From Kryon Book 14: The New Human
Stuck in the Playground
Human nature seems to have been the same throughout history, and if you are a psychologist, you are convinced of this. It is simply the way Humans think. This is the premise that you work from, as you help another Human. Human nature is seen as a static, unchanging consciousness of humanity. So it is no wonder that you wring your hands in frustration, for this is all you have ever seen.
There is a metaphor of this, which every parent will understand. When children grow up, they grow through consciousness shift. When they’re six to eight years old, there’s a certain consciousness that they have. They are socially dysfunctional and immature. They haven’t figured out yet what works with other children, or the parents. They’re consumed with themselves, since they’re just growing up. They’re in survival mode, and they have tremendous egos or they have self-worth issues. Very few six to eight year olds are wise and balanced. That comes later. When they get together in the playgrounds of schools, there is peer pressure; they don’t understand each other; and sometimes they will assemble themselves in gender specific groups, beliefs, even neighborhoods. They’ll throw rocks at one another sometimes, and they may even be the bully of the playground. It’s a tough time, and they may even get in a fight or two. They’ll go home crying and their parents will be concerned.
This is simple Human development. It has been common throughout history, and then they grow up to become young adults. When they’re seventeen or eighteen, they suddenly have elegance; they have learned a wisdom: They have discovered that others their age are similar to themselves and fun to be with. They can have fun, go out together, and enjoy music together like never before. It doesn’t matter where they were born or what neighborhood they live in. A seventeen or eighteen year old is not like a six or seven year old. Is this too simple for you? Humanity is stuck in the playground!
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll