domingo, marzo 06, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 49 ✨ 42 ✨ 49

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

6 March 2022 23:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 6/3 23:00 A further decrease in Frequencies 1 and 2 that began around 19 UTC led to an increase in the intensity of the movements. A constant increase can be seen in the Quality graph, simultaneously with an increase in the Amplitude peaks which at 22:30 UTC reached again the maximum of Power 49 while the Primary Frequency dropped below 7.30 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today 6/3 17:00 The activity reported previously had a pause from 9 to 11 UTC when the frequencies temporarily returned to the base value before descending back to basically low values and kicking off the second phase of activity today; this movement did not exceed the maximum values of Amplitude of the previous one but was in any case more consistent remaining for two consecutive hours, from 11 to 13 UTC, above Power 20. The maximum value reached in this second phase was Power 42 shortly after 13 UTC. This second phase lasted four hours, from 11 to 15 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 6/3 09:00 Strong activity began shortly after midnight UTC, simultaneously with a Class G1 (minor) Geomagnetic Storm that has been hitting the planet since yesterday afternoon UTC and peaking at around midnight. As for the Schumann Resonance from 00 UTC the Frequencies began to decrease with large oscillations and this led to a series of significant oscillations of the Amplitude which recorded, in the period from 00 to 5 UTC, Power 38, 49, 40, 40. The maximum value of Power 49 was recorded at 2:30 UTC.