viernes, octubre 25, 2019

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Octubre 25, 2019

Una vida solitaria no es necesariamente una vida sin las experiencias necesarias y ofrece mucho tiempo para la contemplación, y ciertamente los periodos silenciosos en vuestra vida son oportunidades para limpiar el desorden de vuestra mente. El pensamiento limpio llega con el conocimiento positivo que os capacita para seguir un plan de vida que os asegura oportunidades para aumentar vuestra evolución. Tened un plan de vida, y si está en línea con vuestras necesidades será apoyado por vuestros Guías. También os posibilitará tomar decisiones que van a hacer avanzar

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – October 25, 2019

A solitary life is not necessarily one without needed experiences and offers much time for contemplation, and certainly those quiet periods in your life are opportunities to clear the clutter from your mind. Clear thinking comes with positive knowledge that enables you to follow a life plan that is assured of opportunities to further your evolution. Have a life plan and if it is in line with your needs it will be supported by your Guides. It will also enable you to make decisions that are going to advance your plans in a way that is

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Reflexiones del Akash - Budapest, Hungría, Septiembre 27 y 29, 2019 - Seminario y Excursión a Visegrád

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Budapest, Hungría, Septiembre 27 y 29, 2019 - Seminario y Excursión a Visegrád

2 - Reflexiones del Akash

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estamos en Hungría, flotando sobre el Río Danubio, viajando río arriba, y este es el segundo de cuatro mensajes en Hungría este año. El tema de la primera canalización tenía con ver con la Reflexión (N.T. también reflejos); era Reflexiones de Hungría, qué significa ser húngaro y tener conocimiento esotérico, tanto de su pasado como del potencial de su futuro. Y el tema verdadero era el cambio de actitud basado en la nueva energía que está aquí. Que este mensaje sea sobre reflexiones. Que se vuelva mucho más esotérico.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - THE POWER OF PERCEPTION TO Birth New Earth - October 25, 2019

Birth New Earth
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

What does the term “Power of Perception” mean?  Of course that term has many different meetings for many different people.  For starters, what does “power” mean?  Some may think of having “power over others” and some may think of  “Inner Power.”  
“Inner Power” in this case is the power within your own SELF that you wish you could feel, you know you will feel some day, or better yet, the power within your own Multidimensional SELF that you have been awakening to more and more each day.

Sarah Varcas - 28th October – 20th November 2019: New moon in 5th degree of Scorpio followed by Mercury retrograde in Scorpio from 31st October - 24/10/2019

Healing Revelations
Sarah Varcas

The moon is new in the 5th degree of Scorpio at 3:40 a.m. UT on 28th October. This moon marks an opportunity to stop and take stock, turn within and ask some probing questions about what’s really going on in the places we most struggle in our lives. Excuses won’t cut it now. Pussy-footing around the point won’t work. Honest answers are necessary. We’ll know them by their energetic charge which floods our being when we articulate truth. We don’t even have to share it with others right now. It may indeed take

Natalie Glasson - Lord Buddha - Anchor the Purest Life - Oct 25, 2019

Anchor the Purest Life by Lord Buddha
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Awakening hidden cells of truth, wisdom, and knowingness in connection to your relationship with the Creator is the purpose of my mission, Lord Buddha, within the Ascension process and program. As Planetary Logos, it is my purpose to alert you to the vibrations within you waiting to unfold and blossom. My wish is to realign you with yourself as a divine essence, this can only be drawn from within you and can only take place within you. It is important to realise you are the holy temple through which the Creator emerges. The links, connections and inspiration you access and experience within your being are the most essential, powerful

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, October 25, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, October 25, 2019

See the transformative potentiality that exists within your midst.

Refuse to be led by past associations
and arise to your full mastery.

Selacia - Focusing Your Mind During Chaos - Role of Your Spiritual Heart - Oct 25, 2019

We're now sitting in a powerful and intense cycle of Scorpio energy - bringing to the surface emotions and power plays of both a personal and societal nature. Simultaneously, this energy can catalyze revelations and surprises beneficial for your spiritual path. A key challenge in accessing these benefits is being able to focus your mind during chaos. Continue reading to better understand this challenge and the role of your spiritual heart in accessing clarity before taking action.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - The Biggest Puzzle - Mt. Shasta, CA, June 22, 2019

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometimes information is even added or condensed. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Mt. Shasta.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. What follows is the story of a very old, historic consciousness of the planet, which is starting to crack open due to evolving Old Souls. I'm going to call this message, "The Biggest Puzzle."

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - One Thought…- October 25, 2019

One Thought…

As the shifts and energy waves continue, please be sure to give yourself a little space to breathe. As you weave your way through the triggers, the growth and learning and navigating other’s reactions to this new phase, please know that great care is being taken of you. If, by chance, you find yourself reacting in a less than light-filled way, remember to forgive and know that one thought can put you back on your path. A seemingly small personal shift can redirect the course for you and those around you. ~ Creator