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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Actualidad. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, marzo 31, 2022

James Gilliland - Heads Up Incoming Massive multiple solar flares and CMEs Earth bound - Mar 31, 2022

Spring ECETI Events

Heads Up Incoming
Massive multiple solar flares and CMEs Earth bound.

Personally I would stay out of the sun for the next few days, find a grounded metal roof to sleep under. While clearing some limbs at ECETI Hawaii and removing trash it felt as if I was getting cooked. Microwaved like some carbon based life form or dinner in a microwave oven. We have spoken often about the effects of Solar Flares and CMEs. It not only affects radios and communications, creates beautiful Aurora Borealis at the poles, it also creates severe weather, an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. One of the greatest effects are with the bioelectric fields around the physical body. Some will become lethargic, others may experience emotional outbursts, there are many physical problems especially with the heart that can also arise. It is best to stay out of the sun, drink lots of water,

domingo, marzo 20, 2022

Jim Self - ¿Estás Preparado para una Sorpresa? - Mar 10, 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy

¿Estás preparado para una sorpresa?

10 de marzo de 2022

Hola, bienvenidos. Como siempre. Muy lindo estar aquí. Espero que estén bien, y felices, y excitados. Déjenme decir que hay mucha gente en este llamado, siempre disfruto de eso. Muchos son nuevos, y algunos han estado con nosotros también.

El asunto de esta conversación es: ¿estás preparado para una sorpresa? Y es muy interesante cómo vienen estos temas. Roxane me dice, hace unas seis semanas, “Tienes que darme un título”. Y es como que no sé… “Inventa algo”. De modo que la parte graciosa de esto es realmente que invento algo, y consistentemente, cuando llega el momento – como ahora mismo – el tema resulta relevante.

jueves, marzo 17, 2022

Aurora Ray - Important Arcturian Transmission About The Current Ascension Energies - Mar 17, 2022

Important Arcturian Transmission About The Current Ascension Energies

Once again the players that control the MSM are weaving their delusion through a mix of stories interlaced with some truths.

This is the sophistication that keeps so many of you from awakening to the truth which keeps humans trapped in a box of confused discernment. So polished have these deceptions been that many give up trying to discern what they think are and is not and wish to stay in a state of ignorance or perpetuated delusional 5D, ring a bell? Not all is what it seems at this time, and for this reason, you must stay in neutral observation, this will give you the highest levels of discernment. You are being triggered on purpose which further depletes your vibratory rate and auric field.

lunes, marzo 07, 2022

Space Arks, ET fleets, Ukraine & Human Liberation: An Interview with Alex Collier & Elena Danaan

Mensaje de Lee Carroll desde Egipto

¡Hola a todos! Estoy llegando a ustedes desde aquí, Egipto. En realidad somos Monika y yo, Monika está detrás de la cámara, espero que puedan oírme desde allí. Tenemos un número de cosas sucediendo, está por empezar una recepción en una boda, los asuntos de la mezquita (se ríe) que ven en el fondo. Egipto es un lugar especial, esta es la tercera vez que hemos estado aquí con un grupo.

Quiero empezar este saludo, un breve saludo para ustedes, pidiéndoles, tal vez son miles, que ahora mismo se detengan y pongan intención consciente para compasión para los que en este planeta más la necesitan ahora. Los que tienen miedo, los que han perdido seres queridos, ya saben, en la situación que está ocurriendo ahora.

sábado, marzo 05, 2022

Suzy Waed - Matthew Ward - 3 de marzo de 2022

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Comencemos con la certeza de que todos los acontecimientos importantes van de la mano con el plan divino para liberar a la Tierra de todos los vestigios de oscuridad. Aunque gran parte de la acción todavía está detrás de escena, algo es bastante obvio, pero el público no lo reconoce como el progreso significativo que es. Tal es el caso de Rusia y Ucrania.

jueves, febrero 03, 2022

James Gilliland - Coming Out The Other Side - February 3, 2022

Coming Out The Other Side

We just went through a major planetary alignment which brought up our deepest darkest wounds. The Sun also contributed to this event with major flares. Obviously the Spiritual and UFO community did not fair to well in this experience as other communities, cities, even countries. Minus the truckers. They are awesome teachers concerning Unity, the whole world is uniting in support of them. There are other examples, doctors, nurses, lawyers, even some politicians, people from all walks of life are coming together with a common cause. Preserve humanity. Unity is the death knell of tyranny.

miércoles, febrero 02, 2022

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - February 2, 2022


Straight from the Heart
February 2, 2022

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest from Apollo on January 20, 2022:
“The rules to the game have changed. The old rulers are gone so the creation of the new planet is going to be up to you. Their minions are being called out and removed for their evil ways. They’re in for some surprises. The ground crew is stepping into greater service. You will claim this very soon. You will be activated and reminded of your work as the light pours into you. These exciting energies are in the air. What you are like today will be different tomorrow and every day thereafter. You are a part of the stars that is becoming one with the light again. Open your hearts to humanity because this is needed. You will see that everyone needs some kind of help and human touch. Let the alchemy and magic begin. We are with you and know that together we are a big part of the change.”

viernes, enero 28, 2022

James Gilliland - Navigating the Chaos - January 27, 2022

Navigating the Chaos

We spoke earlier about how everything is unraveling, the disinformation, controlled narratives, how white hats will be shown to be dark hats and dark hats will be shown to be white hats. This is happening in every aspect of society. All of the infiltrations, negative seen and unseen energies will be made known. People have tied their carts to those they thought were part of the awakening and healing in the beginning only to find they were in it for fame, fortune or fell, now guided by darker forces and agendas. Others started out on the right side of the fence and now have jumped the fence to the other side due to not having a firm spiritual foundation in self-mastery. They could not stick to the basics, allowing the wrong kind of energies to take over. The higher you rise the more challenged you will become, not everyone can meet that challenge. The tests get stronger and stronger very few can stay on the top and stay clear. Often trying to assassinate the character of another only establishes the character and spiritual advancement of the assassin. Unfortunately, many of like mind will join in.

miércoles, enero 05, 2022

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - January 4, 2022

Straight from the Heart
January 4, 2022

Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest message from Apollo on December 29, 2021:

“The circumstances you find yourself in are temporary. The upheaval has to happen so that many more can see the light. The dark ones want to hold you hostage with masks, mandates and fear. This must stop! They are being found out and their hideouts are being discovered and cleared. Hold your heads high. Trust your intuition about who and what you want to be around. Prime yourself not to fall for the fake news and lies. See all of this fall apart as the spells and witchery are being cleared. Present your essence of light. Treat yourself well. Stay in the light. As more of you experience your light and love, the dark ones tremble with fear. They know it is over. The light has far more power than the dark. Wave a flag of freedom and see them fall to the ground. Declare the old 3-D world is over. Take the reins on the pathway to the new earth. It’s almost complete. You will not be waiting much longer.”

domingo, diciembre 12, 2021

James Gilliland - Challenges, Sleepless Nights, Psychic Attacks, Planetary Liberation - December 12, 2021

ECETI News December 12, 2021

Challenges, Sleepless Nights, Psychic Attacks, Planetary Liberation

We have spoken frequently about the awakening and healing process yet people are being challenged like never before. To overcome these challenges, we need to fully understand them. Just as we need to follow the basics, right thinking, right eating which includes drinking plenty of fresh clean water, right actions in service to others and the Earth there are other challenges. There are unseen challenges, negative influences affecting our daily lives. The planetary liberation is a multidimensional event. It goes far beyond most religious understandings, it is a bit more complicated and we have to realize the word of God was written mostly by men who were not infallible. The censorship of women’s stories is a whole different subject addressed in other newsletters and books.

miércoles, noviembre 17, 2021

Dianne Robbins - Mikos - A Global Resistance Is Coming - Nov 17, 2021

A Global Resistance Is Coming

Yes, a global resistance is coming and the people of the world are waking up to all the wrongs and injustices that governments are imposing – locking you into subservience and restructuring your God Given Freedoms and those guaranteed in the USA Constitution. People are starting to realize the real purpose of the Covid – a ploy to rob you of your freedom of speech and freedom of movement. You will see people by the millions in every country of the world take to the streets demanding justice and the removal of the dictators who have taken over their governments.

martes, octubre 12, 2021

James Gilliland - The Final Battle, Merging Timelines - October 12, 2021

The Final Battle, Merging Timelines

In the days to come we are going to face many challenges. There will be people that will rise to the occasion and people that will willingly or in ignorance submit themselves, their families, loved ones, society in general to a severe diminishing and loss of health and freedom. The integrity challenged and socially engineered will walk lockstep down a very dark path. They are driven by manufactured fear, lies and deceptions by the corrupt, bought and paid for integrity and morally challenged politicians, mainstream and social media. The socially engineered, unconscious will be offered promises of positions, power and wealth of which are ill gotten gains. In the end they will lose all of it due to Universal Law.

viernes, septiembre 03, 2021

Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - September 3, 2021


 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Mainstream media are reporting dramatic happenings in your world, and while those are of monumental importance to everyone who is directly affected and to all caring persons, what is quietly going on behind the scenes has significance for the entire population.

It is not our prerogative to speak about actions that are destroying the darkness’ last toeholds—those will be made known by appropriate individuals when the time is right in their thinking. What we can tell you that is so very encouraging is what we are seeing in Earth’s energy field of potential, which reflects the civilization’s collective thoughts, feelings and actions as well as the energy emitted by all other life forms on the planet.

James Gilliland - The War on Ascension, Message for Humanity - Sep 2, 2021

The War on Ascension, Message for Humanity

It is said we are not fighting a war of flesh and bones but a war against principalities and spirit. This is the big picture unless factored in nothing else makes sense. To be enlightened is to be in knowledge of, all of it, both sides of the coin the agendas goals and modus operandi of the light and dark. The light side is all about empowerment, service to others, operating under universal law which in its simplest form is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. There are multidimensional legions of beings operating under universal law in service to Humanity and the Earth as well as the Creator in all Creation. Many of these beings are spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders as well as those who ascended from Earth known as Ascended Masters, Angelic Guides Male and Female.

martes, agosto 31, 2021

Diana Cooper - WHY AFGHANISTAN AND WHY NOW? - August 31, 2021

Puede ser una imagen de cielo, montaña y texto que dice "Diana Cooper Send peace to Afghanistan, third eye chaaa of the planet, for world enlightenment" 


The world has been focussed on what is happening in Afghanistan again and my heart goes out to everyone involved. It is unimaginably awful. 


The Himalayas are the purest, highest frequency place on the planet. As with all great light, moths gather round it.

The whole country of Afghanistan is the third eye chakra of the planet. It is the most complex chakra, having 96 chambers within it, and also one of the most sensitive. Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing, abundance and far seeing, is in charge of this chakra. When it opens it connects to the cosmic third eye chakra and this is Jupiter (ascended aspect Jumbay). So when Afghanistan is at peace and fifth dimensional so that it connects with Jumbay, humanity will receive great gifts of abundance and downloads that will massively expand our consciousness.

miércoles, agosto 04, 2021


Los Juegos Olímpicos siempre han proporcionado a los Trabajadores de la Luz una poderosa oportunidad para contribuir a la Luz del Mundo. Esto se debe a que durante este evento mundial de 17 días se estima que entre cinco y seis mil millones de personas en un momento u otro dirijan su atención a los Juegos Olímpicos. Este enfoque unificado de atención de la Humanidad crea una Copa Colectiva de Conciencia a través de la cual la Compañía del Cielo y la Presencia YO SOY de cada persona pueden potenciar la Intención Divina de los Juegos Olímpicos y expandir la Luz de Dios en la Tierra. La Intención Divina de los Juegos Olímpicos representa simbólicamente a la Familia de la Humanidad dejando de lado nuestras diferencias y uniéndonos en Paz con el objetivo de alcanzar nuestro nivel más elevado de excelencia.

lunes, agosto 02, 2021

James Gilliland - Golden Wolf - Aug 2, 2021

Golden Wolf

I was in deep meditation after recovering from being assailed by some new formula raining down from the chemtrails agitated by frequency targeting. You could see the energy signatures in the clouds. Though extremely ill I did not have the same symptoms as the illusive cov1984, could still taste, smell no real loss of appetite but had a head ache and lung congestion like never before. I hit it with a nebulizer with food grade hydrogen peroxide, oxygen water and colloidal silver. I took glutathione as well. After several repeated attempts it was under control. I also took MMS along with several medicinal roots and plants. I have ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as a backup, but did not need it. This is the part where we give a disclaimer we are not doctors and in no way should this be considered medical advice.

sábado, julio 24, 2021

James Gilliland - The Art of Division - July 22, 2021

We are Back

We’re back, rising up from ashes of extreme censorship with our new newsletter. The malfeasant, malicious MailChimp decided to drop our newsletter with no warning thinking we would lose all our data. Saw that one coming and saved it ahead of time. We would strongly suggest anyone using MailChimp to save their mailing list ASAP and find another carrier.