These stones come forth at the request of the Spirit off Winter. Snowflakes are sacred geometry’s that come to give us the gift of wisdom. Snow is solidified light patterns. Light that has landed like miniature frozen crop circles. When you look up and see the magical snowflakes They will give you sacred solidified light equations to help you move into another level of self and soul. As you walk upon them a crunch is heard, as the geometries break apart in a new creation.
Meteorologists perceive snow to be a result of pressure systems and rainfall. Physicist recognize the subatomic particles that create snow; but the mystic sees the cosmic energy that snow manifests. Water in all its forms is a symbol of knowledge. Descending water represents the transmission of knowledge from a higher source to a lower source. Snow is an intermediary state between fluid water and solid ice. A snowflake is formed when water forms around microscopic particles of dust and mineral. the cold air turns it into ice crystals. snow has two components: water and earth. Snow consists of separate snowflakes that are actually independent, each are composed of about 100 ice crystals. Snowflakes cling to each other but they are intrinsically not one. Snow falls gently and silently, serenity and the very whiteness of snow attracts us. We sense the purity. Snow is heaven speaking to us. Snow is heaven meeting earth, water meeting land.