By Meredith Smith
Dreamers, or night travelers, have the ability each night to return back to these dimensional realms, recognizable to our souls, to retrieve information from those who are deceased and reside on the other side. These amazing nightly travels happen to everyone who lay down their head to rest.However some people have a difficult time recalling their chance meetings with the dead.
Dreamers who are unable to recall their dreams upon waking, may not be allowing themselves to receive these messages –somewhere within them lays a blockage from their past or present, and with this they remove belief of the possibility that they too greet the dead during the dreamtime. It is easy to disregard visitations as a visit from a spirit, preferring to view them just as a symbolic representation of a particular aspect of oneself – although this can be a true interpretation to explore, more often when the dead appears a dreamer is experiencing a visitation from a guide, a spirit, and or a deceased loved one. Why do dreamers receive visitations from the dead, both familiar and unfamiliar?
For most dreamers a visitation appears for one or two reasons:
- Someone the dreamer knows (family, friend, loved one, or distant familiar person) who recently died is a soul who just past and he/she needs the dreamer’s guidance in the transition from physical to soulful, and a feeling of reassurance of their physical death.
- The dreamer is in need of guidance, protection, comfort – a spirit, familiar or unfamiliar, will appear with a message, or love and warmth, for the dreamer, whether the dreamer realized he/she requested assistance or not.