Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consciencia Crística. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consciencia Crística. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, diciembre 11, 2016

Judith Kusel - The High Path of the Mystic Rose - December 11, 2016


The High Path of the Mystic Rose is one of the most challenging paths of the soul, which can be chosen by an elect few.
It is the most challenging path of the true Mystic, the one who seeks the unfolding of a very deep connection with the Divine, but also the knowledge of all which is there to know under the immensity of the vast knowledge banks of the 12 to 24 Central Suns, and then in depth walk the path of the Central Sun in which they original were created as SOUL.
It is a depth of seeking which goes beyond words, and it is a path which seeks absolute purity in both embodiment and form, as well as soul and then, also that of spirit.  It seeks perfection, reflection of Divine perfection, and therefore is one of the highest pathways to experiencing Divine within itself, within the soul and its sojourns all over the cosmos in parallel lives, in cosmic existences and therefore then, in multiple forms and expressions.

sábado, noviembre 19, 2016

John Smallman - Jesus - There is NO SEPARATION! All – all consciousness, all life, all awareness – is ONE - November 19, 2016

As all in the spiritual realms have told you many, many, in fact countless times, there is NO Separation. There is only God, Source, the Field of Divine Love in which all of creation is eternally and endlessly creating – there are no beginnings or endings, there is only now – harmonious and ecstatic music, to use an allegory . . . symphonies, concertos, sonatas, choral works, operas, musicals, pop songs, romantic songs . . . any form of music that is, by its very nature, LOVE in action. Remember, I am only using music as an allegory, and I use music because everyone resonates with music in one or more of its many and varied forms. Music is ONE. It demands perfect cooperation, acceptance, and harmonious agreement between the performers, and an intuitive knowing and understanding that unites them so that the music flows, without thought or effort, directly from their hearts.

lunes, octubre 24, 2016

José L. Stevens - Lineamientos acerca de los Tiempos y la Navegación de la Quinta Mónada Interna - 14 de Octubre, 2016

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Como sucede en la actualidad, hay un gran número de personas navegando su Quinta mónada interna, un pasaje de la vida que se produce justo al pasar los cincuenta y seis años de edad. Para algunas personas puede llegar un poco antes o un poco más tarde, pero no hay forma de saltarselo. Esta mónada o intenso período de iniciación es el quinto de los siete que le ocurren de forma natural a todo el mundo durante el curso de sus vidas. Es comprensible que para completar las siete mónadas debes tener una vida completa, por lo cual si mueres de niño o de joven no completarás las siete. Completar las siete mónadas te permite pasar de un nivel de una etapa al siguiente, como por ejemplo pasar del séptimo nivel de madurez al primer nivel de ancianidad. Si no completas los siete, automáticamente regresarás hasta que completes los siete. Como se puede ver, en algún momento llegarás a completar las siete mónadas numerosas veces en el transcurso de tus vidas hasta que llegas a ser absolutamente magistral en ellas. Dicho esto, a veces un alma más vieja elegirá tener un parto difícil con el fin de establecer su vida para tener algunas lecciones más desafiantes. La mayoría de las almas viejas, debido a su experiencia, aprenden a navegar por las mónadas bastante bien, y muchas almas más jóvenes tienen dificultades con ellas debido a su falta de experiencia.

miércoles, octubre 19, 2016

Owen K Waters - Shift Frequency: A Vision of the New Earth

Image on ArtStation

Owen K Waters – A great shift to a higher consciousness has been accelerating since the 1960s. The progressive portion of humanity is stretching the envelope of human consciousness deep into new territory.

As The Shift progresses over the decades ahead, intuition will bloom and people will begin to notice that their five senses have acquired a new subtlety.

The Earth will be seen as more beautiful than ever, filled with subtleties of color and perfumes that were always there and yet were never before detected.

The spirit of humanity will be focused on peace and hope for a new tomorrow, which will unfold as if it were the arrival of heaven on earth.

martes, octubre 18, 2016

Kara Schallock - Consciousness and Shifting - 18-Oct-2016

I wonder often where everyone is consciousness-wise these days. To me, it seems there is so much variety in where one is. Some seem to be flying high, while others appear to be floundering. Some seem to be ignoring everything, pretending, it seems, that nothing at all is occurring within and then some are so entranced by outer life that they are attached to the old matrix. I certainly cannot assume that all fit into a generalized view of things, so all I can do is to share what my current consciousness is and what I am guided to share. I certainly cannot appease everyone for that takes me away from my own focus.

viernes, septiembre 16, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - NEW Earth Support System Overhaul: Non-Linear Receiving Realities and Reciprocal Realities Are a Vibrational Response - 9/16/2016

Many are going to be going through huge re-calibrations regarding "support"....

As our souls awaken, our realities start to change. One of the areas that continually gets re-worked is "support". How we support ourselves, what support means, how we support each other, where we lack support, where we try to over-support, where we do/don't support, where we don't realize what support truly is, how our gifts are to support us as we move into service fully.... where others do/don't.... and it's a continual process of understanding and changing how we function in these multi-faceted capacities of support....

Judgment, separation, fear, lack of faith/trust, lack of intentional focus/commitment, non-belief, lack of connection inside, survival mode... with our own SOUL/the Entire Universe/Source....

viernes, junio 10, 2016



¡Bendiciones y Gozo para cada uno de ustedes!
SOY el Gran Director Divino viniendo desde la 144va. Dimensión de realidad para asistirlos a traer el entendimiento de cómo expresa cada ser en la forma humana su vida a través de las multi-realidades de lo que han sido previamente y qué significa esto en sus momentos futuros.
A medida que aprenden más sobre las Leyes Universales pueden empezar a aplicar cómo están representadas en su vida personal.
Por supuesto los elementos que componen una ley específica son generados desde la Fuente de Luz que ustedes son, a través de su Presencia Yo Soy, en su Mónada, y luego en la existencia de su Yo Superior.
Es entonces cuando se manifiestan a través del acondicionamiento físico de su conciencia en la realidad de quien ustedes se piensan ser en cualquier momento dado. .
La Ley de la Causa y Efecto, comúnmente conocida como la Ley del Karma, representa quiénes son ustedes como ser, sus trayectorias en las muchas dimensiones, y cómo va a coexistir esa energía en la que han vivido en su experiencia humana.
Esto es muy cierto para cada ser encarnado en la Tierra.
No es una elección del ser o de la mente humana, es una ley que está incorporada a través de la Esencia de su Ser para ser manifestada en el cuerpo físico o su experiencia de vida.

jueves, junio 02, 2016

Celia Fenn - Diamond Emerald Heart : The New Human Emerges - June 2, 2016

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image by Jean- Luc Bozzoli at

I find it hard to believe that it is 12 years since I wrote my article on the Indigo Crystal Transition.  In 2004, many of us were going through strange symptoms and life events that we were later to identify as indicators of a profound and deep change in our Spiritual and Physical bodies.  It was called the Indigo Crystal transition, because these terms described the transformation into the Indigo level of Consciousness, and then to the Crystal levels, and also it described the incoming waves of Indigo and then Crystal children who were assisting with the evolutionary transformation on the Earth
However, since 2012 there has been intense waves of Cosmic energy and Light Codes that have activated further levels of evolution that I will call Diamond and Emerald, not because I want to “label” these experiences particularly, but because they are useful ways of describing and explaining what I would consider to be the next level of our Conscious Transformation and Evolution.
The Indigo Beings were the Spiritual Warriors who paved the way for Transformation, and the Crystal Beings opened our Hearts and Souls to our inheritance as Star Beings and to the Divine Love, Empowerment and Abundance that is our birthright as incarnate beings on Earth.  The Diamond Light Codes upgraded our consciousness to a full awareness of our Galactic and Cosmic connections and our place among the Star Nations.  The Emerald Light Codes reconnected us with the Earth and with our abilities as Co-Creators of Time Narratives on Space Ship Earth.
But what has emerged, in recent years, is a new kind of human, similar in many ways to the “old version” human, but very different in consciousness, orientation, and I believe, physically as well.  I will describe for you the nature of this new being that is emerging on the Earth, but first I would like to just mention briefly my own experience with the emerging consciousness of this New Earth Being in myself.

martes, mayo 24, 2016

John Smallman - Saul - Humanity is one with itself, everyone is family, and the true nature of everyone is Love! - May 24, 2016

As Jesus has told you, humanity’s awakening is imminent. I know you feel that you have heard this said many, many times, and yet it seems that nothing has occurred to confirm that humanity’s awakening is ongoing, let alone imminent! But, because you have listened to our messages to you from the spiritual realms telling you that your awakening is imminent, you have, as a result of listening to us, strengthened your collective intent to bring it about.

And, as you have also been told many, many times, the power of your individual intent, without mentioning the amazing power of your collective intent, is enormous and extremely effective. You are awakening humanity. Yes, each one of you holding the intent is making it happen. As so many channels have told you already, it is your intent that is making it happen. We, of course, support you in every moment, but you make it happen. You all made the courageous choice to incarnate during these “end times” to assist in this momentous event and ensure that it happened. And it will.

viernes, diciembre 18, 2015

Astrae et Amora - La Perfección del Todo Lo Que Es A Través De La Superconductividad Universal de La Conciencia Infinita – Mensaje 5 - Nov 2, 2015

Mensaje canalizado por Astraea y Amora – aspectos femeninos de los Elohim del Tercer y Cuarto Rayos de la Divinidad

Dentro de los reinos del Todo-Lo-Que-Es se mueven grandes franjas de luz-energía en ondas infinitas, cada una de las cuales va a su destinación propia, cada una sabe adónde ir, cada una sabe su propósito. El equilibrio es su propósito y la igualdad es su meta.
El equilibrio es creado a través de la atracción natural a los opuestos y su integración, opuestos que sostienen la energía del otro pero que no pueden existir solos, sin el otro. Y sosteniéndose uno al otro, todo lo del otro es conocido, y la perfección de la integración para crear un todo unificado surge de la perfecta reacción alquímica.