sábado, febrero 15, 2025

Steve Rother - Proyecto Banco del Parque - 9 de febrero 2025

Proyecto Banco del Parque – 9 de Febrero de 2025


Steve Rother:

¡Hola a todos! Bienvenidos al banco del parque. Estoy contento de que estén aquí hoy. Este será mi último Proyecto Banco del Parque al menos por un tiempo. Tengo demasiadas cosas en marcha en mi programa aquí por el momento. Jim continuará con estos, de modo que estará haciendo tres, dos o tres por mes, al menos por un tiempo. Puede que yo regrese más tarde, a hablar como invitado o algo de esa naturaleza, pero realmente he disfrutado de nuestro tiempo juntos. He disfrutado de trabajar con Jim y su equipo, y Roxane y la gente involucrada con eso. Un trabajo asombroso, realmente, trabajo realmente lindo.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - February 15, 2025

Morning Chaps. It seems I was not the only one to be completely zonked out by the incoming Energies last week. Are you able to offer any info on this, please?

Good morning to you, Blossom and Each One who finds themselves happily visiting these conversations. We Welcome you and we have Good news.

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - More Awakenings in Large Numbers - Feb 15, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We know that humanity is on an ascension path, but not everyone within your collective knows that and experiences it along with those of you who are awake. It is okay that they don’t know. Everyone must be given their free will, their ability to choose which version of reality they focus upon and which future they are creating for themselves. Therefore, you need not lament the fact that not everyone knows that humanity is ascending. We do not because we see the perfection of where everyone is and what everyone is choosing, and we invite you to do the same. We invite you not to worry about your friends and relatives who are not awake yet.

viernes, febrero 14, 2025

Aurora Ray - The Pleiadian Message - Feb 14, 2025

The Pleiadian Message

Dearest, beloved souls of light!

Our Pleiadians friends and family of the light forces of the universe want the world to know that we will never lose anyone from our own family, from the light! They have prepared for their mission since a very long time ago. They have trained in the missions they are going through today.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday February 14, 2025

On this day where the focus is on love, you may feel celebration for the love that you have, you may feel a heightened awareness of what you perceive as the absence of love in your life, or you may be sitting in a space of judgment waiting to see if someone will show you what you consider to be an appropriate display of love for you. What if you treated Valentine’s Day much the same way you do Thanksgiving? What if the basis of the day could be simply gratitude with no expectation?

Earth's Transformation to the Golden Age with the Pleiadians: Walking the Path of Light!

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Does It Matter if You’re a Pleiadian Starseed? - Feb 14, 2025

“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.

In your discovery of more of who you are, you may have developed a tendency to become more fascinated by who you were in other lifetimes, in other dimensions, and in other star systems than you are by exploring who you are in the here and now. And it's understandable because those other aspects of you are different. They are new to you. It is a novel experience to explore them, and it helps you to expand out your sense of self, and that's a good thing and it's a healthy thing.

jueves, febrero 13, 2025

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday February 13, 2025

Dear Ones, there are two elements that are great expanders – love and imagination. So if you are trying to move into grander new experiences, we highly recommend that you use both!

Love! Give love. Receive love. Allow love to flow to you and through you. Think of what you love. Imagine what else you could do with that love! What would you love to try? What would you love to experience?

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - All the Signs You See/Hear & Nudges You Feel - Feb 13, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are getting what you need from all angles and at all times. What you need is often a message or an inspired idea. It is a sign or it is a nudge, an impulse to move in a particular direction. That would be what you need, and you're always receiving it, no matter what it is. You may want to just have the lottery ticket that you're holding in your hand be the winner and for you to access a whole lot of abundance all at once. That's a want. That's a desire.

miércoles, febrero 12, 2025

Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation Transmission: Ascension Update - Feb 12, 2025

Galactic Federation Transmission: Ascension Update

Today I have come with a beautiful ascension update from our beloved Galactic Federation. I feel your hard work these days and the last few months have brought you closer to your soul. You can see the Light all around you. Nothing can take away that Light! Your soul is always powerful! Even if your physical body falls sick or breaks down, trust that you are eternal and that you will be healed as soon as you ask. Our Galactic Federation will help us every step of the way. Though they already are helping us by sending us messages like this one: