Transformation: Utilizing the Eclipse and Sirian Gateways
Jun 27, 2019
Blessings Beloveds ~
Infinite LoveLight to all as we experience this profound and transformational passage. Every day is new, different, brilliant and challenging us to BE the Higher Self in this Now. This purer, intensified experience of our Ascension is the 2020 energies anchoring in and assisting us in creating whatever we choose. Divine Love and Zero Point rule the moment, and the timelines (at last). We are out of the fray with the completion of this eclipse week, dear hearts. Gratitude to all assisting; we got this.
The Zero Point energies of the latest timeline shift can make us feel as if everything is happening, and nothing is happening at the same time. The Eclipse energies fully support our trajectory choice – right now. Deal with the Now. Make the heart choice for the moment; this is training us to be – and trust – the Presence within.
Clarity on Timeline Dynamics and Choice of Experience
Timelines are based on personal and collective torus fields. These are created to hold a bandwidth of frequency which provides a certain experience. Torus fields hold vibrational realities in place. This is how time dynamics, energy fields, planetary expressions, personal and collective expressions are co-created.
Thoughts, emotions and actions imprint the toroidal flows; the spiral loops within the torus field. In density, these keep the torus fields locked in place to create an experience of separation and TIME. Our experience of time is based on emotional imprints on a torus field. Emotions create dense memory fields which maintain the illusion of past-present-future; a structure of linear time and separation. Emotions are magnetic, thoughts are electric. Both contribute to the dense structure of realities. These dense electro-magnetic fields keep us just out of phase with the truth of our Divine Presence, or nonlinear now-time.
Higher vibrational timelines (spiral torus loops) do not retain memory in the same way. They are crystalline, multidimensional, less dense. It is a very different, less linear experience of time. As we Ascend, we open to higher vibrational, less dense, less emotional and more fluid timelines. This is why emotional clearing, neutrality and healing is such an important component of our process.
As the vibration rises with energy influxes and collective awakening, we gain access to the higher timelines, the New Earth realms, and use them to migrate our realities to a new experience. Gaia uses the same system; the New Earth field was created and is available since the 12-12-12.
Solaris (the SUN) also uses the torus system. As the incoming photonic light rises, it overlights all of the planets and life in the massive toroidal fields of the solar system.
Stars, Galaxies and Universes are capable of running multiple realities – multiple torus fields – at once. The Solar Cosmic Christ template does the same for HUmans, providing multidimensional awareness, operating through Source/Heart coherence of LOVE, in service. We are a reflection, a fractal representation, of the Universal operation.
Photonic light penetrates these torus fields during the Ascension cycle. It breaks apart the illusion of duality: right/wrong, good/bad, here/there. We clear the dense thought patterns and emotions which create intense memory imprints on personal and collective torus fields, which held time dynamics in the dense loops of the lower realities.
This is why we lose the charge of memory during Ascension. We rise out of those fields and are no longer entangled in the denser magnetics.
Collective DNA Activation amplified by Eclipses
As we unlock the Living Library of Gaia and our own DNA, we activate collective DNA functionality. OverSouls utilize Zero point energetics and photonic light influxes to allow us to consciously experience other aspects of Self. This is amplified during strong astrological alignments.
Our DNA holds the record of all we have been and will be across the dimensions and densities. Christ/Crystalline/Unity consciousness – both personally and collectively – supports a stronger experience of this awareness.
For some this presents as the merging of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects. For others it may be visions or lucid experiences of Galactic aspects. These are no longer interpreted as *the other* or the twin, but rather as parallel realities or dimensional aspects of Self.
We are receiving collective DNA activation, which brings us closer to the truth of no separation. Our perception shifts, our heart becomes more coherent, and the DNA can provide a more direct experience of unity consciousness.
Eclipse passage: Leveling Up our Embodiment
Judgment feels old, outdated, unneccesary. The transitional phase of the New Age, revelation of distortion, and obsession with past conflicts complete their applicability to our journeys as we embody the Higher Self. Those phases served their purpose, and no longer inhibit our progress as we migrate to the higher vibration of Embodiment.
Divine Neutrality gives us clarity and perception of the higher organic Ascension timelines. This is not passive; it is a very present and empowered beingness. The Christed State desires to teach love to any willing heart, to show the way of the Divine HUman, to guide other beings into harmony … regardless of their past or current behavior.
In this phase, non-judgment and disconnection from the old stories is one of the clearest indications of higher timeline resonation and choice. The intense imprinting of denser memory fields fades.
Mastery-level patience provides a heart-centered operation. We see the inevitable timeline of Ascension we have chosen. As always, Ascension is a personal choice and we honor all journeys. Those choices become quite obvious as the realities divide.
Embodiment of the Royal Aspects: Sirian Energies
The Sirian Gateways are wide open during this eclipse passage, providing light codes, harmonics and unique geometries for our next phase of Embodiment. This Royal House is open to support Divine HUman embodiment right now. Royalty in the New Light requires responsibility and Spiritual Maturity. Play with it, ask for it, meditate on it, create with it, own it, express it in thought, word and action.
Sirian codes are ancient and powerful, and effect Solaris (our SUN) as well as the ancient structures placed here for this passage. Remember we have a fully unified multidimensional Crystalline Grid system now.
Remember you know how to use it to connect to the star energies through the activated heart center. Gatekeepers who connect with the Solar Beings, we are unified through this passage to bring in the strongest influx allowed at this juncture.
Sirius is a conduit for reunification of multidimensional aspects. Many of you will feel more like your True Self than ever before. Follow the flow of the New, and open your heart for rediscovery.
Any kind of change, large or small, in the direction of your highest creations, dreams, projects or freedom will open the door for support from the Sirian codes over the next week. Claim your Royal wisdom and freedom codes in this Now.
Global Unifications for this Transformational Passage
SUNday June 30: Global Unity Meditations & Gate Opening at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Opening for the strong influx of the Eclipse. Collective DNA activation of Sirian codes. Unity, Love and Highest Intent.
Tuesday, July 2 at 12:22pm PDT: Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon. Global meditation. Be outside for this one, the influx will be a powerful DNA activation. Link your heart to the SUN, receive the Solar flashing activity (already in progress.)
SUNday July 7: Global Unity Meditations at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. A transformational day!
SUNday July 14: Global Unity Meditations & Gate opening at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PDT. Opening for the Lunar Eclipse.
Tuesday July 16 at 2:30pm PDT: Partial Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon: Finishing the Solstice-eclipse passage. Focus on revelation, as many will have shifted to higher trajectories which provides stability for this to unfold for all.
In our Divine Service, our focus is on preparing the most supportive way to teach, clear, raise the newly awakened to align with the higher realities we are already embodying. Take supreme care of the body since this is a DNA-based operation. It is a completely different state of consciousness. Let us take whatever leaps, creative actions and changes necessary to support the vibration of FREEDOM.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,