Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Eclipses. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Eclipses. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, septiembre 12, 2023

Natalia Alba - During this harmonic and rejuvenating month - Sep 12, 2023


Beloved Ones,

During this harmonic and rejuvenating month, before stepping into the eclipse season, we are passing through a very healing phase, with the Sun and soon moon too in Virgo. Virgo invites us to purify and transform ourselves, through the conscious release of what no longer serves, especially in our bodies, as they are the ones suffering the most from our ascension process.

This is a time to honor them, by being grounded and in perfect harmony with our Earth plane, for it is the best purifier that we could ever have. Our bodies are our sacred temples here on earth, the ones who allow us this experience and the ones who constantly regenerate and transmute so we can live and expand on our human plane.

miércoles, mayo 17, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - MAYO 2023


MAYO 2023


Danzar alrededor de la energía del Palo de Mayo

De su Anfitriona de Luz

Conciencia de iceberg


Si se están preguntando por qué diablos se sienten estresados y tensos como un Gomosito y un poco nauseabundos, como si se debiera al jet-lag o a las ostras en malas condiciones, recuerden la energía que llegó el 5-5-2023 y todavía sigue su camino hasta el Solsticio de Verano. Sean gentiles consigo mismos, no exageren sus expectativas o las de los demás; todos estamos a bordo de un barco planetario que navega en los vientos del Cambio con el Universo al timón.

domingo, mayo 07, 2023

Celia Fenn - On the Other Side : The Return to the Garden - May 7, 2023

On the Other Side : The Return to the Garden

After the massive shift of the 5/5 Full Moon Eclipse, we have made it to the other side.

For me, the 5/5 was a time of Divine Grace and Pure Love. But also of great confusion in the collective consciousness at the lower levels. It was just so powerful, everyone felt it!

jueves, mayo 04, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - The eclipse on Friday, May 5 - May 4, 2023

The eclipse on Friday, May 5, is going to feel like a pressure valve finally being released. The energy leading up to it this week has been dark, heavy, and intense. Maybe that's because this eclipse cycle, April and May, is pulling up the previous cycle in April and May 2004 and we're on the cusp of another big paradigm shift.

I can feel it and I know you can too.

martes, mayo 02, 2023

Natalia Alba - 5/5 Portal & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - May 2, 2023

Beloved Ones,

May has powerful energies to support us in our mission of continue achieving self-mastery and DNA activation. We start the month with the 5/5 portal followed by another eclipse, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees Scorpio, both together with Pluto representing profound change, transformation, and rebirth, that many are already experiencing, at this time. An inner process that will help us restore our physical bodies, so we can continue rebirthing into the Illumined being that we are, in essence.

Celia Fenn - The passage to the Full Moon/Wesak Moon with Lunar Eclipse and the 5/5 Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th - May 2, 2023

The passage to the Full Moon/Wesak Moon with Lunar Eclipse and the 5/5 Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th

Yes, it is a momentous week and we are in the final stages of the passage way to a New and more Magical Reality on Earth.

As we pass out of old worn out Dualistic modes of thinking, we open out and discover more possibilities. We discover a Magical world that exists within our world, a world of Elemental energies and Fairies and Elves and Dragons and Unicorns. And they are real! Because we allow them to be and we recognise them in our new way of thinking and being beyond Duality. We allow for a third option beyond Physical and Spiritual, and that is Magical. So be prepared for some special and sparkly Magic along the way!

lunes, mayo 01, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - May 2023 Energy Report - May 1, 2023


It’s now the 5th month of the year and where do you stand with respect to your intentions, plans, goals, objectives, and secret dreams for the year? Are you close, nearly there, or so far away from them that you are discouraged, depressed, and demoralized? Don’t lose hope because this month is a creative wellspring of high vibes that is going to give us the energy and opportunities to make tracks and gain traction even though we start the month with Mercury retrograde and the annual planetary retrogrades begin. Don’t be intimidated by May’s energy theme of Mastering your Matrix – because it’s a process you have been engaged with for years and now you get to add the final touches. It’s a process I call IDEA – Intend – Decide – Expand – Act.

lunes, abril 24, 2023

Natalia Alba - We continue seeing physical evidence of the immense support that our planet is receiving - Apr 24, 2023

Beloved Ones,

We continue seeing physical evidence of the immense support that our planet is receiving, at this time, through the Aurora Borealis that is taking place all over the world now. We are again being able to witness Auroras in the UK, Germany, and many other spaces where they were very rare or unprecedented. Even though there is a scientific explanation behind them, we know that behind all these human interpretations our Aurora family continues to restore and open new passages all over the world.

Jennifer Hoffman - Eclipsed - Intersection of Intention and Interests - Apr 24, 2023

The recent April 21 eclipse was indeed a powerful one. A rare hybrid eclipse that began as an annular eclipse and morphed into a total eclipse that could be seen in in Australia and parts of the south pacific region. It is another astronomical phenomenon but we know it’s much more than that because it is part of a vast energy movement that has been showering us with energy shifts and downloads for the past 4 years. With a solar eclipse, which means that the dark obscures the light, the sun being covered by the moon, but don’t stop there. To eclipse something is to surpass it, to be the best in comparison to others.

jueves, abril 20, 2023

Natalia Alba - Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries - Apr 20, 2023

Beloved Ones,

Today we are fully immersed in the Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries, that we have been strongly feeling for a while. As I have shared already all Guides shared for All about this hybrid and unique eclipse, I just wanted to wish you all a loving, healing, and revealing eclipse.

Remember the importance of taking care of your body, physical and non-physical, as you consciously set the intention to align with its energies. Remember that healing and clearing, depending on where you are in your ascension path, is pivotal to leaving space to integrate the new energies.

miércoles, abril 19, 2023

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Eclipse Solar de Luna Nueva en Aries Abril 2023

Astrología Intuitiva: Eclipse Solar de Luna Nueva en Aries Abril 2023

~ por Tanaaz de Forever Conscious

El Eclipse Solar de Luna Nueva del 19/20 de abril de 2023 es el primer Eclipse que hemos tenido en Aries desde el 2015, iniciando un nuevo ciclo de Eclipses que continuará desarrollándose hasta marzo del 2025.

El Eclipse Solar de Luna Nueva en Aries activa un portal hacia una nueva realidad. Puertas se abrirán, trayendo nuevas oportunidades y nuevos caminos. Algunas de estas oportunidades pueden llegar de sorpresa, pero otras pueden ser cosas por las que hemos estado trabajando durante algún tiempo.

Ailia Mira - Eclipse Update - 19 April 2023


VCG // Getty images

Hello Beautiful Friends!

Right now, we’re in the enormous energy of this New moon + hybrid solar eclipse in Aries. This first eclipse of 2023 occurs at 9:12 pm Pacific Time today, Wednesday, 19 April 2023.

This evolutionary alignment offers a magnificent new beginning, but only if we flow with it, by also being willing to release what needs to go.

Eclipses can force us to look at things we've long known need to shift, but which we've avoided, or felt we didn't know how to deal with. They usher in changes that need to come, even when we may believe we're not ready. In this way, they're magical -- they teach us that we're not meant to do things alone, that we're supported and Life is here for us.

🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘 2023 Solar Eclipse Meditation Mantra | SUN MANTRA @432Hz | 108 Times | Om Suryaya Namaha

domingo, abril 16, 2023

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Tree of Grace and the Adventure of the Emerald Heart: The 5/5 Portal and the Eclipses of the Taurus Gate April/May 2023 - Apr 16, 2023

The Tree of Grace and the Adventure of the Emerald Heart : The 5/5 Portal and the Eclipses of the Taurus Gate April/May 2023

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dearest Hearts, you are approaching a powerful time of initiation and transformation for all of Humanity, but also for the Planet. At this powerful transit of the Eclipse on the 29th April and the Taurus Gate and Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, you will embody and integrate the frequencies of the Emerald Heart. This will enable you to receive, hold and transmit the 9D frequencies of the Aldebaran Star Garden and to anchor these frequencies for the New Earth. You will also be initiated into the new Tree of Life for the New Earth and the Age of Aquarius. This is the Tree of Life and Grace, called the Tree of Grace, that has been inaugurated at the centre of the Star Garden to hold the central pillar of Life for the New Earth.

viernes, abril 14, 2023

Natalia Alba - Recommendations for nurturing the body during the eclipses - Apr 14, 2023

Beloved Ones,

Guides remark on the importance of nurturing and caring about our bodies, at this profound integration time, for all that we experience, impacts our bodies massively. We are about to face one of the most important eclipses of the year, although its energies can be already strongly felt, and will continue for the following months.

It is pivotal to align with its energies and begin to shift what is required, so we can properly integrate these new energies, for they are going to signify a powerful transformation for those who are in the process of ascension.

Sandra Walter - Using the Eclipses to Support Expansion - Apr 14, 2023

Blessings Beloveds ~

The calm, peaceful vibration of the Cosmic Mother has permeated coherent Hearts, activating a palpable new level of Unity Consciousness.

While this new state integrates, there have been shifts in the physical (sleep, diet, excessive time in nature, dissolving and levitation sensations), however the most amplified shifts are in the awareness of heart transformation, expanded perception of realities, and deep connection with the I AM Presence/Source/Infinite Creator.

Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse April 20. 2023 - The Moon is about to Block the Sun Turning Day into Night

jueves, abril 13, 2023

Natalia Alba - New Moon Solar Hybrid Eclipse in Aries - Cosmic Retrievañ - Apr 13, 2023

Beloved Ones,

At this stage of our ascension journey, when many are beginning to awaken their cosmic DNA, we are being assisted in this process by a rare hybrid Solar eclipse/New Moon at 29 degrees Aries, on April 20th, the so-called fate or anaretic degree, taking place seven times every century, and that square Pluto. A degree that represents the transformation that we are just beginning to experience, on both a global and a personal level.

martes, abril 11, 2023

Natalia Alba - Today we celebrate ascension - Apr 11, 2023


Beloved Ones,

Today we celebrate ascension, a process that is taking place within all the ascending souls, who have consciously chosen to work with their bodies, while we are still in the physical. Resurrection is nothing but the conscious transfiguration of the physical body. Even though many believe we need to leave the physical body to resurrect, which in part is true, it is the previous work before this occurs, that will determine if we are ready to give this big leap in our evolutionary soul path.

domingo, abril 09, 2023

Natalia Alba - Today we celebrate ascension...- Apr 9, 2023


Beloved Ones,

Today we celebrate ascension, a process that is taking place within all the ascending souls, who have consciously chosen to work with their bodies, while we are still in the physical. Resurrection is nothing but the conscious transfiguration of the physical body. Even though many believe we need to leave the physical body to resurrect, which in part is true, it is the previous work before this occurs, that will determine if we are ready to give this big leap in our evolutionary soul path.