viernes, enero 04, 2019
James McConnell - One Who Serves - The Energies Are Going To Get Stronger and Stronger - December 16, 2018
These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group based in Payson, AZ on December 16, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om; om; om, om, mani padmi, hum; om, mani padmi, hum, hum, hum. Greetings to you. Are there those there on the phone, here?
Guests: We are here, we are just unmuting. Greetings, dear brother.
OWS: Very good. We will attempt to bring energy. We have already brought a different energy to this one James, and we are attempting to right the ship, you might say, a little bit here, so that he can move through this process.
Please understand that the energies that you have been speaking of earlier are very strong indeed, and they are going to get stronger and stronger. What is occurring now for many of you, including this one James we speak through, is a purging process that is going on, a purging of the negative energies. It is not so much a purging of toxins within the body, although that can be as well, but it is the negative energies that are in the body. This is being purged out of all. It is not just this one, and even not just the ones that spoke of it earlier, but all of you are going through this purging process, here.
Some will experience these high energies and it will elate them. It will bring them into a blissful state. And others will find that the energies are too strong for their central nervous system to be able to handle at once. So this is why those ones, those ones of the Guardians, those of the Blue Spheres, the Blue Avians, they have done much to hold these energies back over a time, here.
But now that is ending. They are not holding them back as much anymore, and they are starting to come through. Because the earth is moving into another part of the galaxy, has already moved into that part. And as it continues to move into that new part of the galaxy that it has not been in for many thousands and thousands and thousands of years, as it moves into this area the energies are going to get stronger and stronger, and this is happening. And, of course, as consciousness continues to raise across the planet, we will be moving closer and closer to that which has been called “The Event.” But, of course also, there are going to be many, many events that are going to happen previous to this.
Now we had one question that we wish to address here. It was a many-part question from a guest, and we wish to address this, but we cannot answer all of those questions. It was basically a seven-part question, and parts of that question we are not allowed, we will say, allowed to answer, here, because it is not time yet.
But we can tell you, this is about “med beds,” this is what he calls it, the med beds, and are they extraterrestrial technology or were they created here, your technology here, or is it a combination of both. But mostly it is technology that is already here on the planet. Already those are beginning to work with this.
They will be bringing these what you call med beds out, and they will do much to change, or begin to change, the medical profession. Because these will be working with consciousness: something that has not been before in your various devices and technology that you have in your medical science at this point. This has not been done, working with consciousness, and the consciousness working together with the energies and the body, and releasing those negative energies, and bringing about the positive energies within the body, and this is what is happening. And it will happen more and more as the times go on here.
Can we say it is going to be in 2019? Well, we will leave that for the discussion we have with you on your New Year’s Eve call, for that is what James calls a prediction call. Although it is not so much prediction, it is we have said many times based on probability and possibility in that moment. So we will be giving much as far as what you might expect in your next year, here.
Because everything is gearing up. Everything is building to a crescendo, here. You are going to be hearing more about energy devices. They are going to be coming out, any new technology of energy devices. But again, we leave that for your New Year’s Eve call.
Would you have any questions here for One Who Serves and Shoshanna? No questions? We thought for a moment you were going easy on the James, here.
JoAnna: We are just going to take a couple of questions.
OWS: He is ok, he is good now.
JoAnna: He is? Okay. Okay, go ahead.
Guest: Can you hear me? It’s breaking up. I am in the middle of a vortex in Sedona right now. So it is transmitting? Can you hear me?
OWS, JoAnna: Yes, we hear you. Loud and clear.
Guest: Okay, very good. During Christmas about 12 years ago I was in the process of waking up. This is before I left the church. I was at church and it was at a candlelight service. I was a guest musician. I was playing the Renaissance base flute and singing “What Child is This?” and when I looked up I saw the most beautiful man. He didn’t seem like he was from Palatka, much less this world. In looking back, he looked very Pleiadian, blond, very handsome, tall, dressed in black, and just sitting by himself. Then when I fished the song, he was gone. I was wondering if you could tell me, One Who Serves, was this a Pleiadian emissary? Could you tell me if I am reading it right, or it was just someone there?
OWS: As we find it, this was a dimensional being that you were getting a glimpse of, you might saw. As these energies continue to rise, we have been speaking of this for some time now, that you will get more and more of these glimpses to look beyond this dimension and look into the other dimension, and this is going to increase. So yes, this was a dimensional being that you were seeing.
SHOSHANNA (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell) : Shoshanna wishes to share with you, dear brother. AS we see this scene in your mind, and as we see what you felt and how you were being in the moment, we see that you drew this one to you. We see that this one came to you from your own consciousness to assist in your own awakening. This was the beginning for you. This was your doing to attract this beautiful being as he/she felt your energy and felt drawn to you, and felt a need to participate in your awakening. That is what I have for you, dear brother.
Guest: Oh, beautiful. I love you so much, Shoshanna, you have helped me so much. And bless you, One Who Serves and the entire collective of One Who Serves. You have all, and James, and my family, have saved my life. And thank you for the lovely insight. I knew there was more to that, and I have wondered for 11-12 years now, and it is so nice to know. Thank you. It’s a Christmas gift. Thank you. Namaste.
Shoshanna: Namaste.
OWS: Would there be any other questions, here?
Guest: I have a question. I know St. Germain often spends time on the New Jerusalem, but does he have his own ship? And what is the name of his ship?
OWS: We are not able to give that information at this time because he does not want this to be shared yet.
Guest: Okay, thank you.
OWS: I would like to speak with Shoshanna.
Shoshanna: Yes.
Guest: Hello, beloved. I am not sure even how to say this. I had the event with Jesus’s experience and feeling everybody. What was that about? What am I supposed to do with that? With those feelings, I was crying with everybody else, and even before I heard what was going on, and I don’t know quite what to do with that, how to proceed with that level of empathy.
Shoshanna: Yes. My beloved sister, the human third-dimensional conscious mind thinks there is something to do, thinks there is an action to take, thinks there is something more. What you have been imbued with, my dear sister, is a higher sense of knowing and understanding of all around you and beyond and yourself. You have been imbued with a light s strong to enhance the light that exists in you to strengthen you, to strengthen your compassion and your understanding, to strengthen that which is called empathy within your heart. What there is to do is be conscious of that and believe. Believe that you are who you are, believe you are important. Believe your own light. That is all there is to do.
OWS: Very good.
Shoshanna: Namaste.
Guest: Hello dear brother. Hello dear sister. I wondered if I can ask a question. I am disappointed actually in myself that my physical form wasn’t able to join in for the healing with Yeshua. I wasn’t able to stay awake and wake up at three in the morning to take the call because of my physical body. Yeah, I know I was there in spirit, in the astral, and I was actually there in the room in the astral form, but I don’t understand the significance in myself as why couldn’t I get up, why couldn’t I find that strength? And what was the reason why I wasn’t meant to get up, why I wasn’t meant to be on that call. There must have been a reason.
Shoshanna: Shoshanna wishes to share with you dear one. Is that appropriate One Who Serves?
OWS: Yes, please do.
Shoshanna: My dearest one, I believe that you do know the answer to this. But I will tell you what you already know. What is happening for you is you understand how multidimensional you really are, and that you can participate at many levels all at once, and that you do not have to know at the physical conscious level what is going on to inherit the beautiful teachings, love, and light that was provided because it is coursing through all of your being from the physical to the highest source that you are, and that is what you need to know. We must understand that having the physical experience is often not necessary when we are aware of who we are as multidimensional beings. And we must accept at some level that we know this. And you do.
Guest: You are right. Wonderful, sister, thank you.
Shoshanna: Namaste.
Guest: I am telling myself something I already know, and I don’t know why I do that, because I do already know the answer to the question, and you are right. I didn’t really need to have that physical moment, as I had it in another way. I understand.
Shoshanna: And your heart, your love, your light extend far beyond the earth.
Guest: Thank you, Shoshanna, thank you so much. I love you so much, dear sister. You are always in my thoughts and I talk to you often.
Shoshanna: Yes. Namaste, dear sister.
Guest: Namaste, I love you so much. And Namaste, One Who Serves, and I recognize your energy as well, this one that is coming through James, very much so. I just recognize that energy. I love you both. Thank you so much.
OWS: Very good. Now will there be any further questions, here, before we release channel?
Guest: I understand that the New Jerusalem is triple its size. It was 2000 miles long, two miles high, if I understand. Now it is 5000 miles long and five miles high. Is this true, and why would that be happening?
OWS: What you need to understand with your conscious knowing self is that occurs in your programming in needing to have a certain understanding of things as they would relate to your knowledge base, you must understand that this would not be the case here. You cannot wrap your mind around this type of thing at this point. You are moving in that direction to be able to do so, but you cannot yet do it. Yes, you are correct in that since the ship you are speaking of, the Jerusalem, is consciousness-based and light-based, it can be whatever ones want it to be, and they can move it in any direction, they can change the size, they can change the color, the shape, whatever they want to do. Because it is operated by pure consciousness, and the ship itself is pure consciousness. You see?
Guest: Yes, thank you. I do see. Thank you so much.
Shoshanna: An Shoshanna wishes to add, dear sister, would that be ok for you?
Guest: Yes. Anything with One Who Serves is always okay with me.
Shoshanna: Shoshanna wishes to share that the consciousness of man, which is the light of man, expands everything. As we become conscious of all those around us and all those above us, and all those below us can expand that light exponentially. Perhaps what those that say that the New Jerusalem has expanded, perhaps what they are experiencing is their own light expanding the other light, and that is it. Darkness contracts, light expands.
You can congratulate yourselves for expanding your light so much that the New Jerusalem is responding.
OWS: Very good.
Guest: Well, thank you. I am glad to know that.
Shoshanna: Namaste.
OWS: Would there be any further questions, here?
Guest: Yes, One Who Serves. And also Shoshanna, if you want to chime in on this. I just got back from Virginia, which was wonderful. I saw my son graduate. But I was not on the first part of the call because I was absolutely exhausted sleeping. But during the course of this, I had a meltdown with my sister-in-law that I have not had anything like this in my experience for years and years and years. What was interesting though, and on the good side, was that my children kind of pulled in to me in some ways that they hadn’t been pulled in for a long time. But I am just wondering if you can tell me anything about what the heck that was, because it really knocked me for a loop, and also how to deal with that and how to avoid things like this in the future, for me personally, or for anyone.
OWS: You cannot necessarily avoid it, other than to simply not do it. And that may sound strange, but that is all you need to do there. If you get into what you call an argument or a heated discussion, then potentially it can be helpful to that one that you are having the discussion with, even though that one does not necessarily believe what you were saying or agree with it.
But you also have to understand that with these energies getting stronger and stronger, there is a division, you might say, that is going to begin more and more to take place here, and will begin to separate. Not that you will be separated from your loved ones, but you will be separated in terms of you will seek out those that are of like-mind, like-consciousness, and of the light. And those that are not, or those who are simply still asleep, you will tend to not associate with them as much as you have in the past, and this is purposeful. But it can still be that when the one who is potentially awakening, and that one begins to ask questions, then you can come forward and share some of the things that you know, but not too much. You do not want to overdo it to them. That is what we can tell you on this.
Shoshanna; Shoshanna wishes to share.
OWS: Yes.
Shoshanna: My dear sister, it is so difficult to be around those that are steeped in fear and misunderstanding, and would like that you believe what they believe to make them feel more comfortable in their own fears. What is necessary for you to do this moment, right now, is stand in your truth, stand in your power, stand in your light regardless of what others say or do. Stand in your power. It is difficult to save those that do not understand us, that do not understand you, and you wish simply to impart your love and light to them, and they wish not to have it. This is the challenge you face. And as One Who Serves said in his very matter-of-fact way, just simply don’t do it, and that is difficult. You were ensconced in a family situation. You needed to be there. But what is important now and forever more is that you do not participate in others’ fears.
OWS: Very well said.
Shoshanna: Namaste, my love.
Guest: Thank you.
OWS: Would there be any more one question and then we release channel, or we release now? Then we are going to release channel.
We can tell you that in your next Sunday call for your December 23, Yeshua will be with this group and will share the Christmas story. But it will be his Christmas story, not the Christmas story that you have come to understand. So you can expect for some deeper understanding of what this is all about, what these holidays, what Christmas is all about. We can tell you it is not about his birthday, for he was not born on that day.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.
Shoshanna: Shanti. Peace be with you.
Guests: Shanti. Love you. Thank you.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
"Believing is seeing!"
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James McConnell,
One Who Serves