sábado, octubre 31, 2020

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, October 31, 2020

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sometimes you have to let go, to receive.
In order to receive your next entitlement
your next offering
a complete surrender
of what was
is often in the forecast. 

In order to receive that which you are entitled to.


James Gilliland - Message From The Galactics, Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian and Andromedan Council - Oct 31, 2020


Message From The Galactics, Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian and Andromedan Council.

In the days to come you are going to see a grand polarity. It will be accelerated and amplified the byproduct of which is chaos. How much chaos is up to the people of Earth individually and collectively. There are those who align with Universal Law many refer to as Unity Consciousness the main premises of which are Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. The spiritually and technologically advanced Off Worlders, Ancient Ancestors, and Trans/Ultradimensionals have transcended all religious and cultural boundaries, war, disease, and poverty. They have fueless energy, anti/counter gravity and technologies beyond our wildest dreams. Tyranny does not exist in their civilizations. There is no lack, no competition they can replicate, materialize anything they need, the universe, multiverse is their playground.

Selacia - Enfrentando la Tormenta Impredecible -Un punto de cambio supremo – Oct 30, 2020

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo

Imagina que estás en un camino que no has recorrido antes y que el paisaje que tienes por delante se vuelve cada vez menos familiar. Para empezar, este camino es nuevo para ti. No se aplican las normas habituales de navegación. Y ahora, con cada paso, te estás volviendo cada vez más desorientado y ansioso, incluso preguntándote si tomaste un camino equivocado. Se siente inquietante. Entonces empiezas a dudar de ti mismo y de tu capacidad para encontrar tu camino. A continuación, se vuelve insensible porque no puede autoevaluar su situación y qué hacer a continuación. ¿Algo de esto te suena familiar, recordándote lo que es estar vivo ahora mismo?

Suzanne Lie - Galactic Family - Sheltering in Place - Oct. 31, 2020

Sheltering in Place


 We, the members of your Galactic Family, 

wish to speak with you about Sheltering in Place

The term: "Sheltering in Place!" is one that you never thought would be the reality in our not so far distant future. But what does "Sheltering in Place" really mean for our daily lives within this NOW.

For one thing, if one is "sheltered in a place and all alone," it is completely different from one who is "sheltered" in place with a loved one, which may be quite different from those who are "sheltered in place" with a large family.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Hope - October 31, 2020

Dear one, please remember each decision makes a difference.  Even though you may not fully understand, know that your free will and ability to choose can have a positive effect on the world around you.  Staying peaceful during this time of change moves you closer to the life you have been manifesting.  Hope comes in many forms.  If you are not able to see it yet, look a bit closer. ~ Creator

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light: - Energy Update - Oct 31, 2020

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

These are important times you are in and all Galactic Civilizations of Light, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host are holding the planet in Divine Love.

Celia Fenn - The energy of the Full Moon/Blue Moon/Halloween is amplifying the flows of Love and Sacred Light Codes into our Hearts - Oct 31, 2020

The energy of the Full Moon/Blue Moon/Halloween is amplifying the flows of Love and Sacred Light Codes into our Hearts.

We are approaching the Final Stages of this cycle of Ascension.

Starting tomorrow we will begin crossing an eleven day bridge that culminates at the 11/11.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, October 31, 2020

When you do not accept who you really are in your beingness, you are continuing to aggravate any unhealed aspects you have that came from not being accepted. Settling into your beingness and knowing it is more than enough heals the hurts you experienced when others tried to make you wrong for being who you really are. This is the healing piece that is currently looking to be addressed in order to set you up for the next exciting phase of your incarnation, because it is the luminosity of your beingness that lights your way into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

A Beautiful Sky @432Hz | Positive Vibes Always

Lena Stevens - Actualización de la Luna Llena del 31 de Octubre de 2020 - Octubre 29, 2020

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Queridos amigos, 

Esta es una Luna Azul y la segunda dentro del mismo mes. Esta poderosa luna establece el tono para noviembre y brinda un apoyo catártico para liberar el pasado, estirarnos para ir más allá de nuestras limitaciones y liberarnos de las trampas emocionales de los arrepentimientos, las decepciones, la culpa y la vergüenza. 
Realmente es hora de dejar de lado cualquier apego que tengas a lo que fue o debería haber sido y comenzar a soñar con lo que puede ser. Durante esta época de luna llena, es una buena práctica pensar en cosas que nunca soñarías que harías o podrías hacer, tener o experimentar y probártelas para ver si son de tamaño. Use su imaginación y sea creativo en sus "¿y si?".