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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Actualidad. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, junio 01, 2021

James Gilliland - ECETI News June 1st - June 1, 2021


ECETI News June 1st

Well its been a long week with a grand finally. The UFO activity is escalating globally and we have filmed some rather remarkable footage. We released that footage in the show along with other footage around the world. The massive mother ship we filmed was also filmed in Illinois, Canada, Australia, and does not fit any Star Link launch. Only one small Star Link was over Trout Lake when filmed.

sábado, mayo 08, 2021

Espavo - Bárbara Rother volvió al Hogar - Mayo 7, 2021

Querida Familia Espavo,

Es con profunda tristeza humana que les escribimos para hacerles saber que nuestra querida Bárbara hizo su transición al Hogar el 6 de mayo de 2021, en brazos de Steve y rodeada de su amorosa familia. Nuestros espíritus ahora se dirigen a celebrar la vibrante ¡Bienvenida al Hogar! que sabemos que está recibiendo.

Espavo - News of our Beloved Barbara - May 7, 2021

Dear Espavo Family,

It is with deep sadness as humans that we are writing to let you know that our beloved Barbara made her transition Home on May 6, 2021, held in Steve’s arms and surrounded by her loving family. Our spirits now turn to celebrate the vibrant Welcome Home! we know she is receiving.

miércoles, abril 14, 2021

James Gilliland - Greer’s 20 Year Anniversary of “Disclosure” Or is There Another Agenda? - April 14, 2021


Have you ever asked the question why disclosure has not gone anywhere in 70 years? We are still at, do UFOs exist and is the government covering it up. Have you ever asked why the top people in the field are continuing in the controlled narrative other than just a few? Seeing that Dr? Greer has singled out ECETI spreading false information as a hippie camp doing drugs and seeing strange things in the sky lets address his camp. He brags about his connections with the Rockefellers, Clintons, Podestas and now the CFR, Council on foreign relations. He quotes the CFR’s statement that there are no negative ETs when it is well known the global elite and the CFR is replete with Satanic/Luciferian influence tied to the Grey and reptilian alliance. He has always taken the position that there are no negative ETs when history, every sacred book, the Nag Hammadi, every ancient culture, even temple and tomb walls record encounters with negative ETs and unseen negative influences. It is a known historical fact that Marduk actually aligned with the reptilians for total supremacy over the Earth and his own people. Yet Dr? Greer says we need to allow any ET or Spirit to come into us, make contact, guide us in our everyday lives. This is the most unprofessional, irresponsible statement ever made with serious consequences. This is the main reason for writing this article due to being overwhelmed with people asking for help within his organization to clear and unhook from these entities. We are also chastised for not working with Greer who does not work with anyone that might steal his thunder and have as of yet not told the reasons why. We are also concerned with Greer’s statements lockstep with the global elite about the need for population control. At a dinner Greer made the statement we have to reduce the population. We said if you are a man of conviction you first. He replied, “I am too important.” There were other things said at that dinner we cannot even mention.

jueves, abril 08, 2021

James Gilliland - Your Come From, Your Driving Force Brutal Honesty - April 8, 2021


Your Come From, Your Driving Force Brutal Honesty

In the last days of the tyrants all stops will be pulled. Eugenics, global population reduction, 13 out of 14 people removed if they are successful, divisions, deceptions and social engineering will be so obvious even the most severely critical thinking and research impaired will see it. The divisive groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matters who openly state they are Marxist Communists, Open Boarders, many of the gender movements all have their roots in a master plan to take down America. Mainstream and Social Media, Hollywood, the Music industries, corrupt politicians are all controlled by the global elite and the CCP. Rest assured their messages will have an agenda and that agenda is not in your highest and best good. They actually be lie ve these dark hearts have a high-ranking place for them but in the end they know too much and will be dispensed with. This includes the compromised generals who will be the first to go as openly stated by the CCP.

lunes, marzo 22, 2021

James Gilliland - Integrity, Discernment and Information - March 22, 2021



Integrity, Discernment and Information

It has come to our attention some folks think we have to answer to them, they in error think they have some hidden power or authority in our lives. They don’t! Many use Reuters, Associated Press, Snoops, mainstream even the social media fact checkers to base their reality upon. This fits into the socially engineered, critical thinking and research impaired. Unfortunately, a large majority of the population use these pathological liars, disinformation agents all funded and getting their talking points from the global elite, CCP and left to base their reality.

miércoles, marzo 10, 2021

James Gilliland - An Inconvenient Truth - March 10, 2021


An Inconvenient Truth

It has become increasingly obvious to even the most socially engineered and unconscious something is wrong with this picture. Nothing is adding up. On the CDC and the WHO websites they are saying Cov 19 is nothing more than a mild cold with a 99.8% survival rate. Plausible deniability. Doctors, Universities and Labs around the world are crying foul, all they found was influenza A and B. Neither the CDC or the WHO have an isolate therefore they cannot make a vaccine. The vaccine is not a vaccine, it is an RNA modifier with an operating system. Over 10,000 people have died from the experimental “vaccine” thousands more having serious side effects yet they are not releasing these statistics. Scientists are warning now the next pandemic causing serious illness with a very high mortality rate over the next 5 years will be from the fashionable jab. Has anyone asked what happened to the test animals, any still alive? What happened after they got the jab when exposed to corona virus, even the one causing the common cold? Their immune systems went into overdrive and they died. Did you know if you die your life insurance will not pay out because you took an experimental “vaccine”? The health insurance will most likely follow and you cannot sue the vaccine makers or the government. If you want to label these facts as conspiracy here is your conspiracy. (Continue reading after the document below).

martes, marzo 02, 2021

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - March 2, 2021

Straight from the Heart
March 2, 2021

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest message from Apollo from March 1, 2021: “Wake up everyone! Please do not repeat the errors of the past! This is a grand day of recognition. This is the shift of the ages and it requires diligence. Every thought, word, and action matters. Replace the negative with the positive. The dark ones are quivering with fear because they are afraid of you! Yes, they are afraid of you! You are the slippery, spiritual giants they have feared would come after them. Place all of your might, force, and strength into your position of light and hook into it. Take on the spiritual consciousness that you came to the earth to be. Behold, a new day is coming! You are making it happen. Stand tall and be filled with light. We honor and uphold the work that you are doing.”

lunes, febrero 22, 2021

James Gilliland - The Patriot, Citizen Journalist and Light Worker Tool Bag - Feb 22, 2021


The Patriot, Citizen Journalist and Light Worker Tool Bag.

There are some energy waves coming in that are driving the dark hearts rather mad. They are pulling out all the stops invoking and sending everything from demons to creatures through ritual to maintain their diminishing control. When you are exposing and going up against the tyrants realize many are no longer human. This is why they can do so many inhumane things much of which the average human cannot even contemplate. You are not just working against some very evil people you are up against unseen negative influences as well. It is not uncommon for the dark hearts to use spells and hexes against light workers. The Satanic/Luciferian rituals are real, it is an unthinkable abomination what they are doing to children. It is the ultimate slap in the face to Creator. The sex and child trafficking are also real along with harvesting organs and blood. “Adrenochrome”. It has become epidemic within almost all institutions and industries. It is time to wake up, end the denial and take back your planet.

domingo, febrero 21, 2021

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Reporte de Energías - Feb 19, 2021

Mensaje de Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

19 de Febrero 2021

Cada día se nos da la oportunidad de pasar a una conciencia y percepción más elevadas, que permiten entrar en extensiones del Yo Superior, la Luz del Alma y los yoes de la Quinta Dimensión. Estamos siendo empujados más allá de los límites de todo lo que podamos imaginar. En este punto, el límite de nuestras elucubraciones es donde comienzan el verdadero yo, la verdadera luz y el poder. No se conformen con lo que es. Lo que ven alrededor son las trampas de cada pensamiento que han tenido desde su primer aliento en la Tierra. Energéticamente, han activado las extensiones latentes de su alma en un punto que ya no se aflige por lo que pasó; alinéense psíquicamente con lo que aún está por verse.

jueves, febrero 18, 2021

James Gilliland - Demons Rearing Their Ugly Heads - Feb 17, 2021


Demons Rearing Their Ugly Heads

It is a very ancient saying, “The closer you get to nirvana or enlightenment the more the demons rear their ugly heads. Just as we are playing whack a mole with the global elite and the deep state closing down their dumbs, deep underground military bases used in drug, child trafficking and a haven for negative ETs. The darker unseen negative influences are playing whack a mole with those awakening, light workers and white hats. With many defending against and removing these entities is way above their paygrade. There has been serious backlash.