Hello friends. One of the astrological events that already stands out for 2013 is the Grand Water Trine that will take place in late June through late August, 2013. The Grand Water trine consists of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in Cancer, trine Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, trine Saturn in Scorpio. This will bring a significant DEPTH of feeling (Cancer,) intuitive knowledge and inspiration (Neptune,) as well as profound healing potential (Chiron.)
Also a natural depth perception and ability to perceive hidden truths; no matter how unpleasant or frightening they may be (Saturn in Scorpio.) Akashic Wisdom Keepers Commentary on the Grand Water Trine of 2013: Regarding the Grand Water Trine in Cancer, this has the potential to present a “healing crisis” for some, and for all a grand opportunity. WATER is identified source of cleansing, power, life and regeneration. It is in grand design that the “Yin” aspects of Gaia such as the waterways, lakes and oceans are highlighted at this time.
The Grand Water Trine event is a powerful opportunity for cleansing and connection at a divine level. Those beings that feel a connection to the Mer-beings and Slyphs will be highlighted at this time, and messages from these Kingdoms may be more pronounced and clear.
It is also an opportunity to create and re-create the highest possible outcomes for the ALL together as ONE MIND. Just as the human vehicle contains the knowledge, information and ability to heal and regenerate itself, so does Gaia.This ability and information has been suppressed through dis-information, indoctrination and involuntary servitude by the former controlling interests of the planet. Those that identify as Earth Stewards, Wayshowers, Light Anchors, and so forth, are now here and their purposes will be fulfilled. Hold no doubt and full faith that this will be done. It is vital to hold the highest loving context, knowing and state of purity for Gaia and all beings through these transitional periods to have the most positive outcome. You are the ones that make it so. And so it is. ~ The Keepers, 1.6.13
Tips for the water grand trine:
1) Attend to your personal needs: physically, spiritually and emotionally.
2) Give yourself permission to have your life be a “love only” zone and leave drama and discord at the door. You may be feeling more sensitive to others and may choose to spend more time alone and gravitate to more peaceful and like-minded people.
3) Give yourself permission to cry and to FEEL. Write, paint, make music or dance it out.
4) Open your heart. Seek out experiences to help this along. Plant a garden, adopt an animal, volunteer at a soup kitchen, etc.
5) Be compassionate of others and their needs. People may be having a myriad of experiences in these energies and they are all okay.
Hate, jealousy, and so on are simply signs of a fear-based personality which can’t sense the energy of love within its fields. Give that person a jump start by channeling love at them. If their fear is too great, it may not work, but at least the outpouring from you keeps their fear from infecting your fields. Without being patronizing, have a little compassion for it, because feeling so cut off from Spirit is a scary place to be. Remember? Never before in the history of this planet have the energies been more conducive to opening to this energy. Allow yourself to resonate with this new energy as it pours through your fields, and let it permeate all your relationships with everyone: lovers, friends, the mechanic who fixes your car, and the checkout clerk at the supermarket. ~Tony Stubbs
6) Healing potentials are great even for long-standing emotional and physical issues. “Medical intuition” and related practices will be greatly enhanced, along with healing tinctures and remedies with a water base such as flower and/or gem essences.
Healing Protocol for the Grand Water Trine ~
Such is the nature of water to cleanse and purify, I align with the Spirit of Water to heal. Such is the nature of water to clarify, I align with the Spirit of Water for wisdom and clarity. Such is the nature of water for depth of emotion, I align with the Spirit of Water for emotional balance.
May the healing waters bring me back to the truth of myself and heal the illusion of separation between myself and all others. Peace to the ONE that is here.
Healing Mantra: I am grateful for this experience. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. And so it is.
Beloveds during the time period of the Grand Water Trine you have a majestic opportunity to open to greater levels of divine love and truth than ever before. How so, you ask? Since you are beings of loving- kindness, nurturing and light at your very core, you have the opportunity to step more fully into this awareness and Grace. ~ The Keepers, 6.4.13
Happy healing and heart opening. Blessings all.
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2013. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.