarding low energies and protection. This has not been, because of his former training, an issue for this channel, and therefore we have not addressed it previously. We see that it is, however, of interest to more than a few. We will have a short discussion of the topic today. Here is the question that was asked:

“How can one protect themselves from lower vibrational energies and prevent them from feeding on the energy at any given time.”

martes, febrero 12, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - Some Long Questions with Short Answers - Feb 12, 2019

Today we shall answer some long questions with short answers. The questions are good ones, but we find that long explanations are not needed.

Let us begin.

“HOW does one truly let go and trust in higher wisdom/connection and guidance when we have those constant negative thoughts/voices that seem so loud at times, it makes it very difficult to hear, feel, trust in anything benevolent trying to come through? With years of trying mediation, being in nature, using candles and crystals, praying, listening to high vibrational music…….I still feel disconnected and abandoned.”

sábado, febrero 09, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - The experience of time - Feb 9, 2019

You have asked about the experience of time. Trying to explain this to you who live your lives within that construction, and time as you know it is a construction, could take up volumes. But it is a ‘fun’ question, and we have a couple of visuals for you to experiment with. So let’s try to show you at least a glimpse of what you will find. Here is the question, as asked.

martes, febrero 05, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - Oneness - Feb 5, 2019

Today we want to take a closer look at the concept of oneness, unity. So many of your questions would be resolved if you were to really examine your own thoughts more completely. We choose to include the question below, but once again, it represents many others.

“Does the divine source (all-that-is consciousness) at all concern itself with our human matters or is it entirely detached from our lives given its “no free-will interference” directive? And if this is so, would it imply that the creator does not really give a damn about what we do and what we don’t and how we experience our lives and how reality shapes itself?”

domingo, febrero 03, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - The question of purpose - Feb 3, 2019

We find that once again we must address the question of purpose. Over and over you ask this council, and many other channels, “How can I find my purpose?” “What is my, or our, purpose?” “What should I be doing?” We have, in the list of questions to us, more than a dozen that ask this in one way or another. We will address it now, once again, and perhaps you will understand that the problem lies in your preconceived ideas of what an acceptable purpose may be.

sábado, enero 26, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - A Seeming Contradiction - January 26, 2019

A question has been asked that poses a seeming contradiction.

“If you choose the life experience beforehand and the purpose is learning, is it right to interfere with that experience. For example, is ‘right’ to alleviate someone out of poverty or from struggle if that is the experience they chose beforehand. How do we keep the balance between supporting and interfering. “

martes, enero 22, 2019

Ron Head - The Council - A bit more discussion of ‘illusion’ - Jan 22, 2019

Several of the questions that have been sent prompt us to have a bit more discussion of ‘illusion’.

Currently, it is often said to you that all is illusion. In former times and other cultures, it was called Maya. It seems hard to understand, but it is actually very simple. Let us dive right in.