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My Beloveds, I AM Archangel Sandalphon!
Nearly One Thousand years have passed by since I incarnated first into a human body on this earth. This happened with a well reflected consideration about the times to come which would be a great challenge for humanity.
However, I still exist simultaneously as the etheric Archangel in
the current of Fire and Light, who is the one who delivers this message
to this scribe.
And so, from my point of view, as I live in the highest dimensions
as a direct servant to God and His Extension as humanity, time has no
meaning for me. So please understand the “time frame of a Thousand
years” as a description that enables you to imagine the timeless care
for the suffering and challenges of humanity which is experienced now on
earth as it has never been before in your long history.
There are two major reasons for this: the increasing Light and
growing consciousness that are to cause a quantum leap in your
evolution, and the endeavors and efforts of the ill-disposed entities
that want to prevent this.
Humanity is right now stretched in the middle of the battle between
these enormous forces of light and darkness, which are happening inside
and outside of your human experience, in your innermost heart and
consciousness, in your mind and emotions, in your bodies and in your
environment. There is no single being on earth that will be exempt from
this battle that requires a choice to which side one desires to belong.
As you know, the for everybody noticeable signs are, that Thousands
are dying almost daily from catastrophic events alone, that there are
the increasing personal and collective hardships – as the seeming
solidity of societies are falling apart, that there are dangerous and
very troublesome increasing health challenges, especially created by
the toxicity of all the earthly elements, that there is the constant
pushing for wars. And the list goes on.
What troubles you however the most is the fear that comes with all
these insecurities and threats, especially imposed on you by the
ill-disposed entities who think that they are still ruling your planet.
But do not worry!
I incarnated in order to “learn” hu-mankind with all its
dimensionalities, experiences and sufferings, illusions and also the
degrees of enlightenment, that it has been able to achieve. I did this
in order to transform in my own being all these limited conditions, and
directly hold thereby a current of light between the Divine and
humanity, so that humanity was not being lost and cut off from its own
Source, but could maintain their connection with It.
And I have been not alone, but I Am one of the many Divine Beings
who are servants in this great task, including many of the other
archangels who are right now incarnated as well on this earth for
similar reasons, and with the intent, to create a strong angelic
I am telling you this so that you know that you have been never
forgotten and that there has been always, as dark a time might have been
appeared, a connection to Source Itself.
This should serve as a confirmation for what you already sense and
know, to avert the calamities that have been prophesied for your earth
since ancient times.
To those who are aware of the increasing disseminations of
materials, containing ancient prophecies that speak of doom and gloom
and the destruction of planet earth, I say:
Earth will not be destroyed and old prophecies do not apply
anymore! These prophecies have been written with reference to those
who have always intended to destroy humanity and to take over your
beautiful planet earth and even the whole universe. The celestial signs
have been used for misinterpretation to serve their destructive goals.
But these plans have been defeated by the Sacred Will of the
Highest Divinity. And you are asked to see in the upcoming signs in the
skies the Loving Call of the Divine Creator Forces of Light to return
There are Millions of Light Forces who Serve that Glorious Divine
Will, incarnated and not incarnated, on your planet, who are – with the
weapons of Radiant Light – outshining everything that is dark and
characterized by ignorance.
But still your discrimination is required to feel and understand
the difference between the Real Light and the artificial light that is
intended to test you. It is about your own learning process to Know at
heart the Presence of Love and Unity and to detect the mind of
separation in what only appears to be of the light.
Ignorance is void of the Fullness of Divine Existence, as it has
cut off itself from It, trying to survive independently from Highest
Divine Intelligence, Which includes the Miraculous Vibration of Love,
Joy and Ecstasy!
You are right now experiencing the increasing exuberance of the
incoming light frequencies that are to change your planet and the human
race to initiate the shift into higher dimensions, where calamities do
not exist!
These cascades of light must be received and channeled by entities
that have incarnated on your earth at this time in order to facilitate
their information and to create change. Without living receptors of
these forces of light, change would be not possible! There must be an
interactive process that involves not only a “ sender” but also a
And this is the reason why so many Divine Beings took incarnation
on your earth and in order to make obsolete the prophecies about a human
development that would increasingly separate itself from their Divine
Source, as hoped and intended by the ill-disposed ones.
Now you will understand that you are to drop all your fears and
doubts about a positive outcome that will be for your and your planet’s
highest good. Would a planet that is home for so many Beings of Light be
prone for ultimate destruction?
And are there not more and ever more of you, beloved humanity, who
are joyously opening your hearts and minds, recognizing your own
Divinity and allowing the Divine Light to transform your body-mind, to
rise your consciousness to the degree where you recognize that you are
part of Ultimate Divine Consciousness yourself?
This is how you now are changing your own destiny at a large scale!
The Unity of All is being recognized by more and more of you. The
Glorious Unity of Humanity with The Ultimate Divine, with all Angels and
Archangels, with all Gods and Divine Beings, is being revealed now at
the Source that is Radiant Consciousness!
There is in Truth Only One Being, That became Many, to fulfill the
One Will of the ever Expanding and Evolving Divine Existence, to
Experience Itself in all dimensions, low and high, and to even
experience Itself in what appears to be void of Light.
All of that must be integrated into your Consciousness so that you
are truly the Expression of the Eternal Divine. This process is a
Mystery! And we All are a Beloved Emanation of It.
In Service and with Great Love,
I AM Archangel Sandalphon!
Message conveyed by Ute
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