sábado, enero 11, 2025

Aurora Ray - The Secret to Entering The 5d Right Now - Jan 11, 2025

The Secret to Entering The 5d Right Now

The fifth dimension is not a time dimension. It is beyond the limitations of time. It means that time has no meaning.

It's a dimension of what we call in Sanskrit "yuga." And yuga refers to an era or a time when something fundamentally changes.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - Jan 11, 2025


Well, hello! Here we are in the new year, looking forward to some extreme changes for the better.

Welcome to you Blossom and Each one, whose Soul’s longing finds its way to these communications. We are excited to be with you once again, Blossom, after this short break.

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Update - Jan 11, 2025

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Judith Kusel - If you wish to go travel in a spaceship - Jan 11, 2025

If you wish to go travel in a spaceship and travel intergalactically, you need to be equipped to do so, not only physically, but on all levels.

I am being guided to share with you, yes you beautiful soul, because you are being prepared on all levels now, to exit the old earth and step onboard the new spaceship, the New Earth, which holds the Golden Age of miracles.

Natalia Alba - As we continue mastering our relationships - Jan 11, 2025

Beloved Ones,

As we continue mastering our relationships, releasing old cords, and creating new harmonic bonds with new souls, we have a Cancerian full moon whose main energies will assist us in working with our relationships. It is a time amid this transitional year in which many traumas, relationships, and situations will be dissolved, to work on strengthening soul bonds.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - The Awakened Collective: Change is Upon You - Jan 11, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing, been noticing, been witnessing all of you there in your new year of 2025, and we are very pleased with the way that you have been embracing that which is new. It is important for you all to welcome change with open arms because change will always be upon you. It will always be coming, and nothing can stay in one place. Nothing can stay static, even if it seems that way to you.

viernes, enero 10, 2025

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday January 10, 2025

What is the one thing in your life that you perceive as holding you back? Is it health? Is it financial? Is it love? Is it an old wound that you can’t seem to heal beyond?

Ask yourself honestly if you have been using the same old approach to your challenge. Dear Ones, if you have been trying the same thing repeatedly to no avail, perhaps it is time to mix things up. What could you do differently? How can you change your thinking about this issue? Is there a new approach you could try that you haven’t tried before?

Pamela Kribbe canalizando a María - Reclamando lo Femenino Interior

Pamela Kribbe canalizando a María

Estimados amigos,

Yo soy María, que fue la madre de Jeshua. Saludo a todos ustedes que se unan a esta reunión a principios del año 2023. Es un momento especial para todos nosotros, tanto de su lado como de mi lado, porque todos estamos conectados con el viaje, el viaje evolutivo que la humanidad o la humanidad está haciendo. A lo largo del tiempo, a lo largo de los siglos, la humanidad está evolucionando de la conciencia basada en el ego a la conciencia basada en el corazón.

The Ascended Lightbody

Daniel Scranton - Thymus:The Collective of Ascended Masters - The Hybrid Children & You - Jan 10, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We do see you there on Earth, living your lives, searching for your happiness and your truth, and we do attempt to advise you as best we can, but we also know that the best advice you can get does come in real time and it comes from within you. We do know that you are often cut off and shut off from that internal guidance, either by choice, or because you have gotten distracted by something that is happening out there in the world that seems so much more important. You of course were taught at a young age to value the intellect over the intuition, and what you want to do now is to value both equally.