Strange Happenings and Temporary Depletion – It’s Positivity Disguised!
I wanted to give a bit of a personal update given my longer-than-usual absense, and I should say that I, like many of you possibly, am in the midst of a difficult cleansing process that tends to take up a lot of my energy. I’m also recognizing the expanded facets of my role and what they require of me, and being led to spend most of my time in department stores yesterday so that I could transmute the collective dense energy in each store (which make no mistake, certainly takes its toll) has garnered a temporary depletion.
I also experienced a rather unsettling event on the night of Valentine’s Day (or Nova Earth Day) that manifested in the form of being stopped by a police officer as I was walking to the back door of my house at about 10 PM. The “peace officer” who was in a car with three or four others, one with a dog, grabbed me as if he was going to apprehend me for having done nothing, simply asked me a few questions about a perp in the area they were pursuing (while still holding my arm), and left.
The whole event was rather strange, and it along with a few other purely-bizzare things that have happened which are apparently results of the continually-intensifying energies, have garnered a drained and partially-confused feeling in me. (I personally possess the opinion that the cops didn’t know what they we’re doing – they “apprehended” our neighbor after that! The phrase “bumbling” comes to mind…)
I’m learning that while negativity is fading at this time, it’s keeping it’s grip and coming to and through us very, very easily if we allow it to. It can be hard for some of us not to feel negative when circumstances in our Lives seem to call for it, but the most prominent of channels who seem to agree on events playing-out at present are also encouraging us to keep to our positivity and resolve, even when things happening don’t seem to allow for or reward it.
I’m learning as well that sometimes, we are just going to experience strange or even unsettling things, some of which could continue to effect us and drain us of our positivity until we recognize a forming vasana and rightly put an end to its influence over us. Upon concluding and posting this personal update I will be taking the day for reflection, noticing the fact that very strange happenings as well as incredibly-positive happenings have played-out before me this past week.
I’m finding it much easier to return to a positive and Loving center. Things that would otherwise affect me strongly are not bothering me as much, most of the time. I know that if I were to meditate right now and really put my focus into feeling some blissful states of consciousness, I could be able to. So generally, things are positive and it is our ego who will always attempt to convince us otherwise.
Currently, I’m also in the midst of another writing project that could possibly turn out to be a doozy. I am working away as well at a couple of messages to eventually have posted, and I don’t want you dear readers to take my absense these past couple of days as a sign that depletion and difficulty is “getting to me” or anything of the sort. It’s all a part of the process and I can feel it will all have been highly worth the new paradigm we will have established.
I’ll ask you all to try to remain centered and positive in the face of, well, the Earth experience. Trust me – negativity, while fading, can be turned up to extreme extents if we allow it to be, while the positivity we have always been meant to find and feel will also intensify with each bit of our attention and focus we give it.
Wes Annac – Happily-exhausted while preparing for the next phases of the mission.