Aloha Light Family,
As hearts open everywhere, many are noticing that it's getting harder to exist around others where their hearts and minds are closed. WE connect through our hearts and existing any other way is foreign to us. This heart connected place of purity is what we had forgotten. Once we make this connection, BEing any other way is no longer acceptable. Within us and out there.
The human will seek love, filling holes, lack, voids... to our human aspect where we cannot "find" this love, we can go into "I'm not good enough", wondering why another/others cannot feel what we do. We seek this heart to heart connection, above all. And where we find it, if there is still anything within us that lacks, we latch on and try to hold on to the physical body being that was able to "help us" find that feeling within us again. Some of us long for it, try desperately to find it again. Not realizing this is a feeling inside of us we are to feel by our self and as we are able to maintain this feeling of connection to all things again, we automatically vibrate into a reality where this pure love connectedness can actually exist, without all of the old human distortions that we all once had.
This journey is a purification process of all that we held inside. Anything that was not pure love, pure light, it all becomes visible. We can see what exists within us by looking at our world "out there". Where we compromised, didn't honor or love ourselves, this becomes very apparent and we are then given a choice. This choice is our power, this choice is our freedom, this choice is what we've waited for all along, yet didn't quite understand.
NEW Earth is a place where all live together as love again. Where magic occurs in every moment and where our own human'ness becomes visible for us and all to see. There is no hiding, for we hid from ourselves. What we did not want to see or deal with. We avoided, suppressed, sought all outside ourselves. Then it's time to wake up.... and everything changes.
The exquisiteness of pure heart connections is not something we seek. It's us purifying and opening our hearts so that we can all connect again as one. It's us holding that vibration and releasing all from our physical reality world that does not reverberate back that which now sustains us all. Life, light, energy, love...
The human is depleting, it lives in limiting little boxes, creating stories and convincing themselves and all around them that these stories (that become physical realities) are true. Humans live in another dimension and to cross these dimensional lines that are now so far apart, it's draining and we feel like we've been punched in the gut, knocking the wind out of us, anytime we are exposed to such things. It actually physically knocks the wind out of sometimes when one shifts from higher self aspect to human "too fast".
We all came here to transcend our humanness. Our own lack, fears, separation we held within. In order to do this, we have to be open to seeing again, recognizing that which we did on auto-pilot, those old programmed beliefs and pay attention to our feelings, not suppressing them anymore.
Judgement is the biggest energy we all "suffer to" along the way. Recognizing judgement is HUGE, for it's not as visible in ourselves unless we are aware of every word, every thought, every action. Presence is required and total readiness to let go. WE have to be ready to let go before things can change for us. WE have to desire something more for ourselves. WE have to open up to more love, more purity, more awesomeness, more magic and more abundance to fill every aspect of our being, therefore filling every aspect of our physical reality here.
The space between dimensions has grown vast. All must choose in every moment and hold fast to the higher light vibrations that activate us to be able to exist in multiple dimensions (and now Universes). The old dimensions continually in collapse mode, getting more bizarre by the moment and the human aspect is too. It used to be that the higher realms were bizarre. That too has flipped. Now we are the "new normal" and the human's physical reality goes bizarre, trying to hold onto old programmed realities that dismantle, dissolve, dis-integrate at the speed of light.
Dis-Integration is the first stage of waking up. Collapse is just the molecular structure of all changing on a micro-macro level as more light enters in. The old density that literally held all in place, was the glue, and that glue is what photonic light obliterates. Old programs, old realities, old mindsets, old separation... cannot survive, function or thrive anymore. The life force that kept it in place and fed it is continually depleting and being replaced with the opportUNITY of CHOICE and the ability to let go and open up, open the heart and stop fighting and playing the old games of separation. The human will grow tired, for there's nothing to sustain the old ways anymore. Meanwhile, those who's hearts have opened will start to come alive and online with the NEW Earth Collective that's held in place by all of us.
There is a Light Grid that we all collectively connect up to. There is a Crystalline Grid, there are many grids and the more light we all hold, the more this gridwork is activated and upgraded in our own physical body structure. The transformation of our own physical body vessels is a bizarre one, for walking in multiple dimensions/physical realities as an ENERGETIC BEING OF LIGHT takes a lot of balancing and focus, while we figure out our new "footing". For awhile, one foot in different worlds, every moment choosing which reality we truly do desire and continually letting go of all that is no longer in alignment with our new realities inside that transpire and change vibrationally in every moment.
One of the hardest parts of this journey is learning (remembering) how to function as a multi-dimensional being again. While awesome and fun, balance and navigating through sanity-challenging-expansion is definitely an art. All that we once knew... totally different here. We find we knew nothing, understood nothing, didn't have clue. It's humbling to realize that we were totally asleep the entire time we thought we were awake. Everything is truly backwards, in reverse, upside down and opposite here.
Our human life resembling nothing of the new, letting go of all we held onto, a part of the process to. Our perceptions, illusions, beliefs... all to come to realize that we are here to create our own beliefs and not listen to one thing we "learned as a human". Totally coming to listen inside, see from inside and use our new vision and inner guidance to rule our world. Totally coming to trust that which we never listened to before, or even knew existed. Totally throwing out the window all we believed... difficult for the human is an understatement.
In the place of all we were emerges a whole new us. A pure one, full of light, full of love, no more hiding, no more pointing the finger, no more waiting for others to step up and show us their integrity. As WayShowers (and yes, we all are), we HOLD THE LIGHT FIRST and it radiates out into our world. As it does, it affects all that it touches and it shines the light for all to connect up again. Light Keepers all over now finding each other. It's absolutely beautiful to observe and be a part of.
The fear of loss that the human has is part of the illusion too. WE never lose anything... that thing going is what was taking up space in our own Universe and we only have so much space that we can fill with physical things. The vibration of these physical things is beyond important for they are what creates the reality we live in. If we fill our space with things that operate at a lower frequency, represent an old program, do not bring love and light into our world, then it's of a lower gridwork of consciousness and is "blocking" the higher gridwork of consciousness "things" that need to fill our world full of abundance, full of love, full of light... in response to us.
As it's time to wake up, that which we hold onto that represents the old, that is what goes, that which we held onto out of fear, not enough, safety and lack. The normal response of the human aspect is to hold on. WE let go. WE need no protection, for that is an Old Earth Program that kept us held to an old dimensional consciousness and gridwork that quickly dissipates. We are the ones that protected ourselves from us... ourselves as purity and love.
We've long left the old realities, the old programs, the old earth... Yet the human mind is the last to catch up. The physical body fights hard now to hold this light as it activates in every moment and never stops. There are no breaks, there are no reprieves, there is no going back....
In every moment, one will be faced with what is still within them, to see it, recognize it, love it and integrate it within. Each stepping into their own power, it's time to BECOME SOURCE and CREATOR(s) again. All pushed to get into service and dedicate their existence to BEING LIGHT... Portals, vortexes and Star Gates continually opening, which create distortions in the human's world. Walking through these vortexes exacerbate the distortions. This is the point. It is these distortions that go ... and we are left with purity as we all evolve into the Advanced NEW Earth HUman to co-exist, co-create, co-habitate together as love again.
That connection of the heart, that peace, that love... that is available to all who let go of the separation and density that was held by the human aspect. As all invest themselves fully, interact fully, allow fully and experience fully, all RETURNS BACK to that which we all one knew.
The physical reality and physical body will continually change, transform, adapt to the higher light vibrations that activate within each one of us. The physical body coming alive is a weird experience, one that does not conform to the old human beliefs of how anything is. This can't be diagnosed, this is not a symptom, there is nothing wrong... yet for the very dense separated human, it does wreak havoc. Even for the "not as separated" being, it's a challenge. All need to honor rest and sleep where called, while in the waking hours, when there is energy, getting busy creating and contributing to the whole. The amount of light that is running through the body for these SOLAR CRYSTALLINE STAR-LIGHTBODY upgrades to bring all online is huge. Pull away where you are called. Honor however you are feeling in the moment.
Becoming Multi-Dimensional is a balancing act beyond anything we ever experienced as a human. Realities become fluid and not fixed an there is no more footing holding anything in place. WE step from reality to reality, aware of every vibration as it presents. We observe all, in and out, and this determines how we flow in our new world. We realize we have choice and the power inside to completely AFFECT MATTER with that which we hold and do from inside. WE must step-into-action all along the way and pay attention to the energy we are feeding, where we are putting our own energy, what our thoughts are doing and re-direct them into CREATION in every moment. We hear the old programs, we continually stretch our minds. WE BEND and OBLITERATE THE OLD really fast. We stop letting thinking rule our world and we allow our hearts to determine all.
As we do this, our neural pathways, neuro-transmitters and entire system reworks itself. The density leaving our muscles, bones and teeth, our head/body expanding with our consciousness, temperature changes, our organs starting to work differently as the separation that was held within them goes. Energy moving and tingling, itchies where crystals and star particles activate inside. Working huge in our sleep, we do not sleep as we once did and this is an adjustment for all too. Walking around foggy-groggy as the higher realms anchor in. Letting our physical realities go until we get through the sleeping phases to wake up and bring forth the dream into the waking state, our sleep and waking states flipping and merging. You name it, it all goes on, as portions of the other dimensions start to appear in our physical one here. Balance goes, which reality we are in, this is challenged too. It takes total presence to MASTER OUR NEW EARTH REALITIES and Quantum Existence here.
Honor to the higher self aspect, to the self here... this is what we all lacked and didn't understand. This is what all go through as the outside starts to change. Inside comes alive first, outside follows, the physical body follows, according to our own separation of time held within. All is simultaneous, yet it takes total awareness to see and experience this. Pay attention loves! We are always "just getting started" with the next phase!
Are you ready? It's always time to do this. Open your hearts, minds, body... relax and hold the light inside in every moment! It lights your path and opens portals and doorways fast!
I love you and am utterly appreciative for our journey here together. It's an honor to share and continually step into these amazing new realities that have always been waiting for all of us to arrive.
~ Mahalo Nui Loa from Kauai ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.
Author, Transformational Speaker on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness & Mastery, NEW Earth Physical Ascension and Empowerment Guide through Remembering from Within