miércoles, septiembre 16, 2020

Judith Kusel - You in truth co-create every breathing moment the life you wish to experience here on earth - Sep 16, 2020


As we are stepping more and more into the highest co-creatorship, it is wise to truly understand that you are the Divine Master of you own life on planet earth.

You in truth co-create every breathing moment the life you wish to experience here on earth. That creation happens INSIDE of you, more than on the outside.

As long as the OUTSIDE voices, noise, and playing fields, are LOUDER than your own inner voice, indeed often drowns it out, you are not in charge. You allow the outside world to dictate your experiences. This is where most people totally lose their way, because they are like the sleeping, walking dead, and not consciously aware of the truth of who and what they are AT SOUL LEVEL!

I make it my business every single morning, to truly allow my inner soul self to become in highest alignment with my Highest Source SELF and Thus all of the Divine Creation, which in truth lives within me. The Divine Source indeed, is energy which is there energetically within you, as you are energetically within it. You can never be separated from the very Source who/which created you!
That is in truth how powerful you are!

If you allow yourself to be so anchored within, you will not allow the outside world to dictate to you what and who and how you should be. You are done with all of that! You just do not play the games anymore, even if most of your friends and family still choose to participate in those games. 

You choose to create your own soulful expression and co-create from a much higher perspective. Your inner soul self, is in harmony and balance, and thus rests at still-point. You ARE the still-point within a hurricane, the single eye, and you thus you are in control and not out of control. 

When we become aware that every thought and every feeling creates, we will take responsibility for what we think, feel and what role we choose to play and how you are acting and what you are creating.
Especially now, where we finally have the opportunity to totally step out the dream which was the 3D, and step totally into a new way of life. Empowered life. Life which is steeped in the highest truth within, and unconditional love, and thus totally a living from the soul and the Divinity within. The Unity, the Oneness with All.
The choice is yours.

When your inner world is in highest alignment the outer world you are creating, then you will live and walk in harmony. It can be no other. You are choosing your own path. You are choosing your own playing fields, or you can choose not to create them at all, but rather allow yourself to totally live in the Universal Oneness which is ever present.

For every dimension is or has a frequency band. Life in truth is present in the frequency band you choose to tune into and cocreate within.

The choice is yours.

Judith Kusel