miércoles, enero 16, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Is Your Ego on Overdrive ~ Or is Your Consciousness on Cruise Control? - Jan 16, 2019

How are you living moment to moment?

Are you amped up on over drive attempting to succeed? Driven by relentless thoughts that do not give way to peace?

Or are you resting, in your heart, in love? Through your Divine Presence.

The egos reign over the consciousness thoughts, held deep in the subconscious, of fear related antidotes to the hypothesis of survival of the fittest, do not even exist in the Divine Presence and its consciousness awareness.

This antithesis between 3D and entering into the conscious union with the eternal, is a juxtaposition, that when viewed through the higher levels of light consciousness ~ creates in its awareness the stark lighting. Leading to greater awareness of what consciousness is on all levels of being. 3D into all the higher dimensions.

There is no cutting off point once you enter into the Union that knows no bounds or limits.

Identify with the Higher aspect you, that lives ONLY in the moment to moment awareness of Now.

This is your calling card.

Enter now, re-enter. Over and over, till all your daily tasks are experienced ONLY through your Divine Presence of now.

This is the only entrance point to the Divine You.

It is stillness, it is emptiness, it is fullness, it is everything, it is now. It is the eternal, once linked up, opens all the gates and portals, to ALL that you truly have desired. Your fulfillment of Being your Presence. That is everything and it is all now.

In Eternal Love and Glory now, with All That is, before time and throughout eternity, Being Present with You, always.

Feel and receive.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.