Yes, Source is inside each and every one of you. And this understanding, this knowing and full acceptance is what is needed at these times. A healing of the separation of Source is needed to reconnect you to Source.
Know and understand and accept that you are never separate or separated from Source. There is a God Essence and Source within all of you.
This is always the case. By relying on an outside institution to manage this relationship for you, you are turning away from that God Source within you.
You do not need to do this as it is unnecessary. In essence, religion and its dogma teach you how to turn away from this God Source that all of you have within you by having you rely on the external and foregoing the internal.
This lowers your energy vibration and does not help with your ascension process. You do not need to be blessed by any priest or third party religious figure to receive Source’s blessing upon you.
You can be blessed within and do not need to rely on others to bless you. Relying on others gives away your control and freedom as it implies separation. There is no separation as we are all One, we are all Source. When you see this for what it is, you can be ready to be blessed by Source directly.
Understanding and accepting this truth will serve your ascension well. You must understand and accept yourself as a part of Source, and that the blessings will come directly from Source, and not some third party priest or religious person. You are all going to eventually merge back to Source when you are ready. This is what the Christ Consciousness is all about.
You are all part of Source and Source is a part of you. Imagine Source as a body or water and you are a cup of that water experiencing life in that water on Earth. But that cup is still Source, that cup is still you with your own separate and distinct energy resonance.
There is nothing else that is required to receive any blessings from Source, just the recognition of You, for the magnificent being of Source that you are. This is what living in Christ Consciousness is all about. When you know and understand and accept this truth, you are living in Christ Consciousness.
When you know this, you will feel this truth and it will resonate in your being. Religion has hid this truth from you through dogma, illusions and false teachings and deceptions. It is time now to find this truth. When you know this as truth in your heart, these illusions and false truths disappear and you stand in your truth and in your light and in your own knowing.
You are the Christ Consciousness at that point. You then stand in the Christ Consciousness as the Source being that you are.
Every soul that incarnates on Earth has innocent and pure Soul Essences. There are never bad choices, just lessons and experiences from the choices you make. You come to Earth to learn karmic lessons and grow and develop spiritually. That is why you are here.
Christianity’s dogma of original sin in not true and causes fear and disempowerment due to the false understanding that there is an external God sentencing you for your sins. Nothing can be further from the truth. In addition, this unnecessary fear causes separation to recognizing your Source within. As you are separated, your energy vibration is lowered.
Source is within you, not external to you. When you know this and accept this, you are living with and in the Christ Consciousness. And if you feel that God is external to you, you fear it and you do not see it and thus there is separation. Not seeing this causes you to be blinded as your power is given away due to the false understanding of a fearful God that does not exist.
Not only are you separated from Source within, you are filled with fear that God will punish you. God never, ever, punishes. God is inside you and loves you immensely. You manifest your thoughts so if you feel fear in a vengeful God, that is what you will experience in your reality. And fear lowers your energy vibration.
Thus you gave up your control and power. Be careful of religious institutions that are corrupted by control issues and power and their false dogmas and teachings and doctrines. Original Sin does not exist and had been invented to enslave the masses. You do not need to rely on an external God. Look within for salvation.
Find your God Essence within you. If you are trapped by this religious dogma and false teachings, then this is a lower vibration which created guilt and shame which causes more separation from Source within. You need to remove yourself from this hindering belief and raise your vibration from fear to love, as Source is pure Love.
And you experience what you feel and think. Your thoughts manifest. And if you are projecting a frightening God and sin, you are scared and you become more and more bound to the dogma of the various religions that control you and you become a subservient puppet to others’ agendas. It is time to stand up in your light and in your truth.
Eliminate your fears of a vengeful and frightening God and eliminate your separation from your God Essence. Your ascension will serve you very well by realizing and accepting these truths. These truths will be revealed. Release yourselves from the control and manipulations of religions that do not serve your highest and best good.
You are such a magnificent being that is so loved by so many. God does not punish. God loves and is Love. You do not need to rely on a third party institution to access God. You do not need to follow dogma and doctrines to get to heaven. Heaven is within you as is Source.
Being taught and relying on a priest or a religious figure to access Source through various doctrines and dogma causes you to lose your connection with Source within. The more your connection is gone, the lower your light becomes and the more you will rely on these false doctrines and dogmas to save you.
All you have done is handed over your power through fear of the false teachings of original sin and a vengeful God. These feelings of fear and false beliefs and guilt do not help your ascension as these are lower vibrations. There is no reason to feel fear or guilt. Fear and guilt are such low energy vibrations.
Forgiveness and redemption will not come as you cannot receive it if you are separated from Source. You are separated from Source while in this lower vibration of fear, guilt, and control. You must develop your own internal relationship with Source. Look within to find your Source Essence. It is there.
All of you have it. No religion or doctrine or dogma is needed to do this. You do not need to look outside to find what is there on the inside. No third party religious person or priest is needed. Always forgive yourself and do not rely on others to forgive you. You are not responsible for others.
When you forgive yourself, you are developing your own relationship with Source. Remember that you are ultimately Source as we are all One. Do not give your power to any religious institution to intervene in that relationship within yourself.
Only you have the power to make changes to yourself. When you understand this and accept this, you then live in the Christ Consciousness and you reclaim your power back. You rise up to the glory that is You, to the powerful and illuminating I AM Presence inside your soul. You find your God self within you.
Also, please be careful of martyrdom religious beliefs. The death of Jesus created this. Contrary to various false religious teachings, Jesus did not come here to suffer for humanity so that we can all be saved and thus be forgiven by Source. This is simply not the case. Jesus came here to teach how to live in the Christ Consciousness. Jesus, as a high being of Light, is and was a teacher of the Christ Consciousness.
A martyr will never result in the forgiveness of others because this would violate the Universal Law of karma. You cannot escape your own karma and no savior will remove it for you. That would be cheating the Universal Law of karma. This would violate people’s free will and take away the karmic responsibilities of everyone that became a believer.
This cannot be. Believing that Jesus died for the sins of humanity has bred the belief of a savior. There is only one savior and that savior is you. You are the only one that can save yourself. You do this by living in Christ Consciousness, by understanding and accepting your own Divinity. People need to be aware and be responsible for their own actions and this false religious belief takes this onus away as now they feel that Jesus is their savior.
This is not the case. Every person needs to be responsible for their own actions and their own karma. That is how you grow and develop and learn. The story of the crucifixion of Jesus was created to breed martyrdom, fear and a sense of obligation to be subservient to the dogmas of early Christianity.
This was done to keep people in fear and thus take their power from them. Jesus lived with the Christ Consciousness as a higher enlightened being. Jesus tried to share the Christ Consciousness with others, to show others how to connect with their Inner Source Essence. Jesus did not come here to be anyone’s savior. You are your own savior.
He came here to show you how you can save yourself. So what is the Christ Consciousness? It is the full knowing, the full understanding and full acceptance and the integration and the BEING of Source vibration while you are in your physical body. It is being awakened to your true Self, to your Divinity. You are all a part of Source.
And Source is a part of you. You must understand and accept this truth. That is how powerful you really are. That is how beautiful you are. When you realize this, you are living in and with Christ Consciousness. That is when life can change for you. That is when ascension will happen for you. You become fully awakened to the beautiful Source being that you are. All of you will eventually return to Source when you are ready.
You are living knowing that Source is a part of you, that Source is in you, that you are part of Source, as that cup of water discussed above. Find your Christ Consciousness within and find your Source within. Do not resort to devotion or worship to religion or a vengeful God that does not exist but find the self-realization within.
There is no separation. We are all One. By realizing the Christ Consciousness within, you are then forgiven for your so called ‘sins’ (karmic transgressions) automatically through recognition of your own true nature as Beings of Source. This is important to understand because then you realize that you are your own savior.
No other being will be saving you. You are the ones you have been waiting for. When this is understood and accepted, there is a freedom from all religious dogmas that do nothing but to entrap one in unnecessary guilt, religious obligations and subservience to any religious institution. Then the shackles of oppression and control can be removed and your I AM Presence can be seen and you have risen.
You then realize that Jesus was not a savior but a full embodiment of the Christ Consciousness. He came here to teach you this truth, a truth that was hidden from you for thousands of years to control and designed to manipulate you through fear by religious institutions serving their own purposes. As soon as you discover the Christ within, the Source Awareness, you realize that you are your own savior. Be your Source. Be your Savior. Be You. Be love as Source is Love. Love…
I need your help. Please click HERE to view the post on the love bomb meditation. This is important and does help tremendously. If you are interested in helping, please send me a comment (just scroll down and you will see comments) anywhere on this page or any other page on my website. I need your first name, your last name initial and the state or country you are from and I will add you to the growing list.
This is a list of people who have given me their permission to include them in my meditation to send love to Mother Earth. There is strength in numbers and the meditation is so much more intensified when others give their love and intention to send love.
No meditation on your part is required (unless you want to ). The people who are participating in this love bomb meditation can be found by clicking HERE. Help me grow this list, won’t you?
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