I’ve been pretty quiet since 9-21-13 only because I’ve been going through some rather difficult times of big inner change. No, my arms and legs haven’t fallen off and no, my house hasn’t burned down, and no my life looks like it did last week and last month and the month before that, but man-oh-man am I changing! Some of you will relate completely with this while others will come into it when they come into it.
I was waiting to write something after the Sun exits Scorpio and enters Sagittarius (on Nov. 21st), take a good look-see around and have an honest, deep-level feel and after that write about my findings. I might still do that, but for now I wanted to write a little something about what’s been going on–from my perspective–and talk a bit about how it’s been affecting me.
Over the past few years I’ve written articles at TRANSITIONS about what I’ve called The Princess and the Pea symptoms of feeling things, anything, all things like they’re amplified beyond belief. Like the Princess trying to sleep on top of twenty-five mattresses, she still can feel that little pea under the bottom mattress and it’s so freaking amplified to her that she can’t get comfortable or sleep.
As many of you know I’ve often used the term Stair-steps in an attempt to express that the Ascension Process is ongoing and has many layers, levels, stages and phases. I’ve also used this term to express that individuals go through those different Ascension Process layers and phases at different stages themselves so everyone is not experiencing the same exact things at the same exact times.
So when one is standing on Ascension Stair-step 264 lets call it for ease of communication and a helpful visual, what that person experiences, feels and perceives is what they’re capable of perceiving and transmuting/clearing at that Stair-step level at that moment. So when a person has a lot more letting go of and releasing old lower frequency stuff–whatever that is for each of us at the time–at symbolic energetic Stair-step level 264, that letting go of feels like it does at that level and each time we do this it feels very different because we’re changing, we’re clarifying, we’re lightening up a bit more every time it happens.
But as that person continues moving forward within the ongoing Ascension Process and travels up more energetic Stair-steps and reaches, lets say Stair-step 302, what they experience and feel at that level of having to let go of even more within themselves feels vastly more amplified, more intense, more severe and extreme than it did at lower Stair-steps.
In other words, that Princess and the Pea business seems, from our evolving perspective, to get worse and worse not better and better! In fact it is getting better and better but to us it doesn’t feel like it because we’re still deeply within the Process and changing rapidly. The more one refines oneself energetically, it becomes that much less comfortable to hold ANY lower frequency stuff such as old beliefs, lower thoughts, emotions, fears etc. in us. So even though we continue to reduce the “peas” and/or the size of those “peas”, to us on the current higher level (higher Stair-step) it feels like that little pea has gotten larger not smaller! Seemingly ass-backwards I know, but this is only from our current perspectives.
I’ve been letting go of (code for transmuting and releasing) my personal stuff n’ junk pretty consistently since 1991 so you’d think I’d be an old pro at it by this point, and I am, many of us are. My point with this is that the farther up we go it seems from our perspective to be feeling worse when we have some old lower habitual thought, emotion, belief, expectation etc. Even though that pea under our many mattresses has been shrinking considerably due to the years or decades of Inner Work we’ve done already, from our current perspective, and especially since 9-21-13, any tiny pea(s) left within us now feels like an obnoxious huge boulder that causes us highly amplified physical and emotional pain and frustration. We repulse ourselves and we have to release and castoff whatever it is in us still that’s so offensive to us now standing in so much Light. ♥
Walking up more and more of those Ascension Stair-step the more we enter into the amplifying Light and Divinity, and the more my wee shit and your wee shit (whatever it still is at this point) cannot go. Period. The pressure and pains and frustrations have grown to such an extreme for me since we crossed 9-21-13 that I’m constantly and easily seeing every little thing and limiting belief and old familiar BS habit etc. that I still have that’s causing me severely amplified physical, emotional, and mental pains and frustrations at this point.
I’ve been excruciatingly aware that something, or a number of somethings, have caused these severe amplification symptoms especially since 9-21-13, but what exactly it or they were I wasn’t clear on other than they’re natural side effects from the pulsing energy waves being transmitted from the Galactic Center (GC) of the Milky Way. Like that isn’t enough!… I’ve felt there’s been other triggers, other activators pushing each of us up more Ascension Stair-steps.
Like many of you I too have read about comet ISON and it reaching perihelion (closet to our Sun) on November 28, 2013. And, I too have read a few things by other people talking about what they believe comet ISON is and isn’t. Some believe comet ISON is a Galactic Federation Mother-ship disguised as a physical comet. Others believe comet ISON is Nibiru. Others believe it’s just a comet and nothing more.
Personally I don’t much care what comet ISON is or isn’t. It, whatever or whomever it is, is flying through our solar system and passing Earth and our Sun at a highly significant time and that is what’s important to me; that plus how it’s affecting me and the rest of humanity. Those are what’s important to me, not if it’s a GF craft or Nibiru or camouflaged ET space junk hurtling through space or whatever.
If we review how we’ve felt since 9-21-13 but do so standing on this higher energy Stair-step, you’ll notice that whatever your “pea” thing is within your life/consciousness/beliefs/habits etc. is, you should notice that it/they are being tremendously amplified by something or a group of somethings now and there are reasons for it. That is what should be on your heartmind, not if it’s Nibiru or ETs or whatever. Inner homework first, then you’ll automatically be able to interact with the positive ETs.
I’ve had plenty of conscious and direct interactions with positive higher dimensional Beings and Lightbeings to know very well how tiny one instantly feels just being in their presence. It’s ridiculous because we Starseeds are them in dense human form as Ascension Process Volunteers. But, despite that, every time I’ve (in my Denise form I mean) been in the presence of other higher dimensionals, I feel very small, very dense, very stupid, and very stinky in comparison to Them. Just being honest. They don’t think that of me at all but being in the presence of so much higher frequency Light makes one’s density and other personal residual “peas” uncomfortably highlighted!
Now… how is that any different from say a comet that some people believe houses some GF members in some Mother-ship camouflaged to look like a physical comet? I don’t think it is any different at all, and from the way I’ve felt since 9-21-13, it feels very similar to how I’d feel in years past when higher dimensional Starbeings and/or Lightbeings would show up to interact with me in my house during the day while I was awake.
I’d suddenly be In Love with Them (“swooning” is a normal reaction when in the energetic presence of positive higher dimensional nonphysical Beings) and I’d also feel like a stupid little twerp in Their presence, and I’d want to go Home, and–here comes the spiritual punch line to all this–I’d be motivated to do whatever it was I needed to do to reach those desires. Maybe, just maybe, comet ISON (and possibly other rare cosmic bodies) are NEW (to us) energetic triggers and merely other activators forcing us to continue evolving and changing rapidly now.
So again in my long-winded and seemingly weird roundabout way I’m trying to express that if you too have felt extra miserable since 9-21-13 and have had yourself shoved back into your face and awareness repeatedly trying to show you exactly what it is that you need to let go of now to make the pressures, pains and frustrations disintegrate… then I think comet ISON and the GC energies are doing exactly what they’re designed to do to help us, force us, up many more of those great Ascension Process Stair-steps and very quickly. You can however get all sidetracked and hung up or completely derailed over the packaging of the latest evolutionary Ascension trigger, or, you can look within and do whatever personal Inner Work that’s needed now which will help you reach NEW levels of freedom and personal wisdom.
November 20, 2013
www.highheartlife.wordpress.com/link to original article